public function getSinglePirep(Pirep $pirep) { // Do we have access to this PIREP? if ($pirep->booking->pilot->id !== PilotRepository::getCurrentPilot()->id) { return redirect('/pireps'); } // Calculate some data bits (keep it out of the view) $extras = []; // Airborne Time $takeoff = new Carbon($pirep->departure_time); $landing = new Carbon($pirep->landing_time); $extras['airborneTime'] = $takeoff->diff($landing); // Blocks Time $offBlocks = new Carbon($pirep->off_blocks_time); $onBlocks = new Carbon($pirep->on_blocks_time); $extras['blocksTime'] = $offBlocks->diff($onBlocks); // Total Time $start = new Carbon($pirep->pirep_start_time); $finish = new Carbon($pirep->pirep_end_time); $extras['totalTime'] = $start->diff($finish); // Planned Route $routeService = new Route(); $extras['routePoints'] = $routeService->getAllPointsForRoute($pirep->booking->route); // Format Text Log (ugly, I know!) $extras['log'] = str_replace('[', ' [', $pirep->log); // Display the PIREP! return view('pireps/single', ['pirep' => $pirep, 'extras' => $extras]); }
public function getView(Pirep $pirep) { // Calculate some data bits (keep it out of the view) $extras = []; // Airborne Time $takeoff = new Carbon($pirep->departure_time); $landing = new Carbon($pirep->landing_time); $extras['airborneTime'] = $takeoff->diff($landing); // Blocks Time $offBlocks = new Carbon($pirep->off_blocks_time); $onBlocks = new Carbon($pirep->on_blocks_time); $extras['blocksTime'] = $offBlocks->diff($onBlocks); // Total Time $start = new Carbon($pirep->pirep_start_time); $finish = new Carbon($pirep->pirep_end_time); $extras['totalTime'] = $start->diff($finish); // Planned Route $routeService = new Route(); $extras['routePoints'] = $routeService->getAllPointsForRoute($pirep->booking->route); // Format Text Log (ugly, I know!) $extras['log'] = str_replace('[', ' [', $pirep->log); // Display the PIREP! return view('pireps/single', ['pirep' => $pirep, 'extras' => $extras, 'staffBar' => true]); }
/** * Bind data to the view. * * @param Route $route * @param View $view */ public function compose(View $view) { $routeService = new Route(); $pilot = PilotRepository::getCurrentPilot(); $currentBooking = Booking::has('pirep', '<', 1)->where('pilot_id', '=', $pilot->id)->first(); $view->with('currentBooking', $currentBooking); $view->with('upcomingBookings', Booking::has('pirep', '<', 1)->limit(10)->skip(1)->where('pilot_id', '=', $pilot->id)->get()); $view->with('routePoints', $routeService->getAllPointsForRoute($currentBooking->route)); $view->with('depMetar', Cache::remember('Metar:' . $currentBooking->route->departureAirport->icao, 10, function () use($currentBooking) { return file_get_contents('' . strtoupper($currentBooking->route->departureAirport->icao) . '.TXT'); })); $view->with('arrMetar', Cache::remember('Metar:' . $currentBooking->route->arrivalAirport->icao, 10, function () use($currentBooking) { return file_get_contents('' . strtoupper($currentBooking->route->arrivalAirport->icao) . '.TXT'); })); }