コード例 #1
  * Returns the web accessible URI for the resource object specified by the
  * given SHA1 hash.
  * @param string $resourceHash The SHA1 hash identifying the resource content
  * @param string $collectionName Name of the collection the resource is part of
  * @return string A URI as a string
  * @throws Exception
  * @api
 public function getPublicPersistentResourceUriByHash($resourceHash, $collectionName = self::DEFAULT_PERSISTENT_COLLECTION_NAME)
     if (!isset($this->collections[$collectionName])) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Could not determine persistent resource URI for "%s" because the specified collection "%s" does not exist.', $resourceHash, $collectionName), 1375197875);
     /** @var TargetInterface $target */
     $target = $this->collections[$collectionName]->getTarget();
     $resource = $this->resourceRepository->findOneBySha1($resourceHash);
     if ($resource === NULL) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Could not determine persistent resource URI for "%s" because no Resource object with that SHA1 hash could be found.', $resourceHash), 1375347691);
     return $target->getPublicPersistentResourceUri($resourceHash);
  * Clean up resource registry
  * This command checks the resource registry (that is the database tables) for orphaned resource objects which don't
  * seem to have any corresponding data anymore (for example: the file in Data/Persistent/Resources has been deleted
  * without removing the related Resource object).
  * If the TYPO3.Media package is active, this command will also detect any assets referring to broken resources
  * and will remove the respective Asset object from the database when the broken resource is removed.
  * This command will ask you interactively what to do before deleting anything.
  * @return void
 public function cleanCommand()
     $this->outputLine('Checking if resource data exists for all known resource objects ...');
     $mediaPackagePresent = $this->packageManager->isPackageActive('TYPO3.Media');
     $resourcesCount = $this->resourceRepository->countAll();
     $brokenResources = [];
     $relatedAssets = new \SplObjectStorage();
     $relatedThumbnails = new \SplObjectStorage();
     $iterator = $this->resourceRepository->findAllIterator();
     foreach ($this->resourceRepository->iterate($iterator, function ($iteration) {
     }) as $resource) {
         /* @var Resource $resource */
         $stream = $resource->getStream();
         if (!is_resource($stream)) {
             $brokenResources[] = $resource->getSha1();
     if ($mediaPackagePresent && count($brokenResources) > 0) {
         /* @var AssetRepository $assetRepository */
         $assetRepository = $this->objectManager->get(AssetRepository::class);
         /* @var ThumbnailRepository $thumbnailRepository */
         $thumbnailRepository = $this->objectManager->get(ThumbnailRepository::class);
         foreach ($brokenResources as $key => $resourceSha1) {
             $resource = $this->resourceRepository->findOneBySha1($resourceSha1);
             $brokenResources[$key] = $resource;
             $assets = $assetRepository->findByResource($resource);
             if ($assets !== null) {
                 $relatedAssets[$resource] = $assets;
             $thumbnails = $thumbnailRepository->findByResource($resource);
             if ($assets !== null) {
                 $relatedThumbnails[$resource] = $thumbnails;
     if (count($brokenResources) > 0) {
         $this->outputLine('<b>Found %s broken resource(s):</b>', [count($brokenResources)]);
         foreach ($brokenResources as $resource) {
             $this->outputLine('%s (%s) from "%s" collection', [$resource->getFilename(), $resource->getSha1(), $resource->getCollectionName()]);
             if (isset($relatedAssets[$resource])) {
                 foreach ($relatedAssets[$resource] as $asset) {
                     $this->outputLine(' -> %s (%s)', [get_class($asset), $asset->getIdentifier()]);
         $response = null;
         while (!in_array($response, ['y', 'n', 'c'])) {
             $response = $this->output->ask('<comment>Do you want to remove all broken resource objects and related assets from the database? (y/n/c) </comment>');
         switch ($response) {
             case 'y':
                 $brokenAssetCounter = 0;
                 $brokenThumbnailCounter = 0;
                 foreach ($brokenResources as $sha1 => $resource) {
                     $this->outputLine('- delete %s (%s) from "%s" collection', [$resource->getFilename(), $resource->getSha1(), $resource->getCollectionName()]);
                     if (isset($relatedAssets[$resource])) {
                         foreach ($relatedAssets[$resource] as $asset) {
                     if (isset($relatedThumbnails[$resource])) {
                         foreach ($relatedThumbnails[$resource] as $thumbnail) {
                 $brokenResourcesCounter = count($brokenResources);
                 if ($brokenResourcesCounter > 0) {
                     $this->outputLine('Removed %s resource object(s) from the database.', [$brokenResourcesCounter]);
                 if ($brokenAssetCounter > 0) {
                     $this->outputLine('Removed %s asset object(s) from the database.', [$brokenAssetCounter]);
                 if ($brokenThumbnailCounter > 0) {
                     $this->outputLine('Removed %s thumbnail object(s) from the database.', [$brokenThumbnailCounter]);
             case 'n':
                 $this->outputLine('Did not delete any resource objects.');
             case 'c':
                 $this->outputLine('Stopping. Did not delete any resource objects.');