コード例 #1
ファイル: Twig.php プロジェクト: tourze/twig
  * @param Twig_LoaderInterface $loader
  * @param array                $options
  * @return Twig_Environment
 public static function createEnvironment(Twig_LoaderInterface $loader, $options)
     $environment = new Twig_Environment($loader, $options);
     // 缓存插件设置
     $cacheProvider = new DoctrineCacheAdapter(new ArrayCache());
     $cacheStrategy = new LifetimeCacheStrategy($cacheProvider);
     $cacheExtension = new CacheExtension($cacheStrategy);
     // 增加markdown支持
     $engine = new MichelfMarkdownEngine();
     $environment->addExtension(new MarkdownExtension($engine));
     // 一些额外的html助手方法
     $environment->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_HTMLHelpers());
     // 自定义filter
     foreach (Config::load('twig')->get('filter') as $name => $filter) {
         $environment->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter($name, $filter));
     // 自定义函数
     foreach (Config::load('twig')->get('function') as $name => $function) {
         $environment->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction($name, $function));
     // 自定义token解析器
     foreach (Config::load('twig')->get('tokenParser') as $name => $tokenParser) {
         $environment->addTokenParser(new $tokenParser());
     return $environment;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Db.php プロジェクト: tourze/db
  * 单例模式,获取一个指定的实例
  *     // 加载默认实例
  *     $db = Database::instance();
  *     // 指定实例名称和配置
  *     $db = Database::instance('custom', $config);
  * @param  string $name   实例名
  * @param  array  $config 配置参数
  * @return Connection
 public static function instance($name = null, array $config = null)
     if (null === $name) {
         $name = Db::$default;
     if (!isset(Db::$instances[$name])) {
         // 读取配置
         if (null === $config) {
             $config = (array) Config::load(self::$configFile)->get($name);
             Base::getLog()->debug(__METHOD__ . ' get default config', ['name' => $name]);
         // 合并默认配置
         if (isset(self::$defaultConfig[Arr::get($config, 'driver')])) {
             $config = Arr::merge(self::$defaultConfig[Arr::get($config, 'driver')], $config);
             Base::getLog()->debug(__METHOD__ . ' merge config', ['name' => $name]);
         $conn = DriverManager::getConnection($config);
         Base::getLog()->debug(__METHOD__ . ' create dbal connection', ['name' => $name]);
         // 额外注册字段类型
         if (isset(self::$mappingType[Arr::get($config, 'driver')])) {
             $platform = $conn->getDatabasePlatform();
             foreach (self::$mappingType[Arr::get($config, 'driver')] as $dbType => $doctrineType) {
                 if (!$platform->hasDoctrineTypeMappingFor($dbType)) {
                     Base::getLog()->debug(__METHOD__ . ' add dbal mapping type', ['raw' => $dbType, 'dbal' => $doctrineType]);
                     $platform->registerDoctrineTypeMapping($dbType, $doctrineType);
         Db::$instances[$name] = $conn;
         Base::getLog()->debug(__METHOD__ . ' save db instance', ['name' => $name]);
     return Db::$instances[$name];
コード例 #3
ファイル: Redis.php プロジェクト: tourze/nosql
  * 获取指定的配置组信息,并返回实例
  * @param string $key
  * @return \tourze\NoSQL\Redis\Client
  * @throws \tourze\NoSQL\Exception\NoSQLException
 public static function instance($key = 'default')
     $instanceKey = self::instanceKey($key);
     if (!isset(self::$_instances[$instanceKey])) {
         $config = Config::load('redis')->get($key);
         if (!$config) {
             throw new NoSQLException('The requested config group not found.');
         self::$_instances[$instanceKey] = new Client(Arr::get($config, 'parameters'), Arr::get($config, 'options'));
     return self::$_instances[$instanceKey];
コード例 #4
ファイル: Session.php プロジェクト: tourze/session
  * Creates a singleton session of the given type. Some session types
  * (native, database) also support restarting a session by passing a
  * session id as the second parameter.
  *     $session = Session::instance();
  * [!!] [Session::write] will automatically be called when the request ends.
  * @param   string $type type of session (native, cookie, etc)
  * @param   string $id   session identifier
  * @return  Session
 public static function instance($type = null, $id = null)
     if (null === $type) {
         // Use the default type
         $type = Session::$default;
     if (!isset(Session::$instances[$type])) {
         $config = Config::load(self::$configFile)->get($type);
         $class = 'tourze\\Session\\Adapter\\' . ucfirst($type) . 'Adapter';
         Session::$instances[$type] = $session = new $class($config, $id);
         // Write the session at shutdown
         register_shutdown_function([$session, 'write']);
     return Session::$instances[$type];
コード例 #5
 public function getStasticLog($module, $interface, $startTime, $endTime, $count = 10)
     $ipList = !empty($_GET['ip']) && is_array($_GET['ip']) ? $_GET['ip'] : Cache::$serverIpList;
     $offsetList = !empty($_GET['offset']) && is_array($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['offset'] : [];
     $port = Config::load('statServer')->get('providerPort');
     $requestBufferArray = [];
     foreach ($ipList as $key => $ip) {
         $offset = isset($offsetList[$key]) ? $offsetList[$key] : 0;
         $buffer = ['cmd' => 'get-log', 'module' => $module, 'interface' => $interface, 'start_time' => $startTime, 'end_time' => $endTime, 'offset' => $offset, 'count' => $count];
         Base::getLog()->info(__METHOD__ . ' generate buffer fot getting log', $buffer);
         $requestBufferArray["{$ip}:{$port}"] = json_encode($buffer) . "\n";
     $readBufferArray = StatServer::multiRequest($requestBufferArray);
     foreach ($readBufferArray as $address => $buf) {
         $bodyData = json_decode(trim($buf), true);
         $logData = isset($bodyData['data']) ? $bodyData['data'] : '';
         $offset = isset($bodyData['offset']) ? $bodyData['offset'] : 0;
         $readBufferArray[$address] = ['offset' => $offset, 'data' => $logData];
     return $readBufferArray;
コード例 #6
ファイル: StatClient.php プロジェクト: tourze/stat-client
  * 上报统计数据
  * @param string $module
  * @param string $interface
  * @param bool   $success
  * @param int    $code
  * @param string $msg
  * @param string $reportAddress
  * @return boolean
 public static function report($module, $interface, $success, $code, $msg, $reportAddress = '')
     // 如果msg是个数组,那么要额外处理转换成字符串
     if (is_array($msg)) {
         // $msg格式为[':message', [':message' => 'TEST']]
         if (count($msg) == 2 && !Arr::isAssoc($msg) && is_array($msg[1])) {
             $msg = __($msg[0], $msg[1]);
     if (strpos($msg, '[ip]') !== false) {
         $msg = str_replace('[ip]', Arr::get($_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR'), $msg);
     if (strpos($msg, '[ua]') !== false) {
         $msg = str_replace('[ua]', Arr::get($_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT'), $msg);
     $reportAddress = $reportAddress ? $reportAddress : Config::load('statClient')->get('ip');
     if (isset(self::$timeMap[$module][$interface]) && self::$timeMap[$module][$interface] > 0) {
         $startTime = self::$timeMap[$module][$interface];
         self::$timeMap[$module][$interface] = 0;
     } else {
         if (isset(self::$timeMap['']['']) && self::$timeMap[''][''] > 0) {
             $startTime = self::$timeMap[''][''];
             self::$timeMap[''][''] = 0;
         } else {
             $startTime = microtime(true);
     //echo "\n";
     //echo $startTime . "\n";
     $endTime = microtime(true);
     //echo $endTime . "\n";
     $costTime = $endTime - $startTime;
     //echo $costTime . "\n";
     $binData = Protocol::encode($module, $interface, $costTime, $success, $code, $msg);
     Base::getLog()->debug(__METHOD__ . ' prepare bin data', ['bin' => $binData]);
     return self::sendData($reportAddress, $binData);
コード例 #7
 public function actionIndex()
     $act = isset($_GET['act']) ? $_GET['act'] : 'home';
     $errorMsg = $noticeMsg = $successMsg = $ipListStr = '';
     $action = 'save-server-list';
     switch ($act) {
         case 'detect-server':
             // 创建udp socket
             $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
             socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1);
             $buffer = json_encode(['cmd' => 'REPORT_IP']) . "\n";
             // 广播
             socket_sendto($socket, $buffer, strlen($buffer), 0, '', Config::load('statServer')->get('providerPort'));
             // 超时相关
             $time_start = microtime(true);
             $global_timeout = 1;
             $ipList = [];
             $recv_timeout = ['sec' => 0, 'usec' => 8000];
             socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, $recv_timeout);
             // 循环读数据
             while (microtime(true) - $time_start < $global_timeout) {
                 $buf = $host = $port = '';
                 if (@socket_recvfrom($socket, $buf, 65535, 0, $host, $port)) {
                     $ipList[$host] = $host;
             // 过滤掉已经保存的ip
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($ipList as $ip) {
                 if (!isset(Cache::$serverIpList[$ip])) {
                     $ipListStr .= $ip . "\r\n";
             $action = 'add-to-server-list';
             $noticeMsg = "探测到{$count}个新数据源";
         case 'add-to-server-list':
             if (empty($_POST['ip_list'])) {
                 $errorMsg = "保存的ip列表为空";
             $ipList = explode("\n", $_POST['ip_list']);
             if ($ipList) {
                 foreach ($ipList as $ip) {
                     $ip = trim($ip);
                     if (false !== ip2long($ip)) {
                         Cache::$serverIpList[$ip] = $ip;
             $successMsg = "添加成功";
             foreach (Cache::$serverIpList as $ip) {
                 $ipListStr .= $ip . "\r\n";
         case 'save-server-list':
             if (empty($_POST['ip_list'])) {
                 $errorMsg = "保存的ip列表为空";
             Cache::$serverIpList = [];
             $ipList = explode("\n", $_POST['ip_list']);
             if ($ipList) {
                 foreach ($ipList as $ip) {
                     $ip = trim($ip);
                     if (false !== ip2long($ip)) {
                         Cache::$serverIpList[$ip] = $ip;
             $successMsg = "保存成功";
             foreach (Cache::$serverIpList as $ip) {
                 $ipListStr .= $ip . "\r\n";
             foreach (Cache::$serverIpList as $ip) {
                 $ipListStr .= $ip . "\r\n";
     $this->template->set('admin/index', ['act' => $act, 'action' => $action, 'successMsg' => $successMsg, 'noticeMsg' => $noticeMsg, 'errorMsg' => $errorMsg, 'ipListStr' => $ipListStr]);
コード例 #8
ファイル: ConfigTest.php プロジェクト: tourze/base
  * 测试配置加载功能
  * @dataProvider dataLoad
  * @param mixed $file
  * @param mixed $name
  * @param mixed $expected
 public function testLoad($file, $name, $expected)
     $this->assertEquals($expected, Config::load($file)->get($name));
コード例 #9
ファイル: bootstrap.php プロジェクト: tourze/stat-server

use tourze\Base\Config;
use tourze\Route\Route;
use tourze\StatServer\Cache;
use tourze\View\View;
if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
if (!defined('ROOT_PATH')) {
if (!defined('WEB_PATH')) {
Config::addPath(ROOT_PATH . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
View::addPath(ROOT_PATH . 'view' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
Cache::$serverIpList = Config::load('statServer')->get('serverIpList');
// 指定控制器命名空间
Route::$defaultNamespace = '\\tourze\\StatServer\\Controller\\';
Route::set('stat-web', '(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))')->defaults(['controller' => 'Main', 'action' => 'index']);
// 创建类别名
@class_alias('\\tourze\\StatServer\\Protocol\\Statistic', '\\Workerman\\Protocols\\Statistic');
コード例 #10
ファイル: Base.php プロジェクト: tourze/base
  * 获取指定组件
  * @param string $name
  * @return \tourze\Base\Component
  * @throws \tourze\Base\Exception\ComponentNotFoundException
  * @return Component|object
 public static function get($name)
     if (!isset(self::$components[$name])) {
         // 检查配置表是否有记录
         if (!($config = Config::load('main')->get('component.' . $name))) {
             throw new ComponentNotFoundException('The requested component [:component] not found.', [':component' => $name]);
         self::set($name, $config);
     return self::$components[$name];
コード例 #11
ファイル: Worker.php プロジェクト: rockefys/server
  * 加载指定的配置
  * @param string $name
  * @return bool
  * @throws \tourze\Server\Exception\BaseException
 public static function load($name)
     if (!($config = Config::load('main')->get('server.' . $name))) {
         throw new BaseException('The requested config not found.');
     if (!($socketName = Arr::get($config, 'socketName'))) {
         throw new BaseException('The socket name should not be empty.');
     $config['name'] = $name;
     // 如果有自定义初始化的class名
     if (isset($config['initClass'])) {
         $class = $config['initClass'];
         new $class($config);
     } else {
         // 根据socketName来判断,如果是http的话,有单独的处理
         if (substr($socketName, 0, 4) == 'http') {
             new Web($config);
         } else {
             new Worker($config);
     return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: MainController.php プロジェクト: tourze/stat-server
  * 入口
 public function actionIndex()
     $date = $this->request->query('date');
     if (!$date) {
         $date = date('Y-m-d');
     $errorMsg = $noticeMsg = '';
     $module = 'WorkerMan';
     $interface = 'Statistics';
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $timeNow = time();
     StatServer::multiRequestStAndModules($module, $interface, $date);
     $allStr = '';
     if (is_array(Cache::$statisticData['statistic'])) {
         foreach (Cache::$statisticData['statistic'] as $ip => $st_str) {
             $allStr .= $st_str;
     $codeMap = [];
     $data = StatServer::formatStatLog($allStr, $date, $codeMap);
     $successSeriesData = $failSeriesData = $successTimeSeriesData = $failTimeSeriesData = [];
     $totalCount = $fail_count = 0;
     foreach ($data as $time_point => $item) {
         if ($item['total_count']) {
             $successSeriesData[] = "[" . $time_point * 1000 . ",{$item['total_count']}]";
             $totalCount += $item['total_count'];
         $failSeriesData[] = "[" . $time_point * 1000 . ",{$item['fail_count']}]";
         $fail_count += $item['fail_count'];
         if ($item['total_avg_time']) {
             $successTimeSeriesData[] = "[" . $time_point * 1000 . ",{$item['total_avg_time']}]";
         $failTimeSeriesData[] = "[" . $time_point * 1000 . ",{$item['fail_avg_time']}]";
     $successSeriesData = implode(',', $successSeriesData);
     $failSeriesData = implode(',', $failSeriesData);
     $successTimeSeriesData = implode(',', $successTimeSeriesData);
     $failTimeSeriesData = implode(',', $failTimeSeriesData);
     // 总体成功率
     $globalRate = $totalCount ? round(($totalCount - $fail_count) / $totalCount * 100, 4) : 100;
     // 返回码分布
     $codePieData = '';
     $codePieArray = [];
     if (empty($codeMap)) {
         $codeMap[0] = $totalCount > 0 ? $totalCount : 1;
     if (is_array($codeMap)) {
         $total_item_count = array_sum($codeMap);
         foreach ($codeMap as $code => $count) {
             $codePieArray[] = "[\"{$code}:{$count}个\", " . round($count * 100 / $total_item_count, 4) . "]";
         $codePieData = implode(',', $codePieArray);
     unset($_GET['start_time'], $_GET['end_time'], $_GET['date'], $_GET['fn']);
     $query = http_build_query($_GET);
     // 删除末尾0的记录
     if ($today == $date) {
         while (!empty($data) && ($item = end($data)) && $item['total_count'] == 0 && ($key = key($data)) && $timeNow < $key) {
     if (Cache::$lastFailedIpArray) {
         $errorMsg = '<strong>无法从以下数据源获取数据:</strong>';
         foreach (Cache::$lastFailedIpArray as $ip) {
             $errorMsg .= $ip . ':' . Config::load('statServer')->get('providerPort') . '&nbsp;';
     $this->template->set('content', View::factory('main/index', ['date' => $date, 'query' => $query, 'interfaceName' => '整体', 'errorMsg' => $errorMsg, 'noticeMsg' => $noticeMsg, 'data' => $data, 'successSeriesData' => $successSeriesData, 'failSeriesData' => $failSeriesData, 'successTimeSeriesData' => $successTimeSeriesData, 'failTimeSeriesData' => $failTimeSeriesData, 'globalRate' => $globalRate, 'codePieData' => $codePieData]));
コード例 #13
ファイル: StatProvider.php プロジェクト: tourze/stat-server
  * 获取指定时间段的日志
  * @param string $module
  * @param string $interface
  * @param string $startTime
  * @param string $endTime
  * @param string $code
  * @param string $msg
  * @param string $offset
  * @param int    $count
  * @return array
 protected function getStasticLog($module, $interface, $startTime = '', $endTime = '', $code = '', $msg = '', $offset = '', $count = 100)
     // log文件
     $logFile = Config::load('statServer')->get('dataPath') . $this->logDir . (empty($startTime) ? date('Y-m-d') : date('Y-m-d', $startTime));
     if (!is_readable($logFile)) {
         return ['offset' => 0, 'data' => ''];
     // 读文件
     $h = fopen($logFile, 'r');
     // 如果有时间,则进行二分查找,加速查询
     if ($startTime && $offset == 0 && ($file_size = filesize($logFile)) > 1024000) {
         $offset = $this->binarySearch(0, $file_size, $startTime - 1, $h);
         $offset = $offset < 100000 ? 0 : $offset - 100000;
     // 正则表达式
     $pattern = "/^([\\d: \\-]+)\t\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\t";
     if ($module && $module != 'WorkerMan') {
         $pattern .= $module . "::";
     } else {
         $pattern .= ".*::";
     if ($interface && $module != 'WorkerMan') {
         $pattern .= $interface . "\t";
     } else {
         $pattern .= ".*\t";
     if ($code !== '') {
         $pattern .= "code:{$code}\t";
     } else {
         $pattern .= "code:\\d+\t";
     if ($msg) {
         $pattern .= "msg:{$msg}";
     $pattern .= '/';
     // 指定偏移位置
     if ($offset > 0) {
         fseek($h, (int) $offset - 1);
     // 查找符合条件的数据
     $now_count = 0;
     $log_buffer = '';
     while (1) {
         if (feof($h)) {
         // 读1行
         $line = fgets($h);
         if (preg_match($pattern, $line, $match)) {
             // 判断时间是否符合要求
             $time = strtotime($match[1]);
             if ($startTime) {
                 if ($time < $startTime) {
             if ($endTime) {
                 if ($time > $endTime) {
             // 收集符合条件的log
             $log_buffer .= $line;
             if (++$now_count >= $count) {
     // 记录偏移位置
     $offset = ftell($h);
     return ['offset' => $offset, 'data' => $log_buffer];
コード例 #14
ファイル: StatServer.php プロジェクト: tourze/stat-server
  * 准备module参数,并读取数据
  * @param string $module
  * @param string $interface
  * @param mixed  $date
 public static function multiRequestStAndModules($module, $interface, $date)
     Base::getLog()->info(__METHOD__ . ' calling multiRequestStAndModules - start');
     Cache::$statisticData['statistic'] = '';
     $buffer = ['cmd' => 'get-statistic', 'module' => $module, 'interface' => $interface, 'date' => $date];
     Base::getLog()->info(__METHOD__ . ' prepare buffer', $buffer);
     $buffer = json_encode($buffer) . "\n";
     $ipList = !empty($_GET['ip']) && is_array($_GET['ip']) ? $_GET['ip'] : Cache::$serverIpList;
     $requestBufferArray = [];
     $port = Config::load('statServer')->get('providerPort');
     foreach ($ipList as $ip) {
         $requestBufferArray["{$ip}:{$port}"] = $buffer;
     $readBufferArray = self::multiRequest($requestBufferArray);
     Base::getLog()->info(__METHOD__ . ' receive remote buffer', $readBufferArray);
     foreach ($readBufferArray as $address => $buf) {
         $temp = explode(':', $address);
         $ip = array_shift($temp);
         $bodyData = json_decode(trim($buf), true);
         $statData = Arr::get($bodyData, 'statistic', '');
         $modulesData = Arr::get($bodyData, 'modules', []);
         // 整理modules
         foreach ($modulesData as $mod => $interfaces) {
             if (!isset(Cache::$moduleData[$mod])) {
                 Cache::$moduleData[$mod] = [];
             foreach ($interfaces as $if) {
                 Cache::$moduleData[$mod][$if] = $if;
         Cache::$statisticData['statistic'][$ip] = $statData;
     Base::getLog()->info(__METHOD__ . ' calling multiRequestStAndModules - end');
コード例 #15
  * 默认动作
 public function actionIndex()
     $module = $this->request->query('module');
     $interface = $this->request->query('interface');
     $date = $this->request->query('date');
     if (!$date) {
         $date = date('Y-m-d');
     $errorMsg = '';
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $timeNow = time();
     StatServer::multiRequestStAndModules($module, $interface, $date);
     $allStr = '';
     if (is_array(Cache::$statisticData['statistic'])) {
         foreach (Cache::$statisticData['statistic'] as $ip => $st_str) {
             $allStr .= $st_str;
     $codeMap = [];
     $data = StatServer::formatStatLog($allStr, $date, $codeMap);
     $interfaceName = "{$module}::{$interface}";
     $successSeriesData = $failSeriesData = $successTimeSeriesData = $failTimeSeriesData = [];
     $totalCount = $failCount = 0;
     foreach ($data as $timePoint => $item) {
         if ($item['total_count']) {
             $successSeriesData[] = "[" . $timePoint * 1000 . ",{$item['total_count']}]";
             $totalCount += $item['total_count'];
         $failSeriesData[] = "[" . $timePoint * 1000 . ",{$item['fail_count']}]";
         $failCount += $item['fail_count'];
         if ($item['total_avg_time']) {
             $successTimeSeriesData[] = "[" . $timePoint * 1000 . ",{$item['total_avg_time']}]";
         $failTimeSeriesData[] = "[" . $timePoint * 1000 . ",{$item['fail_avg_time']}]";
     $successSeriesData = implode(',', $successSeriesData);
     $failSeriesData = implode(',', $failSeriesData);
     $successTimeSeriesData = implode(',', $successTimeSeriesData);
     $failTimeSeriesData = implode(',', $failTimeSeriesData);
     unset($_GET['start_time'], $_GET['end_time'], $_GET['date'], $_GET['fn']);
     $query = http_build_query($_GET);
     // 删除末尾0的记录
     if ($today == $date) {
         while (!empty($data) && ($item = end($data)) && $item['total_count'] == 0 && ($key = key($data)) && $timeNow < $key) {
     $tableData = $htmlClass = '';
     if ($data) {
         $firstLine = true;
         foreach ($data as $item) {
             if ($firstLine) {
                 $firstLine = false;
                 if ($item['total_count'] == 0) {
             $htmlClass = 'class="danger"';
             if ($item['total_count'] == 0) {
                 $htmlClass = '';
             } elseif ($item['percent'] >= 99.98999999999999) {
                 $htmlClass = 'class="success"';
             } elseif ($item['percent'] >= 99) {
                 $htmlClass = '';
             } elseif ($item['percent'] >= 98) {
                 $htmlClass = 'class="warning"';
             $tableData .= "\n<tr {$htmlClass}>\n            <td>{$item['time']}</td>\n            <td>{$item['total_count']}</td>\n            <td> {$item['total_avg_time']}</td>\n            <td>{$item['success_count']}</td>\n            <td>{$item['suc_avg_time']}</td>\n            <td>" . ($item['fail_count'] > 0 ? "<a href='" . Route::url('stat-web', ['controller' => 'Logger']) . "?{$query}&start_time=" . (strtotime($item['time']) - 300) . "&end_time=" . strtotime($item['time']) . "'>{$item['fail_count']}</a>" : $item['fail_count']) . "</td>\n            <td>{$item['fail_avg_time']}</td>\n            <td>{$item['percent']}%</td>\n            </tr>\n            ";
     // date btn
     $dateBtnStr = '';
     for ($i = 13; $i >= 1; $i--) {
         $theTime = strtotime("-{$i} day");
         $theDate = date('Y-m-d', $theTime);
         $htmlTheDate = $date == $theDate ? "<b>{$theDate}</b>" : $theDate;
         $dateBtnStr .= '<a href="' . Route::url('stat-web', ['controller' => 'Statistic']) . '?date=' . "{$theDate}&{$query}" . '" class="btn ' . $htmlClass . '" type="button">' . $htmlTheDate . '</a>';
         if ($i == 7) {
             $dateBtnStr .= '</br>';
     $theDate = date('Y-m-d');
     $htmlTheDate = $date == $theDate ? "<b>{$theDate}</b>" : $theDate;
     $dateBtnStr .= '<a href="' . Route::url('stat-web', ['controller' => 'Statistic']) . '?date=' . "{$theDate}&{$query}" . '" class="btn" type="button">' . $htmlTheDate . '</a>';
     $moduleStr = '';
     foreach (Cache::$moduleData as $mod => $interfaces) {
         if ($mod == 'WorkerMan') {
         $moduleStr .= '<li><a href="' . Route::url('stat-web', ['controller' => 'Statistic']) . '?module=' . $mod . '">' . $mod . '</a></li>';
         if ($module == $mod) {
             foreach ($interfaces as $if) {
                 $moduleStr .= '<li>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . Route::url('stat-web', ['controller' => 'Statistic']) . '?module=' . $mod . '&interface=' . $if . '">' . $if . '</a></li>';
     if (Cache::$lastFailedIpArray) {
         $errorMsg = '<strong>无法从以下数据源获取数据:</strong>';
         foreach (Cache::$lastFailedIpArray as $ip) {
             $errorMsg .= $ip . '::' . Config::load('statServer')->get('providerPort') . '&nbsp;';
     $this->template->set('content', View::factory('statistic/index', ['errorMsg' => $errorMsg, 'date' => $date, 'module' => $module, 'interface' => $interface, 'interfaceName' => $interfaceName, 'moduleStr' => $moduleStr, 'successSeriesData' => $successSeriesData, 'failSeriesData' => $failSeriesData, 'successTimeSeriesData' => $successTimeSeriesData, 'failTimeSeriesData' => $failTimeSeriesData, 'tableData' => $tableData, 'dateBtnStr' => $dateBtnStr]));
コード例 #16
ファイル: Mime.php プロジェクト: tourze/base
  * 初始化,和更新数据数组
 public static function initMimeTypes()
     if (empty(self::$mimeTypes)) {