/** * @test * @TODO: Rewrite or move to functional suite */ public function getRoleReturnsDefaultForRegularFolders() { $this->markTestSkipped('This test does way to much and is mocked incomplete. Skipped for now.'); $folderIdentifier = $this->getUniqueId(); $this->addToMount(array($folderIdentifier => array())); $this->prepareSubject(array()); $role = $this->subject->getRole($this->getSimpleFolderMock('/' . $folderIdentifier . '/')); $this->assertSame(FolderInterface::ROLE_DEFAULT, $role); }
/** * @test * @TODO: Rewrite or move to functional suite */ public function getRoleReturnsDefaultForRegularFolders() { $this->markTestSkipped('This test does way to much and is mocked incomplete. Skipped for now.'); $folderIdentifier = uniqid(); $this->addToMount(array($folderIdentifier => array())); $this->prepareFixture(array()); $role = $this->fixture->getRole($this->getSimpleFolderMock('/' . $folderIdentifier . '/')); $this->assertSame(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FolderInterface::ROLE_DEFAULT, $role); }
/** * Returns the role of this folder (if any). See FolderInterface::ROLE_* constants for possible values. * * @return int */ public function getRole() { return $this->storage->getRole($this); }