コード例 #1
ファイル: CronJobs.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Sends faculty members an email for missing exams
 public final function missingExamEmailReminders()
     $model = new \Ventus\Faculty\Faculty();
     $range = $this->getExamDateRange(time());
     $rangeStart = $range['start'];
     $rangeEnd = $range['end'];
     // Get all exams that do not have files
     $sql = "SELECT CONCAT_WS('', r.course_code, course_section) AS course_code_section,\n                       GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(cc.professor_last_name, ', ', cc.professor_first_name) SEPARATOR ' | ') AS prof\n                  FROM ventus_professor_exam_requests r\n             LEFT JOIN org_courses c\n                    ON (r.course_code = c.code AND r.course_section = c.section AND r.session = c.session)\n             LEFT JOIN org_course_classes cc\n                    ON (c.course_id = cc.course_id AND r.teach_method = cc.teaching_method)\n                 WHERE r.exam_request_id NOT IN (\n                SELECT request_id\n                  FROM ventus_faculty_files\n                       )\n                   AND r.exam_request_id IN (\n                SELECT professor_exam_request_id\n                  FROM ventus_exam_requests\n                 WHERE is_cancelled = 0\n                       )\n                   AND r.exam_date BETWEEN :start AND :end\n                   AND r.faculty_cron_logged = 0\n                   AND r.deleted = 0\n                   AND r.is_confirmed = 1\n              GROUP BY r.exam_request_id, c.course_id;";
     $exams = $this->db->query($sql, array('start' => $rangeStart->format(DATETIME_MYSQL), 'end' => $rangeEnd->format(DATETIME_MYSQL)))->fetchAll();
     foreach ($exams as $e) {
         // Check permissions
         $users = $model->fetchUsersWithPermission($e['course_code_section'], true);
         $emails = array();
         foreach ($users as $u) {
             $emails[] = $u['email'];
         if (!empty($emails)) {
             $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_FACULTY . '/emails/missing-exams-reminder.php', $this->db->pick(array('course_code_section', 'prof'), $e));
             parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
     // Update faculty_cron_logged
     $uSql = "UPDATE ventus_professor_exam_requests\n                    SET faculty_cron_logged = 1\n                  WHERE exam_request_id NOT IN (\n                 SELECT request_id\n                   FROM ventus_faculty_files\n                        )\n                    AND exam_date BETWEEN :start AND :end;";
     $this->db->query($uSql, array('start' => $rangeStart->format(DATETIME_MYSQL), 'end' => $rangeEnd->format(DATETIME_MYSQL)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: CronJobs.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Notifies admins of expiring accounts
 public final function notifyAdminsForExpiry()
     $startRange = new \DateTime();
     $endRange = clone $startRange;
     $endRange->modify("+14 day");
     $sql = "SELECT user_id, user_name, CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS account_name, expires_on\n                  FROM ventus_users\n                 WHERE DATE(expires_on) BETWEEN :start AND :end\n              ORDER BY expires_on ASC;";
     $expiryNotify = $this->db->query($sql, array('start' => $startRange->format(DATETIME_MYSQL), 'end' => $endRange->format(DATETIME_MYSQL)))->fetchAll();
     if (!empty($expiryNotify)) {
         $contentArray = array('expiryNotify' => $expiryNotify, 'startRange' => $startRange, 'endRange' => $endRange);
         $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_PROFILE . '/emails/expiring-account.php', $contentArray);
         $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance("VENTUS: Rappel d'expiration de compte | Expiring accounts reminder")->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_NO_REPLY . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo(EMAIL_ALIAS_VENTUS_ADMIN . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN);
         parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #3
ファイル: CronJobs.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Notifies workshop attendees of upcoming workshops
 public final function notifyWorkshopAttendees()
     $sql = 'SELECT w.workshop, w.facilitator, DATE(w.start) AS start_date, s.email,
                    TIME(w.start) AS start_time, TIME(w.end) AS end_time, w.location,
                    CONCAT(s.first_name, " ", s.last_name) AS student_name, a.id AS attendance_id,
                    w.service_id as department
               FROM ventus_workshops_attendees a
               JOIN ventus_workshops w
                 ON a.workshop_id = w.workshop_id
               JOIN org_students s
                 ON a.student_num = s.student_id
               JOIN ventus_users u
                 ON w.emp_id = u.user_id
              WHERE a.cron_logged = 0
                AND w.is_cancelled = 0
                AND w.hidden_workshop = 0
                AND DATE(start) = CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL 1 DAY
                AND s.email <> "";';
     $workshops = $this->db->query($sql)->fetchAll();
     $uSql = "UPDATE ventus_workshops_attendees\n                    SET cron_logged = 1, updated_on = NOW()\n                  WHERE id = :id;";
     $uSqlStmt = $this->db->prepare($uSql);
     foreach ($workshops as $r) {
         switch ($r['department']) {
             case SERVICE_ID_ACCESS:
                 $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_WORKSHOPS . '/emails/workshop-reminder-access-service.php', $r);
             case SERVICE_ID_COUNSELLING:
                 $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_WORKSHOPS . '/emails/workshop-reminder-counselling.php', $r);
         $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance("Rappel d'atelier / Workshop reminder [{$r['workshop']}]")->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_NO_REPLY . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo($r['email']);
         //If it's a workshop held by AS, accessia needs to be bcc'd
         if ($r['department'] === SERVICE_ID_ACCESS) {
         parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
         //Update database so that reminder is not sent out repeatedly
         $uSqlStmt->bindValue('id', $r['attendance_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
コード例 #4
ファイル: CronJobs.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
 public final function notifyNoShows()
     $sql = 'SELECT s.email, CONCAT(s.first_name, " ", s.last_name) AS student_name, s.student_id,
                    p.course_code, p.course_section, p.teach_method,
                    DATE(r.official_evaluation_starttime) AS start_date,
                    TIME(r.official_evaluation_starttime) AS start_time,
                    TIME(r.official_evaluation_endtime) AS end_time
               FROM ventus_exam_requests r
               JOIN ventus_professor_exam_requests p
                 ON r.professor_exam_request_id = p.exam_request_id
               JOIN org_students s
                 ON r.student_num = s.student_id
              WHERE r.is_cancelled = 0
                AND p.deleted = 0
                AND r.proctor_cron_logged = 0
                AND r.proctor_initiated = 0
                AND DATE(r.official_evaluation_starttime) < CURRENT_DATE;';
     $no_shows = $this->db->query($sql)->fetchAll();
     $uSql = 'UPDATE ventus_exam_requests r
                JOIN ventus_professor_exam_requests p
                  ON r.professor_exam_request_id = p.exam_request_id
                JOIN org_students s
                  ON r.student_num = s.student_id
                 SET r.proctor_cron_logged = 1
               WHERE r.is_cancelled = 0
                 AND p.deleted = 0
                 AND r.proctor_cron_logged = 0
                 AND r.proctor_initiated = 0
                 AND DATE(r.official_evaluation_starttime) < DATE(NOW());';
     foreach ($no_shows as $r) {
         $subject = "Absence sur place / No show ({$r['student_id']}) ({$r['course_code']} {$r['course_section']} {$r['teach_method']})";
         $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_PROCTOR . '/emails/no-show-student.php', $r);
         $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance($subject)->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_EXAMS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo($r['email'])->setBcc(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_VENTUS_COMMUNICATION . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN);
         parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #5
ファイル: CronJobs.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Sends an email to Access Service notifying of students with more than one exam in a day
  * @param array $examDetails The exam details
 private function sendConflictEmail(array $examDetails)
     $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_EXAMS . '/emails/exam-conflict-notification.php', $examDetails);
     parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #6
ファイル: CalendarGlobal.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * When an appointment is marked as cancelled, this function is called and sends an email to the student
  * @param int $id The ID of the event
  * @param int $empId The current user
 private function sendCancellationEmail($id)
     $sql = "SELECT DATE(c.appointment_start) AS start_date, s.email, c.event_id,\n                           TIME(c.appointment_start) AS start_time, TIME(c.appointment_end) AS end_time,\n                           CONCAT(s.first_name, ' ', s.last_name) AS student_name,\n                           CONCAT(u.first_name, ' ', u.last_name) AS emp_name, u.department\n                      FROM ventus_calendar c\n                      JOIN org_students s\n                        ON c.student = s.student_id\n                      JOIN ventus_users u\n                        ON c.emp_id = u.user_id\n                      JOIN ventus_calendar_appointment_types t\n                        ON c.appointment_type_id = t.appointment_type_id\n                     WHERE s.email <> ''\n                       AND c.event_id = :id\n                       AND t.email_enabled = 1;";
     $result = $this->db->query($sql, array('id' => $id))->fetch();
     switch ($result['department']) {
         case SERVICE_ID_ACCESS:
             $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_CALENDAR . '/emails/appointment-cancelled-access-service.php', $result);
             $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_CALENDAR . '/emails/appointment-cancelled-counselling.php', $result);
     if (isset($html)) {
         $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance('Annulation de votre rendez-vous / Notice of appointment cancellation')->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_NO_REPLY . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo($result['email']);
         //If it's an appointment at AS, accessia needs to be bcc'd
         if ($result['department'] === SERVICE_ID_ACCESS) {
         parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #7
ファイル: EmailsToProfessors.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * For a given final exam NOE, send a reminder to all the course professors
  * @param string $confirmation_id The NOE confirmation ID
  * @param string $course_code The course code
  * @param string $course_section The course section
  * @param string $session The session
  * @param string $teach_method The teach method
 public function sendFinalExamReminder($confirmation_id, $course_code, $course_section, $session, $teach_method)
     $course_exceptions = unserialize(CAM_LETTER_EMAIL_EXCEPTIONS);
     if (!is_string($course_code)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Course code supplied is not a valid string...");
     if (!ctype_digit($session)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Session supplied is not a valid five digit integer...");
     //Get all the NOE details
     $sql = "SELECT session, course_code, course_section, exam_type, exam_date, exam_alternate_special,\n                       exam_alternate_special_student, exam_duration, confirmation_key, contact_name, contact_number,\n                       requestor_email, teach_method\n                  FROM ventus_professor_exam_requests\n                 WHERE confirmation_key = :confirmation_key\n                   AND deleted = 0;";
     $noe_details = $this->db->query($sql, array('confirmation_key' => $confirmation_id))->fetch();
     //Find all the relevant professor emails for this NOE
     $params = array($course_code, $course_section, $session, $teach_method);
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(cc.professor_email)\n                  FROM org_course_classes cc\n                  JOIN org_courses c\n                    ON c.course_id = cc.course_id\n                 WHERE c.code = ?\n                   AND c.section = ?\n                   AND c.session = ?\n                   AND cc.teaching_method = ?\n                   AND cc.professor_email <> ''\n                   AND cc.stpaul = 0";
     foreach ($course_exceptions as $key => $prefix) {
         $params[] = $key;
         $sql .= " AND SUBSTRING(c.code, 1, ?) <> ?";
     $professor_emails = $this->db->query($sql, $params)->fetchAll();
     // Initialize professor_email (1D array)
     $email_to = array();
     if (in_array(substr($course_code, 0, COURSE_CODE_PREFIX_ABBREVIATION_LENGTH), array_keys($course_exceptions))) {
         $email_to = array($course_exceptions[substr($course_code, 0, COURSE_CODE_PREFIX_ABBREVIATION_LENGTH)] => $course_exceptions[substr($course_code, 0, COURSE_CODE_PREFIX_ABBREVIATION_LENGTH)]);
     } else {
         // Create a recursive iterator
         $it = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($professor_emails));
         // Push elements of the professor into professor_email
         foreach ($it as $v) {
             array_push($email_to, $v);
         // Eliminate duplicate emails
         $email_to = array_unique($email_to);
         // Eliminate null, 0, '' or false
         $email_to = array_filter($email_to);
     //Generate and send email
     $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_PROFESSOR . '/emails/final-exam-reminder.php', $noe_details);
     if (!empty($email_to)) {
         $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance('Avis d’examen final et rappel/Notice of final exam and reminder')->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_EXAMS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo($email_to)->setBcc(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_VENTUS_COMMUNICATION . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN);
         parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #8
ファイル: MyProfile.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Send a verification email. Type refers to either reset password or 1st time account
  * @param string $data The username of the employee
  * @param string $hash The reset password hash
  * @return int
 private function sendEmailConfirmation($data, $hash)
     $to = $data . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN;
     $header = "Compte Ventus / Ventus account";
     $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_PROFILE . '/emails/new-account.php', array('hash' => $hash));
     $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance($header)->setFrom(array('ventus' . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN => 'ventus' . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN))->setTo(array($to => $to))->setBcc(array(EMAIL_ALIAS_VENTUS_ADMIN . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN => EMAIL_ALIAS_VENTUS_ADMIN . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN));
     return parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #9
ファイル: StudentProfile.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Send CAM letter to all professors for this semester
  * @param mixed $student The student
  * @param array $attachments Email file attachments
  * @param string $email_cc The address to CC
  * @param string $email_bcc The address to BCC
  * @param array $course_details The course details
 public function sendCAMLetterForStudentCourse($student, array $attachments, $email_cc, $email_bcc, array $course_details)
     $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_STUDENT . '/emails/cam.php');
     $course_code_section = $course_details['code'] . (!empty($course_details['section']) ? ' ' . $course_details['section'] : '') . ' ' . $course_details['teaching_method'];
     $exceptions = unserialize(CAM_LETTER_EMAIL_EXCEPTIONS);
     //If the course code is one of the restricted ones, redirect the email to the assigned person
     if (key_exists(substr($course_details['code'], 0, COURSE_CODE_PREFIX_ABBREVIATION_LENGTH), $exceptions)) {
         $email_to = array($exceptions[substr($course_details['code'], 0, COURSE_CODE_PREFIX_ABBREVIATION_LENGTH)] => $exceptions[substr($course_details['code'], 0, COURSE_CODE_PREFIX_ABBREVIATION_LENGTH)]);
     } else {
         $prof_emails = $course_details['professor_email'];
         if (!empty($prof_emails)) {
             $email_to = array();
             foreach ($prof_emails as $prof_email) {
                 $email_to[$prof_email] = $prof_email;
         } else {
     $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance("CMA/CAM - Object/Re: {$course_code_section} - étudiant(e) / student: {$student}")->setFrom(array(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_COUNSELORS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN => EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_COUNSELORS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN))->setTo($email_to)->setBcc($email_bcc);
     //If the course code is NOT one of the restricted ones, only then must the student be cc'd
     if (!key_exists(substr($course_details['code'], 0, COURSE_CODE_PREFIX_ABBREVIATION_LENGTH), $exceptions)) {
     if (!empty($attachments)) {
         foreach ($attachments as $a) {
             $attachment = \Swift_Attachment::newInstance($a['content'], $a['name'] . '.pdf', 'application/pdf');
     parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #10
ファイル: Appointment.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Send an email to student who just booked appointment
  * @param array $data appointment information
  * @param boolean $booked whether the appointment was booked (true) or cancelled (false)
  * @return int The number of email messages sent
 public function appointmentEmail(array $data, $booked)
     $student_data = $this->db->query("SELECT first_name, last_name, email\n                                          FROM org_students\n                                          WHERE student_id = :student", array('student' => $data['student']))->fetch();
     $employee_data = $this->db->query("SELECT first_name as emp_first_name, last_name as emp_last_name, department as dep_id\n                                           FROM ventus_users\n                                           WHERE user_id = :emp_id", array('emp_id' => $data['emp_id']))->fetch();
     $department_data = $this->db->query("SELECT service_name_en, service_name_fr\n                                             FROM org_services\n                                             WHERE service_id = :dep_id", array('dep_id' => $employee_data['dep_id']))->fetch();
     $data = array_merge($data, $student_data, $employee_data, $department_data);
     if ($booked) {
         $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_STUDENT . '/emails/appointment-booked.php', $data);
         $subject = "Booked appointment with {$data['service_name_en']}";
     } else {
         $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_STUDENT . '/emails/appointment-canceled.php', $data);
         $subject = "Cancelled appointment with {$data['service_name_en']}";
     $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance($subject)->setFrom(array(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_COUNSELORS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN => EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_COUNSELORS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN))->setTo($data[email]);
     return parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #11
ファイル: UserProfile.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Sends an email to the user with a confirmation link to reset their password
  * @param string $email The user's email alias
  * @param string $key The password reset key
 private function sendPasswordResetConfirmationEmail($email, $key)
     $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_FACULTY . '/emails/password-reset.php', array('password_reset_key' => $key, 'email' => $email));
     $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance('Réinitialisation du mot de passe du compte employé au Ventus / Ventus staff account password reset')->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_NO_REPLY . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo($email . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN);
     parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Faculty.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Sends an email reminder to a faculty user
  * @param string $email The email address
 public function sendReminderEmail($email)
     $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_FACULTY . '/emails/missing-exams-reminder-generic.php');
     parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #13
ファイル: CronJobs.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Emails students that have upcoming final exams on the final exam reminder date
  * @param array $accommodations The accommodations to filter by
 public final function finalExamReminder(array $accommodations)
     $month_day_today = date('m-d');
     if (in_array($month_day_today, unserialize(STUDENT_FINAL_EXAM_REMINDER_FALL_SEND_ON), true)) {
         $currentSessionEn = "Fall";
         $currentSessionFr = "Autumne";
         $deadlineEn = "November 15";
         $deadlineFr = "15 Novembre";
     } elseif (in_array($month_day_today, unserialize(STUDENT_FINAL_EXAM_REMINDER_WINTER_SEND_ON), true)) {
         $currentSessionEn = "Winter";
         $currentSessionFr = "Hiver";
         $deadlineEn = "March 15";
         $deadlineFr = "15 Mars";
     } else {
         //Today is not either one of the fall or winter reminder dates
     $semester = \Ventus\Utilities\Functions::fetchSemester();
     //Fetch all students who have unconfirmed final exams
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(s.access_username) AS email\n                  FROM ventus_professor_exam_requests p\n                  JOIN org_courses c\n                    ON c.code = p.course_code\n                   AND c.section = p.course_section\n                   AND c.session = p.session\n                  JOIN org_course_classes cc\n                    ON c.course_id = cc.course_id\n                  JOIN org_student_course_classes sc\n                    ON cc.class_id = sc.class_id\n                  JOIN ventus_students s\n                    ON s.student_num = sc.student_id\n                  JOIN ventus_student_accommodations vsa\n                    ON s.student_num = vsa.student_num\n             LEFT JOIN ventus_student_accommodations_exceptions vsae\n                    ON s.student_num = vsae.student_num\n                   AND vsae.course_code = p.course_code\n                   AND vsae.course_section = p.course_section\n                   AND vsae.session = p.session\n             LEFT JOIN ventus_students_courses_no_accommodations vscna\n                    ON s.student_num = vscna.student_num\n                   AND vscna.course_code = p.course_code\n                   AND vscna.course_section = p.course_section\n                   AND vscna.session = p.session \n                  JOIN ventus_accommodations va \n                    ON vsa.accommodation_id = va.accommodation_id \n                    OR vsae.accommodation_id = va.accommodation_id \n                  JOIN ventus_accommodation_types vat \n                    ON va.type_id = vat.type_id\n                 WHERE s.access_profile_activated_by_student = 1\n                   AND p.is_confirmed = 1\n                   AND p.session = '{$semester['now_short']}'\n                   AND p.exam_type = 'final'\n                   AND p.deleted = 0\n                   AND vat.category IN (" . implode(',', array_fill(0, sizeof($accommodations), '?')) . ")\n                   AND (p.exam_request_id, s.student_num) NOT IN (\n                SELECT professor_exam_request_id, student_num\n                  FROM ventus_exam_requests\n                       )\n                   AND (p.exam_request_id, s.student_num) NOT IN (\n                SELECT professor_exam_request_id, student_num\n                  FROM ventus_exam_requests_denied\n                       )\n                   AND (CURDATE() BETWEEN vsa.effective_on AND vsa.expires_on \n                    OR CURDATE() BETWEEN vsae.effective_on AND vsae.expires_on)\n                   AND vscna.opt_out_id IS NULL;";
     $eligible = $this->db->query($sql, $accommodations)->fetchAll();
     if (!empty($eligible)) {
         $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_STUDENT . '/emails/final-exam-reminder.php', array('currentSessionFr' => $currentSessionFr, 'currentSessionEn' => $currentSessionEn, 'deadlineFr' => $deadlineFr, 'deadlineEn' => $deadlineEn));
         $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance('RAPPEL IMPORTANT REMINDER - Examens finaux au Service d\'accès / Final Exams at Access Service')->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_EXAMS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setBcc(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_VENTUS_COMMUNICATION . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN);
         foreach ($eligible as $e) {
             if (!empty($e['email'])) {
                 parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #14
ファイル: SurveyCronJob.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Notifies students to do the survey
 public final function notifyStudentsForSurveys()
     $sql = "SELECT DATE(sl.survey_sent_on) AS event_semester, s.email, sl.email_link, sl.list_id,\n                       CONCAT(s.first_name, ' ', s.last_name) AS student_name,\n                       v.service_name_en, v.service_name_fr\n                  FROM ventus_survey_student_list sl\n             LEFT JOIN org_services v\n                    ON sl.survey_sent_on_service_id = v.service_id\n             LEFT JOIN org_students s\n                    ON sl.student_number = s.student_id\n                 WHERE sl.cron_logged = 0\n              GROUP BY s.student_id";
     $surveys = $this->db->query($sql)->fetchAll();
     if (!empty($surveys)) {
         $sql = "UPDATE ventus_survey_student_list\n                       SET cron_logged = 1, survey_sent_on = NOW()\n                     WHERE list_id = :list_id;";
         $stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql);
         foreach ($surveys as $a) {
             $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_SURVEY . '/emails/survey-invitation.php', $a);
             $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject("uOttawa, SASS - Sondage / Survey")->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_NO_REPLY . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo($a['email']);
             parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
             //Update database so that email is not sent out repeatedly
             $stmt->bindValue('list_id', $a['list_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
             $this->db->execute($stmt, $sql);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Requests.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Inform those responsible for the course that a paper copy has been received
  * @param int $request_id The exam request ID
 public function notifyDocumentReceived($request_id)
     if (!ctype_digit($request_id) && !is_int($request_id)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid exam request ID");
     $sql = "SELECT p.exam_duration, p.course_code, p.course_section, p.teach_method, p.exam_date\n                  FROM ventus_professor_exam_requests p\n                  JOIN ventus_exam_requests r\n                    ON p.exam_request_id = r.professor_exam_request_id\n                 WHERE r.request_id = :request_id;";
     $request_details = $this->db->query($sql, array('request_id' => $request_id))->fetch();
     if (!empty($request_details)) {
         $to = array();
         // Check against these factors for faculty user permissions
         $facultyModel = new \Ventus\Faculty\Faculty();
         $users = $facultyModel->fetchUsersWithPermission($request_details['course_code'] . $request_details['course_section'], true);
         foreach ($users as $u) {
             $to[] = $u['email'];
         if (!empty($to)) {
             $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_EXAMS . '/emails/documents-received.php', $request_details);
             $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance("Copie papier reçu / Hard copy received ({$request_details['course_code']} {$request_details['course_code']} {$request_details['course_section']} - " . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request_details['exam_date'])) . ')')->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_EXAMS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo($to)->setBcc(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_VENTUS_COMMUNICATION . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN);
             parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #16
ファイル: CronJobs.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Notifies students for missed appointments
 public final function notifyStudentsForMissedAppointments()
     $sql = "SELECT DATE(c.appointment_start) AS start_date, s.email, c.event_id,\n                       TIME(c.appointment_start) AS start_time, TIME(c.appointment_end) AS end_time,\n                       CONCAT(s.first_name, ' ', s.last_name) AS student_name,\n                       CONCAT(u.first_name, ' ', u.last_name) AS emp_name, u.department,\n                       v.counselling_email_permission, v.student_num, v.hash_link\n                  FROM ventus_calendar c\n                  JOIN org_students s\n                    ON c.student = s.student_id\n                  JOIN ventus_users u\n                    ON c.emp_id = u.user_id\n                  JOIN ventus_calendar_appointment_types t\n                    ON c.appointment_type_id = t.appointment_type_id\n                  JOIN ventus_students v\n                    ON s.student_id = v.student_num \n                 WHERE c.student_cron_logged = 0\n                   AND s.email <> ''\n                   AND t.email_enabled != 0\n                   AND DATE(c.appointment_start) = CURRENT_DATE() - INTERVAL 1 DAY\n                   AND (c.appointment_status = 'no_show')\n                   AND (c.appointment_type_id = 53);";
     $updateSql = "UPDATE ventus_calendar\n                    SET student_cron_logged = 1, updated_on = NOW()\n                  WHERE event_id = :event_id;";
     $preparedUpdateSql = $this->db->prepare($updateSql);
     $missedAppointments = $this->db->query($sql)->fetchAll();
     foreach ($missedAppointments as $a) {
         switch ($a['department']) {
             case SERVICE_ID_ACCESS:
                 $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_CALENDAR . '/emails/appointment-missed-access-service.php', $a);
             case SERVICE_ID_COUNSELLING:
                 $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_CALENDAR . '/emails/appointment-missed-counselling.php', $a);
         if (isset($html)) {
             $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance('Missed Appointment / Missed Appointment')->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_NO_REPLY . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo($a['email']);
             //If it's an appointment at AS, accessia needs to be bcc'd
             if ($a['department'] === SERVICE_ID_ACCESS) {
             parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
             //Update database so that reminder is not sent out repeatedly
             $preparedUpdateSql->bindValue('event_id', $a['event_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Courses.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Sends out an email to the student to notify them of opted in
  * @param string $student_email The student's email address
  * @param array $opt_in_details The opt in details
 private function sendOptedInEmail($student_email, array $opt_in_details)
     // Send an email to the student and AS informing them of this change
     $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_SPECIALIST . '/emails/opt-in.php', $opt_in_details);
     $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance("Vous avez rétabli vos mesures adaptées ({$opt_in_details['course']}) / You have opted back in for Adapted measures ({$opt_in_details['course']})")->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_COUNSELORS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo($student_email)->setBcc(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_VENTUS_COMMUNICATION . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN);
     parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #18
ファイル: ExamRequests.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Notifies the Exams team of an exam conflict
  * @param int $student_num The student number
  * @param \DateTime $start_time The start time of the exam
 private function examConflictNotification($student_num, \DateTime $start_time)
     $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_STUDENT . '/emails/exam-conflict-warning.php', array('student_num' => $student_num, 'start_time' => $start_time->format(DATETIME_MYSQL)));
     parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #19
ファイル: RequestForm.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * For an invalid request, send an email saying that it was invalid
  * @param array $data The NOE data
 public function sendInvalidInformationEmail(array $data)
     $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_PROFESSOR . '/emails/invalid-noe.php', $data);
     $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance('Demande de mesures adaptées pour un examen / Request for Adapted Exam')->setFrom(array(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_EXAMS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN => EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_EXAMS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN))->setTo(array($data['requestor_email'] => $data['requestor_email']))->setBcc(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_VENTUS_COMMUNICATION . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN);
     parent::sendEmail($message, $html);
コード例 #20
ファイル: NOE.php プロジェクト: hughnguy/php
  * Sends an email to a student notifying them of a change to their exam
  * @param string $name The student name
  * @param string $email The student email
  * @param string $course The course
  * @param string $start The start date/time of the exam
  * @param string $end The end date/time of the exam
  * @param string $duration The exam duration
 private function sendExamChangeNotificationToStudent($name, $email, $course, $start, $end, $duration)
     $exam_date = \DateTime::createFromFormat(DATETIME_MYSQL, $start)->format('Y-m-d');
     $html = parent::fetchEmailContent(FS_EXAMS . '/emails/exam-time-change.php', array('student_name' => $name, 'course' => $course, 'official_evaluation_starttime' => $start, 'official_evaluation_endtime' => $end, 'exam_duration' => $duration));
     $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance("Changement à l'heure d'un examen / Changes to examination time ({$course} - {$exam_date})")->setFrom(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_EXAMS . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN)->setTo($email)->setBcc(EMAIL_ALIAS_ACCESS_SERVICE_VENTUS_COMMUNICATION . EMAIL_ORG_STAFF_DOMAIN);
     parent::sendEmail($message, $html);