/** * Renders a list of checkboxes. * A checkbox list allows multiple selection, like [[listBox()]]. * As a result, the corresponding submitted value is an array. * The selection of the checkbox list is taken from the value of the model attribute. * @param array $items the data item used to generate the checkboxes. * The array values are the labels, while the array keys are the corresponding checkbox values. * @param array $options options (name => config) for the checkbox list. * For the list of available options please refer to the `$options` parameter of [[\yii\helpers\Html::activeCheckboxList()]]. * @return $this the field object itself */ public function checkboxList($items, $options = []) { $this->adjustLabelFor($options); $this->parts['{input}'] = Html::activeCheckboxList($this->model, $this->attribute, $items, $options); return $this; }