/** * Logs a SQL statement to the system logger (DEBUG priority). * * @param string $sql The SQL to be executed * @param array $params The SQL parameters * @param array $types The SQL parameter types. * @return void */ public function startQuery($sql, array $params = null, array $types = null) { // this is a safeguard for when no logger might be available... if ($this->logger !== null) { $this->logger->log($sql, LOG_DEBUG, array('params' => $params, 'types' => $types)); } }
/** * Logs calls * * @Flow\After("method(PerfectIn\Api\Webservice\WebserviceCall->invoke())") * @param \TYPO3\Flow\Aop\JoinPointInterface $joinPoint The current joinpoint */ public function logFinishServiceCall(\TYPO3\Flow\Aop\JoinPointInterface $joinPoint) { $callIdentifier = $joinPoint->getProxy()->getClass() . '::' . $joinPoint->getProxy()->getMethod(); if ($joinPoint->hasException()) { $this->logger->log($this->logIdentifier . ' - error - ' . $joinPoint->getException()->getMessage() . '(' . $joinPoint->getException()->getCode() . ')', LOG_ERR); } else { $this->logger->log($this->logIdentifier . ' - response - ' . $this->getLogMessageForVariable($joinPoint->getResult()), LOG_INFO); } }
/** * Returns translated label ("target" tag in XLIFF) for the id given. * Id is compared with "id" attribute of "trans-unit" tag (see XLIFF * specification for details). * * @param string $transUnitId The "id" attribute of "trans-unit" tag in XLIFF * @param integer $pluralFormIndex Index of plural form to use (starts with 0) * @return mixed Translated label or FALSE on failure */ public function getTargetByTransUnitId($transUnitId, $pluralFormIndex = 0) { if (!isset($this->xmlParsedData['translationUnits'][$transUnitId])) { $this->i18nLogger->log('No trans-unit element with the id "' . $transUnitId . '" was found in ' . $this->sourcePath . '. Either this translation has been removed or the id in the code or template referring to the translation is wrong.', LOG_DEBUG); return false; } if (!isset($this->xmlParsedData['translationUnits'][$transUnitId][$pluralFormIndex])) { $this->i18nLogger->log('The plural form index "' . $pluralFormIndex . '" for the trans-unit element with the id "' . $transUnitId . '" in ' . $this->sourcePath . ' is not available.', LOG_DEBUG); return false; } if ($this->xmlParsedData['translationUnits'][$transUnitId][$pluralFormIndex]['target']) { return $this->xmlParsedData['translationUnits'][$transUnitId][$pluralFormIndex]['target']; } elseif ($this->locale->getLanguage() === $this->xmlParsedData['sourceLocale']->getLanguage()) { return $this->xmlParsedData['translationUnits'][$transUnitId][$pluralFormIndex]['source'] ?: false; } else { $this->i18nLogger->log('The target translation was empty and the source translation language (' . $this->xmlParsedData['sourceLocale']->getLanguage() . ') does not match the current locale (' . $this->locale->getLanguage() . ') for the trans-unit element with the id "' . $transUnitId . '" in ' . $this->sourcePath, LOG_DEBUG); return false; } }
/** * @param LoggerInterface $logger * @param boolean $dryRun * @return \Lightwerk\SurfRunner\Domain\Model\Deployment * @throws \Lightwerk\SurfRunner\Exception\NoAvailableDeploymentException * @throws \Lightwerk\SurfRunner\Factory\Exception * @throws \TYPO3\Surf\Exception */ public function deployWaitingFromQueue(LoggerInterface $logger, $dryRun) { /** @var SurfCaptainDeployment $surfCaptainDeployment */ $surfCaptainDeployment = $this->deploymentRepository->findOneByStatus(SurfCaptainDeployment::STATUS_WAITING); if ($surfCaptainDeployment instanceof SurfCaptainDeployment === FALSE) { throw new NoAvailableDeploymentException('no waiting deployments', 1428685492); } if ($this->deploymentRepository->countByRepositoryUrlAndStatus($surfCaptainDeployment->getRepositoryUrl(), SurfCaptainDeployment::STATUS_RUNNING) > 0) { throw new NoAvailableDeploymentException('deployment already running', 1428685490); } if (!$dryRun) { $this->setStatusBeforeDeployment($surfCaptainDeployment); } $logger->addBackend(new DatabaseBackend(array('deployment' => $surfCaptainDeployment, 'severityThreshold' => LOG_DEBUG))); try { $deployment = $this->deploymentFactory->getDeploymentByDeploymentRecord($surfCaptainDeployment, $logger); } catch (\Lightwerk\SurfRunner\Factory\Exception $e) { $this->setStatusAfterDeployment($surfCaptainDeployment, Deployment::STATUS_FAILED); throw new NoAvailableDeploymentException('cannot create deployment with DeploymentFactoryException ' . $e->getMessage() . ' - ' . $e->getCode(), 1428769118); } $deployment->initialize(); if (!$dryRun) { $this->emitDeploymentStarted($deployment, $surfCaptainDeployment); try { $deployment->deploy(); } catch (\TYPO3\Surf\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException $e) { $this->setStatusAfterDeployment($surfCaptainDeployment, Deployment::STATUS_FAILED); throw new NoAvailableDeploymentException('cannot deploy with InvalidConfigurationException' . $e->getMessage() . ' - ' . $e->getCode(), 1428769119); } $this->setStatusAfterDeployment($surfCaptainDeployment, $deployment->getStatus()); $this->emitDeploymentFinished($deployment, $surfCaptainDeployment); } else { $deployment->simulate(); } return $deployment; }