コード例 #1
  * Preview of a content element.
  * @param array $row : Record row of tt_content
  * @return string
 private function getPi1Preview($row)
     if ($row['image']) {
         $image = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::thumbCode($row, 'tt_content', 'image', $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']);
     $previewHtml = '<a href="#" onclick="' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::editOnClick('&amp;edit[tt_content][' . $row['uid'] . ']=edit') . '" />' . $text . '</a>' . $image;
     return $previewHtml;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Labels.php プロジェクト: r3h6/news
  * Render different label for media elements
  * @param array $params configuration
  * @return void
 public function getUserLabelMedia(array &$params)
     $ll = 'LLL:EXT:news/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:';
     $typeInfo = $additionalHtmlContent = '';
     $type = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($ll . 'tx_news_domain_model_media.type.I.' . $params['row']['type']);
     // Add additional info based on type
     switch ((int) $params['row']['type']) {
         // Image
         case Media::MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE:
             $typeInfo .= $this->getTitleFromFields('title,alt,caption,image', $params['row']);
             if (!empty($params['row']['image'])) {
                 $params['row']['image'] = $this->splitFileName($params['row']['image']);
                 try {
                     $additionalHtmlContent = '<br />' . BackendUtilityCore::thumbCode($params['row'], 'tx_news_domain_model_media', 'image', $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], '', NULL, 0, '', '', FALSE);
                 } catch (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Exception\FolderDoesNotExistException $exception) {
                     $additionalHtmlContent = '<br />' . htmlspecialchars($params['row']['image']);
             // Audio & Video
         // Audio & Video
         case Media::MEDIA_TYPE_MULTIMEDIA:
             $typeInfo .= $this->getTitleFromFields('caption,multimedia', $params['row']);
             // HTML
         // HTML
         case Media::MEDIA_TYPE_HTML:
             // Don't show html value as this could get a XSS
             $typeInfo .= $params['row']['caption'];
             $typeInfo .= $params['row']['caption'];
     $title = !empty($typeInfo) ? $type . ': ' . $typeInfo : $type;
     $title = htmlspecialchars($title) . $additionalHtmlContent;
     // Hook to modify the label, especially useful when using custom media relations
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['news']['mediaLabel'])) {
         $params = array('params' => $params, 'title' => $title);
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['news']['mediaLabel'] as $reference) {
             $title = GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($reference, $params, $this);
     // Preview
     if ($params['row']['showinpreview']) {
         $label = htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($ll . 'tx_news_domain_model_media.show'));
         $icon = '../' . ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath('news') . 'Resources/Public/Icons/preview.gif';
         $title .= ' <img title="' . $label . '" src="' . $icon . '" />';
     // Show the [No title] if empty
     if (empty($title)) {
         $title = BackendUtilityCore::getNoRecordTitle(TRUE);
     $params['title'] = $title;
コード例 #3
  * Create thumbnail code for record/field but not linked
  * @param mixed[] $row Record array
  * @param string $table Table (record is from)
  * @param string $field Field name for which thumbnail are to be rendered.
  * @return string HTML for thumbnails, if any.
 public function getThumbCodeUnlinked($row, $table, $field)
     return BackendUtility::thumbCode($row, $table, $field, '', '', null, 0, '', '', false);
コード例 #4
  * Create thumbnail code for record/field
  * @param mixed[] $row Record array
  * @param string $table Table (record is from)
  * @param string $field Field name for which thumbnail are to be rendered.
  * @return string HTML for thumbnails, if any.
 public function thumbCode($row, $table, $field)
     return BackendUtility::thumbCode($row, $table, $field);
コード例 #5
	 * This will render a selector box into which elements from either
	 * the file system or database can be inserted. Relations.
	 * @return array As defined in initializeResultArray() of AbstractNode
	public function render() {
		$table = $this->globalOptions['table'];
		$fieldName = $this->globalOptions['fieldName'];
		$row = $this->globalOptions['databaseRow'];
		$parameterArray = $this->globalOptions['parameterArray'];
		$config = $parameterArray['fieldConf']['config'];
		$show_thumbs = $config['show_thumbs'];
		$resultArray = $this->initializeResultArray();

		$size = isset($config['size']) ? (int)$config['size'] : $this->minimumInputWidth;
		$maxitems = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($config['maxitems'], 0);
		if (!$maxitems) {
			$maxitems = 100000;
		$minitems = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($config['minitems'], 0);
		$thumbnails = array();
		$allowed = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $config['allowed'], TRUE);
		$disallowed = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $config['disallowed'], TRUE);
		$disabled = ($this->isGlobalReadonly() || $config['readOnly']);
		$info = array();
		$parameterArray['itemFormElID_file'] = $parameterArray['itemFormElID'] . '_files';

		// whether the list and delete controls should be disabled
		$noList = isset($config['disable_controls']) && GeneralUtility::inList($config['disable_controls'], 'list');
		$noDelete = isset($config['disable_controls']) && GeneralUtility::inList($config['disable_controls'], 'delete');

		// "Extra" configuration; Returns configuration for the field based on settings found in the "types" fieldlist.
		$specConf = BackendUtility::getSpecConfParts($parameterArray['fieldConf']['defaultExtras']);

		// Register properties in requiredElements
		$resultArray['requiredElements'][$parameterArray['itemFormElName']] = array(
			'imgName' => $table . '_' . $row['uid'] . '_' . $fieldName
		$tabAndInlineStack = $this->globalOptions['tabAndInlineStack'];
		if (!empty($tabAndInlineStack) && preg_match('/^(.+\\])\\[(\\w+)\\]$/', $parameterArray['itemFormElName'], $match)) {
			$resultArray['requiredNested'][$parameterArray['itemFormElName']] = array(
				'parts' => $match,
				'level' => $tabAndInlineStack,

		// If maxitems==1 then automatically replace the current item (in list and file selector)
		if ($maxitems === 1) {
			$resultArray['additionalJavaScriptPost'][] =
				'TBE_EDITOR.clearBeforeSettingFormValueFromBrowseWin[' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($parameterArray['itemFormElName']) . '] = {
					itemFormElID_file: ' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($parameterArray['itemFormElID_file']) . '
			$parameterArray['fieldChangeFunc']['TBE_EDITOR_fieldChanged'] = 'setFormValueManipulate(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($parameterArray['itemFormElName'])
				. ', \'Remove\'); ' . $parameterArray['fieldChangeFunc']['TBE_EDITOR_fieldChanged'];
		} elseif ($noList) {
			// If the list controls have been removed and the maximum number is reached, remove the first entry to avoid "write once" field
			$parameterArray['fieldChangeFunc']['TBE_EDITOR_fieldChanged'] = 'setFormValueManipulate(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($parameterArray['itemFormElName'])
				. ', \'RemoveFirstIfFull\', ' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($maxitems) . '); ' . $parameterArray['fieldChangeFunc']['TBE_EDITOR_fieldChanged'];

		$html = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $parameterArray['itemFormElName'] . '_mul" value="' . ($config['multiple'] ? 1 : 0) . '"' . $disabled . ' />';

		// Acting according to either "file" or "db" type:
		switch ((string)$config['internal_type']) {
			case 'file_reference':
				$config['uploadfolder'] = '';
				// Fall through
			case 'file':
				// Creating string showing allowed types:
				if (!count($allowed)) {
					$allowed = array('*');
				// Making the array of file items:
				$itemArray = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $parameterArray['itemFormElValue'], TRUE);
				$fileFactory = ResourceFactory::getInstance();
				// Correct the filename for the FAL items
				foreach ($itemArray as &$fileItem) {
					list($fileUid, $fileLabel) = explode('|', $fileItem);
					if (MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($fileUid)) {
						$fileObject = $fileFactory->getFileObject($fileUid);
						$fileLabel = $fileObject->getName();
					$fileItem = $fileUid . '|' . $fileLabel;
				// Showing thumbnails:
				if ($show_thumbs) {
					foreach ($itemArray as $imgRead) {
						$imgP = explode('|', $imgRead);
						$imgPath = rawurldecode($imgP[0]);
						// FAL icon production
						if (MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($imgP[0])) {
							$fileObject = $fileFactory->getFileObject($imgP[0]);
							if ($fileObject->isMissing()) {
								$thumbnails[] = array(
									'message' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Utility\BackendUtility::getFlashMessageForMissingFile($fileObject)->render()
							} elseif (GeneralUtility::inList($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext'], $fileObject->getExtension())) {
								$thumbnails[] = array(
									'name' => htmlspecialchars($fileObject->getName()),
									'image' => $fileObject->process(ProcessedFile::CONTEXT_IMAGEPREVIEW, array())->getPublicUrl(TRUE)
							} else {
								// Icon
								$thumbnails[] = array(
									'name' => htmlspecialchars($fileObject->getName()),
									'image' => IconUtility::getSpriteIconForResource($fileObject, array('title' => $fileObject->getName()))
						} else {
							$rowCopy = array();
							$rowCopy[$fieldName] = $imgPath;
							try {
								$thumbnails[] = array(
									'name' => $imgPath,
									'image' => BackendUtility::thumbCode(
										' align="middle"'
							} catch (\Exception $exception) {
								/** @var $flashMessage FlashMessage */
								$message = $exception->getMessage();
								$flashMessage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(
									htmlspecialchars($message), '', FlashMessage::ERROR, TRUE
								/** @var $flashMessageService FlashMessageService */
								$flashMessageService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlashMessageService::class);
								$defaultFlashMessageQueue = $flashMessageService->getMessageQueueByIdentifier();
								$logMessage = $message . ' (' . $table . ':' . $row['uid'] . ')';
								GeneralUtility::sysLog($logMessage, 'core', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
				// Creating the element:
				$params = array(
					'size' => $size,
					'allowed' => $allowed,
					'disallowed' => $disallowed,
					'dontShowMoveIcons' => $maxitems <= 1,
					'autoSizeMax' => MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($config['autoSizeMax'], 0),
					'maxitems' => $maxitems,
					'style' => isset($config['selectedListStyle'])
						? ' style="' . htmlspecialchars($config['selectedListStyle']) . '"'
						: '',
					'thumbnails' => $thumbnails,
					'readOnly' => $disabled,
					'noBrowser' => $noList || isset($config['disable_controls']) && GeneralUtility::inList($config['disable_controls'], 'browser'),
					'noList' => $noList,
					'noDelete' => $noDelete
				$html .= $this->dbFileIcons(
					implode(',', $allowed),
				if (!$disabled && !(isset($config['disable_controls']) && GeneralUtility::inList($config['disable_controls'], 'upload'))) {
					// Adding the upload field:
					$isDirectFileUploadEnabled = (bool)$this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->uc['edit_docModuleUpload'];
					if ($isDirectFileUploadEnabled && $config['uploadfolder']) {
						// Insert the multiple attribute to enable HTML5 multiple file upload
						$multipleAttribute = '';
						$multipleFilenameSuffix = '';
						if (isset($config['maxitems']) && $config['maxitems'] > 1) {
							$multipleAttribute = ' multiple="multiple"';
							$multipleFilenameSuffix = '[]';
						$html .= '
							<div id="' . $parameterArray['itemFormElID_file'] . '">
								<input type="file"' . $multipleAttribute . '
									name="data_files' . $this->globalOptions['elementBaseName'] . $multipleFilenameSuffix . '"
									size="35" onchange="' . implode('', $parameterArray['fieldChangeFunc']) . '"
			case 'folder':
				// If the element is of the internal type "folder":
				// Array of folder items:
				$itemArray = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $parameterArray['itemFormElValue'], TRUE);
				// Creating the element:
				$params = array(
					'size' => $size,
					'dontShowMoveIcons' => $maxitems <= 1,
					'autoSizeMax' => MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($config['autoSizeMax'], 0),
					'maxitems' => $maxitems,
					'style' => isset($config['selectedListStyle'])
						? ' style="' . htmlspecialchars($config['selectedListStyle']) . '"'
						: '',
					'readOnly' => $disabled,
					'noBrowser' => $noList || isset($config['disable_controls']) && GeneralUtility::inList($config['disable_controls'], 'browser'),
					'noList' => $noList
				$html .= $this->dbFileIcons(
			case 'db':
				// If the element is of the internal type "db":
				// Creating string showing allowed types:
				$onlySingleTableAllowed = FALSE;
				$languageService = $this->getLanguageService();

				$allowedTables = array();
				if ($allowed[0] === '*') {
					$allowedTables = array(
						'name' => htmlspecialchars($languageService->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.allTables'))
				} elseif ($allowed) {
					$onlySingleTableAllowed = count($allowed) == 1;
					foreach ($allowed as $allowedTable) {
						$allowedTables[] = array(
							'name' => htmlspecialchars($languageService->sL($GLOBALS['TCA'][$allowedTable]['ctrl']['title'])),
							'icon' => IconUtility::getSpriteIconForRecord($allowedTable, array()),
							'onClick' => 'setFormValueOpenBrowser(\'db\', ' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($parameterArray['itemFormElName'] . '|||' . $allowedTable) . '); return false;'
				$perms_clause = $this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->getPagePermsClause(1);
				$itemArray = array();

				// Thumbnails:
				$temp_itemArray = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $parameterArray['itemFormElValue'], TRUE);
				foreach ($temp_itemArray as $dbRead) {
					$recordParts = explode('|', $dbRead);
					list($this_table, $this_uid) = BackendUtility::splitTable_Uid($recordParts[0]);
					// For the case that no table was found and only a single table is defined to be allowed, use that one:
					if (!$this_table && $onlySingleTableAllowed) {
						$this_table = $allowed;
					$itemArray[] = array('table' => $this_table, 'id' => $this_uid);
					if (!$disabled && $show_thumbs) {
						$rr = BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL($this_table, $this_uid);
						$thumbnails[] = array(
							'name' => BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($this_table, $rr, TRUE),
							'image' => IconUtility::getSpriteIconForRecord($this_table, $rr),
							'path' => BackendUtility::getRecordPath($rr['pid'], $perms_clause, 15),
							'uid' => $rr['uid'],
							'table' => $this_table
				// Creating the element:
				$params = array(
					'size' => $size,
					'dontShowMoveIcons' => $maxitems <= 1,
					'autoSizeMax' => MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($config['autoSizeMax'], 0),
					'maxitems' => $maxitems,
					'style' => isset($config['selectedListStyle'])
						? ' style="' . htmlspecialchars($config['selectedListStyle']) . '"'
						: '',
					'info' => $info,
					'allowedTables' => $allowedTables,
					'thumbnails' => $thumbnails,
					'readOnly' => $disabled,
					'noBrowser' => $noList || isset($config['disable_controls']) && GeneralUtility::inList($config['disable_controls'], 'browser'),
					'noList' => $noList
				$html .= $this->dbFileIcons(
					implode(',', $allowed),
		// Wizards:
		$altItem = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $parameterArray['itemFormElName'] . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($parameterArray['itemFormElValue']) . '" />';
		if (!$disabled) {
			$html = $this->renderWizards(
		$resultArray['html'] = $html;
		return $resultArray;
コード例 #6
ファイル: AbstractContainer.php プロジェクト: hlop/TYPO3.CMS
  * Rendering preview output of a field value which is not shown as a form field but just outputted.
  * @param string $value The value to output
  * @param array $config Configuration for field.
  * @param string $field Name of field.
  * @return string HTML formatted output
 protected function previewFieldValue($value, $config, $field = '')
     if ($config['config']['type'] === 'group' && ($config['config']['internal_type'] === 'file' || $config['config']['internal_type'] === 'file_reference')) {
         // Ignore upload folder if internal_type is file_reference
         if ($config['config']['internal_type'] === 'file_reference') {
             $config['config']['uploadfolder'] = '';
         $table = 'tt_content';
         // Making the array of file items:
         $itemArray = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $value, true);
         // Showing thumbnails:
         $thumbnail = '';
         $imgs = array();
         $iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
         foreach ($itemArray as $imgRead) {
             $imgParts = explode('|', $imgRead);
             $imgPath = rawurldecode($imgParts[0]);
             $rowCopy = array();
             $rowCopy[$field] = $imgPath;
             // Icon + click menu:
             $absFilePath = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($config['config']['uploadfolder'] ? $config['config']['uploadfolder'] . '/' . $imgPath : $imgPath);
             $fileInformation = pathinfo($imgPath);
             $title = $fileInformation['basename'] . ($absFilePath && @is_file($absFilePath)) ? ' (' . GeneralUtility::formatSize(filesize($absFilePath)) . ')' : ' - FILE NOT FOUND!';
             $fileIcon = '<span title="' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '">' . $iconFactory->getIconForFileExtension($fileInformation['extension'], Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . '</span>';
             $imgs[] = '<span class="text-nowrap">' . BackendUtility::thumbCode($rowCopy, $table, $field, '', 'thumbs.php', $config['config']['uploadfolder'], 0, ' align="middle"') . ($absFilePath ? $this->getControllerDocumentTemplate()->wrapClickMenuOnIcon($fileIcon, $absFilePath, 0, 1, '', '+copy,info,edit,view') : $fileIcon) . $imgPath . '</span>';
         return implode('<br />', $imgs);
     } else {
         return nl2br(htmlspecialchars($value));
コード例 #7
  * Fetch further information to current selected workspace record.
  * @param \stdClass $parameter
  * @return array $data
 public function getRowDetails($parameter)
     $diffReturnArray = array();
     $liveReturnArray = array();
     /** @var $diffUtility \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\DiffUtility */
     $diffUtility = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\DiffUtility::class);
     /** @var $parseObj \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\RteHtmlParser */
     $parseObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\RteHtmlParser::class);
     $liveRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord($parameter->table, $parameter->t3ver_oid);
     $versionRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord($parameter->table, $parameter->uid);
     $iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
     $icon_Live = $iconFactory->getIconForRecord($parameter->table, $liveRecord, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
     $icon_Workspace = $iconFactory->getIconForRecord($parameter->table, $versionRecord, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
     $stagePosition = $this->getStagesService()->getPositionOfCurrentStage($parameter->stage);
     $fieldsOfRecords = array_keys($liveRecord);
     if ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]) {
         if ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]['interface']['showRecordFieldList']) {
             $fieldsOfRecords = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]['interface']['showRecordFieldList'];
             $fieldsOfRecords = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $fieldsOfRecords, true);
     foreach ($fieldsOfRecords as $fieldName) {
         if (empty($GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]['columns'][$fieldName]['config'])) {
         // Get the field's label. If not available, use the field name
         $fieldTitle = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL(BackendUtility::getItemLabel($parameter->table, $fieldName));
         if (empty($fieldTitle)) {
             $fieldTitle = $fieldName;
         // Gets the TCA configuration for the current field
         $configuration = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]['columns'][$fieldName]['config'];
         // check for exclude fields
         if ($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin() || $GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]['columns'][$fieldName]['exclude'] == 0 || GeneralUtility::inList($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->groupData['non_exclude_fields'], $parameter->table . ':' . $fieldName)) {
             // call diff class only if there is a difference
             if ($configuration['type'] === 'inline' && $configuration['foreign_table'] === 'sys_file_reference') {
                 $useThumbnails = false;
                 if (!empty($configuration['foreign_selector_fieldTcaOverride']['config']['appearance']['elementBrowserAllowed']) && !empty($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext'])) {
                     $fileExtensions = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext'], true);
                     $allowedExtensions = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $configuration['foreign_selector_fieldTcaOverride']['config']['appearance']['elementBrowserAllowed'], true);
                     $differentExtensions = array_diff($allowedExtensions, $fileExtensions);
                     $useThumbnails = empty($differentExtensions);
                 $liveFileReferences = BackendUtility::resolveFileReferences($parameter->table, $fieldName, $liveRecord, 0);
                 $versionFileReferences = BackendUtility::resolveFileReferences($parameter->table, $fieldName, $versionRecord, $this->getCurrentWorkspace());
                 $fileReferenceDifferences = $this->prepareFileReferenceDifferences($liveFileReferences, $versionFileReferences, $useThumbnails);
                 if ($fileReferenceDifferences === null) {
                 $diffReturnArray[] = array('field' => $fieldName, 'label' => $fieldTitle, 'content' => $fileReferenceDifferences['differences']);
                 $liveReturnArray[] = array('field' => $fieldName, 'label' => $fieldTitle, 'content' => $fileReferenceDifferences['live']);
             } elseif ((string) $liveRecord[$fieldName] !== (string) $versionRecord[$fieldName]) {
                 // Select the human readable values before diff
                 $liveRecord[$fieldName] = BackendUtility::getProcessedValue($parameter->table, $fieldName, $liveRecord[$fieldName], 0, 1, false, $liveRecord['uid']);
                 $versionRecord[$fieldName] = BackendUtility::getProcessedValue($parameter->table, $fieldName, $versionRecord[$fieldName], 0, 1, false, $versionRecord['uid']);
                 if ($configuration['type'] == 'group' && $configuration['internal_type'] == 'file') {
                     $versionThumb = BackendUtility::thumbCode($versionRecord, $parameter->table, $fieldName, '');
                     $liveThumb = BackendUtility::thumbCode($liveRecord, $parameter->table, $fieldName, '');
                     $diffReturnArray[] = array('field' => $fieldName, 'label' => $fieldTitle, 'content' => $versionThumb);
                     $liveReturnArray[] = array('field' => $fieldName, 'label' => $fieldTitle, 'content' => $liveThumb);
                 } else {
                     $diffReturnArray[] = array('field' => $fieldName, 'label' => $fieldTitle, 'content' => $diffUtility->makeDiffDisplay($liveRecord[$fieldName], $versionRecord[$fieldName]));
                     $liveReturnArray[] = array('field' => $fieldName, 'label' => $fieldTitle, 'content' => $parseObj->TS_images_rte($liveRecord[$fieldName]));
     // Hook for modifying the difference and live arrays
     // (this may be used by custom or dynamically-defined fields)
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['workspaces']['modifyDifferenceArray'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['workspaces']['modifyDifferenceArray'] as $className) {
             $hookObject = GeneralUtility::getUserObj($className);
             if (method_exists($hookObject, 'modifyDifferenceArray')) {
                 $hookObject->modifyDifferenceArray($parameter, $diffReturnArray, $liveReturnArray, $diffUtility);
     $commentsForRecord = $this->getCommentsForRecord($parameter->uid, $parameter->table);
     return array('total' => 1, 'data' => array(array('diff' => $diffReturnArray, 'live_record' => $liveReturnArray, 'icon_Live' => $icon_Live, 'icon_Workspace' => $icon_Workspace, 'comments' => $commentsForRecord, 'path_Live' => htmlspecialchars($parameter->path_Live), 'label_Stage' => htmlspecialchars($parameter->label_Stage), 'stage_position' => (int) $stagePosition['position'], 'stage_count' => (int) $stagePosition['count'])));
コード例 #8
  * Fetch futher information to current selected worspace record.
  * @param object $parameter
  * @return array $data
 public function getRowDetails($parameter)
     $diffReturnArray = array();
     $liveReturnArray = array();
     /** @var $t3lib_diff \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\DiffUtility */
     $t3lib_diff = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Utility\\DiffUtility');
     /** @var $parseObj \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\RteHtmlParser */
     $parseObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Html\\RteHtmlParser');
     $liveRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord($parameter->table, $parameter->t3ver_oid);
     $versionRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord($parameter->table, $parameter->uid);
     $icon_Live = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::mapRecordTypeToSpriteIconClass($parameter->table, $liveRecord);
     $icon_Workspace = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::mapRecordTypeToSpriteIconClass($parameter->table, $versionRecord);
     $stagePosition = $this->getStagesService()->getPositionOfCurrentStage($parameter->stage);
     $fieldsOfRecords = array_keys($liveRecord);
     if ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]) {
         if ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]['interface']['showRecordFieldList']) {
             $fieldsOfRecords = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]['interface']['showRecordFieldList'];
             $fieldsOfRecords = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $fieldsOfRecords, TRUE);
     foreach ($fieldsOfRecords as $fieldName) {
         // check for exclude fields
         if ($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin() || $GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]['columns'][$fieldName]['exclude'] == 0 || GeneralUtility::inList($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->groupData['non_exclude_fields'], $parameter->table . ':' . $fieldName)) {
             // call diff class only if there is a difference
             if ((string) $liveRecord[$fieldName] !== (string) $versionRecord[$fieldName]) {
                 // Select the human readable values before diff
                 $liveRecord[$fieldName] = BackendUtility::getProcessedValue($parameter->table, $fieldName, $liveRecord[$fieldName], 0, 1, FALSE, $liveRecord['uid']);
                 $versionRecord[$fieldName] = BackendUtility::getProcessedValue($parameter->table, $fieldName, $versionRecord[$fieldName], 0, 1, FALSE, $versionRecord['uid']);
                 // Get the field's label. If not available, use the field name
                 $fieldTitle = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL(BackendUtility::getItemLabel($parameter->table, $fieldName));
                 if (empty($fieldTitle)) {
                     $fieldTitle = $fieldName;
                 if ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['type'] == 'group' && $GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameter->table]['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['internal_type'] == 'file') {
                     $versionThumb = BackendUtility::thumbCode($versionRecord, $parameter->table, $fieldName, '');
                     $liveThumb = BackendUtility::thumbCode($liveRecord, $parameter->table, $fieldName, '');
                     $diffReturnArray[] = array('field' => $fieldName, 'label' => $fieldTitle, 'content' => $versionThumb);
                     $liveReturnArray[] = array('field' => $fieldName, 'label' => $fieldTitle, 'content' => $liveThumb);
                 } else {
                     $diffReturnArray[] = array('field' => $fieldName, 'label' => $fieldTitle, 'content' => $t3lib_diff->makeDiffDisplay($liveRecord[$fieldName], $versionRecord[$fieldName]));
                     $liveReturnArray[] = array('field' => $fieldName, 'label' => $fieldTitle, 'content' => $parseObj->TS_images_rte($liveRecord[$fieldName]));
     // Hook for modifying the difference and live arrays
     // (this may be used by custom or dynamically-defined fields)
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['workspaces']['modifyDifferenceArray'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['workspaces']['modifyDifferenceArray'] as $className) {
             $hookObject =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($className);
             $hookObject->modifyDifferenceArray($parameter, $diffReturnArray, $liveReturnArray, $t3lib_diff);
     $commentsForRecord = $this->getCommentsForRecord($parameter->uid, $parameter->table);
     return array('total' => 1, 'data' => array(array('diff' => $diffReturnArray, 'live_record' => $liveReturnArray, 'path_Live' => $parameter->path_Live, 'label_Stage' => $parameter->label_Stage, 'stage_position' => $stagePosition['position'], 'stage_count' => $stagePosition['count'], 'comments' => $commentsForRecord, 'icon_Live' => $icon_Live, 'icon_Workspace' => $icon_Workspace)));
コード例 #9
ファイル: FormEngine.php プロジェクト: Mr-Robota/TYPO3.CMS
  * Rendering preview output of a field value which is not shown as a form field but just outputted.
  * @param string $value The value to output
  * @param array $config Configuration for field.
  * @param string $field Name of field.
  * @return string HTML formatted output
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function previewFieldValue($value, $config, $field = '')
     if ($config['config']['type'] === 'group' && ($config['config']['internal_type'] === 'file' || $config['config']['internal_type'] === 'file_reference')) {
         // Ignore uploadfolder if internal_type is file_reference
         if ($config['config']['internal_type'] === 'file_reference') {
             $config['config']['uploadfolder'] = '';
         $show_thumbs = TRUE;
         $table = 'tt_content';
         // Making the array of file items:
         $itemArray = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $value, TRUE);
         // Showing thumbnails:
         $thumbsnail = '';
         if ($show_thumbs) {
             $imgs = array();
             foreach ($itemArray as $imgRead) {
                 $imgP = explode('|', $imgRead);
                 $imgPath = rawurldecode($imgP[0]);
                 $rowCopy = array();
                 $rowCopy[$field] = $imgPath;
                 // Icon + clickmenu:
                 $absFilePath = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($config['config']['uploadfolder'] ? $config['config']['uploadfolder'] . '/' . $imgPath : $imgPath);
                 $fileInformation = pathinfo($imgPath);
                 $fileIcon = IconUtility::getSpriteIconForFile($imgPath, array('title' => htmlspecialchars($fileInformation['basename'] . ($absFilePath && @is_file($absFilePath) ? ' (' . GeneralUtility::formatSize(filesize($absFilePath)) . 'bytes)' : ' - FILE NOT FOUND!'))));
                 $imgs[] = '<span class="nobr">' . BackendUtility::thumbCode($rowCopy, $table, $field, $this->backPath, 'thumbs.php', $config['config']['uploadfolder'], 0, ' align="middle"') . ($absFilePath ? $this->getClickMenu($fileIcon, $absFilePath) : $fileIcon) . $imgPath . '</span>';
             $thumbsnail = implode('<br />', $imgs);
         return $thumbsnail;
     } else {
         return nl2br(htmlspecialchars($value));
  * Renders HTML table with all available template resources/files in the current rootline that could be copied
  * @param integer $id The uid of the current page
  * @param integer $template_uid The uid of the template record to be rendered (only if more than one template on the current page)
  * @return string HTML table with all available template resources/files in the current rootline that could be copied
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function resourceListForCopy($id, $template_uid)
     global $tmpl;
     $sys_page = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Frontend\\Page\\PageRepository');
     $rootLine = $sys_page->getRootLine($id);
     // This generates the constants/config + hierarchy info for the template.
     $tmpl->runThroughTemplates($rootLine, $template_uid);
     $theResources = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $tmpl->resources, 1);
     foreach ($theResources as $k => $v) {
         $fI = pathinfo($v);
         if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::inList($this->pObj->textExtensions, strtolower($fI['extension']))) {
             $path = PATH_site . $GLOBALS['TCA']['sys_template']['columns']['resources']['config']['uploadfolder'] . '/' . $v;
             $thumb = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::thumbCode(array('resources' => $v), 'sys_template', 'resources', $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], '');
             $out .= '<tr><td' . $bgcol . ' nowrap="nowrap">' . $v . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td' . $bgcol . ' nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::formatSize(@filesize($path)) . '&nbsp;</td><td' . $bgcol . '>' . trim($thumb) . '</td><td><input type="Checkbox" name="data[makecopy_resource][' . $k . ']" value="' . htmlspecialchars($v) . '"></td></tr>';
     $out = $out ? '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . $out . '</table>' : '';
     return $out;
コード例 #11
  * Create thumbnail code for record/field
  * @param array $row Record array
  * @param string $table Table (record is from)
  * @param string $field Field name for which thumbsnail are to be rendered.
  * @return string HTML for thumbnails, if any.
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function thumbCode($row, $table, $field)
     return \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::thumbCode($row, $table, $field, $this->backPath);
コード例 #12
ファイル: PageLayoutView.php プロジェクト: plan2net/TYPO3.CMS
  * Create thumbnail code for record/field but not linked
  * @param mixed[] $row Record array
  * @param string $table Table (record is from)
  * @param string $field Field name for which thumbnail are to be rendered.
  * @return string HTML for thumbnails, if any.
 public function getThumbCodeUnlinked($row, $table, $field)
     return BackendUtility::thumbCode($row, $table, $field, $this->backPath, '', NULL, 0, '', '', FALSE);
コード例 #13
  * Render attribute rows.
  * @param \mysqli_result $result Result
  * @return string
 protected function renderAttributeRows(\mysqli_result $result)
     $language = $this->getLanguageService();
     $database = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
      * Record list.
      * @var \TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList $recordList
     $recordList = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Recordlist\\RecordList\\DatabaseRecordList');
     $recordList->backPath = $this->getBackPath();
     $output = '';
     $table = 'tx_commerce_attributes';
     while ($attribute = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $refCountMsg = BackendUtility::referenceCount($table, $attribute['uid'], ' ' . $language->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xml:labels.referencesToRecord'), $this->getReferenceCount($table, $attribute['uid']));
         $editParams = '&edit[' . $table . '][' . (int) $attribute['uid'] . ']=edit';
         $deleteParams = '&cmd[' . $table . '][' . (int) $attribute['uid'] . '][delete]=1';
         $output .= '<tr><td class="bgColor4" align="center" valign="top"> ' . BackendUtility::thumbCode($attribute, 'tx_commerce_attributes', 'icon', $this->getBackPath()) . '</td>';
         if ($attribute['internal_title']) {
             $output .= '<td valign="top" class="bgColor4"><strong>' . htmlspecialchars($attribute['internal_title']) . '</strong> (' . htmlspecialchars($attribute['title']) . ')';
         } else {
             $output .= '<td valign="top" class="bgColor4"><strong>' . htmlspecialchars($attribute['title']) . '</strong>';
         $catCount = $this->fetchRelationCount('tx_commerce_categories_attributes_mm', $attribute['uid']);
         $proCount = $this->fetchRelationCount('tx_commerce_products_attributes_mm', $attribute['uid']);
         // Select language versions
         $resLocalVersion = $this->fetchAttributeTranslation($attribute['uid']);
         if ($database->sql_num_rows($resLocalVersion)) {
             $output .= '<table >';
             while ($localAttributes = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($resLocalVersion)) {
                 $output .= '<tr><td>&nbsp;';
                 $output .= '</td><td>';
                 if ($localAttributes['internal_title']) {
                     $output .= htmlspecialchars($localAttributes['internal_title']) . ' (' . htmlspecialchars($localAttributes['title']) . ')';
                 } else {
                     $output .= htmlspecialchars($localAttributes['title']);
                 $output .= '</td><td>';
                 $output .= $recordList->languageFlag($localAttributes['sys_language_uid']);
                 $output .= '</td></tr>';
             $output .= '</table>';
         $output .= '<br />' . $language->getLL('usage');
         $output .= ' <strong>' . $language->getLL('categories') . '</strong>: ' . $catCount;
         $output .= ' <strong>' . $language->getLL('products') . '</strong>: ' . $proCount;
         $output .= '</td>';
         $onClickAction = 'onclick="' . htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::editOnClick($editParams, $this->getBackPath(), -1)) . '"';
         $output .= '<td><a href="#" ' . $onClickAction . '>' . IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-document-open', array('title' => $language->getLL('edit', true))) . '</a>';
         $output .= '<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars('if (confirm(' . $language->JScharCode($language->getLL('deleteWarningManufacturer') . ' "' . $attribute['title'] . '" ' . $refCountMsg) . ')) {jumpToUrl(\'' . $this->doc->issueCommand($deleteParams, -1) . '\');} return false;') . '">' . IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-edit-delete', array('title' => $language->getLL('delete', true))) . '</a>';
         $output .= '</td><td>';
         if ($attribute['has_valuelist'] == 1) {
             $valueRes = $database->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_commerce_attribute_values', 'attributes_uid = ' . (int) $attribute['uid'] . ' AND hidden = 0 AND deleted = 0', '', 'sorting');
             if ($database->sql_num_rows($valueRes)) {
                 $output .= '<table border="0">';
                 while ($value = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($valueRes)) {
                     $output .= '<tr><td>' . htmlspecialchars($value['value']) . '</td></tr>';
                 $output .= '</table>';
             } else {
                 $output .= $language->getLL('no_values');
         } else {
             $output .= $language->getLL('no_valuelist');
         $output .= '</td></tr>';
     return $output;
コード例 #14
  * Adds content to all data fields in $out array
  * @param	array		Array of fields to display. Each field name has a special feature which is that the field name can be specified as more field names. Eg. "field1,field2;field3". Field 2 and 3 will be shown in the same cell of the table separated by <br /> while field1 will have its own cell.
  * @param	string		Table name
  * @param	array		Record array
  * @param	array		Array to which the data is added
  * @param	[type]		$noEdit: ...
  * @return	array		$out array returned after processing.
  * @see makeOrdinaryList()
 function dataFields($fieldArr, $table, $row, $out = array(), $noEdit = FALSE)
     global $TCA;
     // Check table validity:
     if ($TCA[$table]) {
         $thumbsCol = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['thumbnail'];
         $url = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL') . 'index.php';
         $thumbsize = $this->lTSprop['imageSize'];
         // Traverse fields:
         foreach ($fieldArr as $fieldName) {
             if ($TCA[$table]['columns'][$fieldName]) {
                 // Each field has its own cell (if configured in TCA)
                 if ($fieldName == $thumbsCol) {
                     // If the column is a thumbnail column:
                     if ($this->thumbs) {
                         $val = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::thumbCode($row, $table, $fieldName, $this->backPath, $this->thumbScript, NULL, 0, '', $thumbsize);
                     } else {
                         $val = str_replace(',', ', ', basename($row[$fieldName]));
                 } else {
                     // ... otherwise just render the output:
                     $val = nl2br(htmlspecialchars(trim(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getProcessedValue($table, $fieldName, $row[$fieldName], 0, 0, 0, $row['uid']), 250))));
                     if ($this->lTSprop['clickTitleMode'] == 'view') {
                         if ($this->singlePid) {
                             $val = $this->linkSingleView($url, $val, $row['uid']);
                     } elseif ($this->lTSprop['clickTitleMode'] == 'edit') {
                         if (!$noEdit) {
                             $params = '&edit[' . $table . '][' . $row['uid'] . ']=edit';
                             $lTitle = ' title="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('edit', 1) . '"';
                             $val = '<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::editOnClick($params, $this->backPath, $this->returnUrl)) . '"' . $lTitle . '>' . $val . '</a>';
                 $out[$fieldName] = $val;
             } else {
                 // Each field is separated by <br /> and shown in the same cell (If not a TCA field, then explode the field name with ";" and check each value there as a TCA configured field)
                 $theFields = explode(';', $fieldName);
                 // Traverse fields, separated by ";" (displayed in a single cell).
                 foreach ($theFields as $fName2) {
                     if ($TCA[$table]['columns'][$fName2]) {
                         $out[$fieldName] .= '<b>' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($TCA[$table]['columns'][$fName2]['label'], 1) . '</b>' . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getProcessedValue($table, $fName2, $row[$fName2], 0, 0, 0, $row['uid']), 25)) . '<br />';
             // If no value, add a nbsp.
             if (!$out[$fieldName]) {
                 $out[$fieldName] = '&nbsp;';
             // Wrap in dimmed-span tags if record is "disabled"
             if ($this->isDisabled($table, $row)) {
                 $out[$fieldName] = $GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->dfw($out[$fieldName]);
     return $out;