public function getStaticRoot() { $config = new Config(); $config->setDocumentationDirectory(''); $config['mode'] = Daux::STATIC_MODE; $config['index_key'] = 'index.html'; $config['valid_content_extensions'] = ['md']; return new Root($config); }
protected function createContent($content) { $config = new Config(); $config->setDocumentationDirectory(''); $dir = new Directory(new Root($config), ''); $obj = new Content($dir, ''); $obj->setContent($content); return $obj; }
protected function getTree(Config $config) { $structure = ['Content' => ['' => 'some text content'], 'Widgets' => ['' => 'another page', '' => 'another page']]; $root = vfsStream::setup('root', null, $structure); $config->setDocumentationDirectory($root->url()); $config['valid_content_extensions'] = ['md']; $config['mode'] = Daux::STATIC_MODE; $config['index_key'] = 'index.html'; $tree = new Root($config); Builder::build($tree, []); return $tree; }
/** * @dataProvider providerSort */ public function testSort($list, $expected) { shuffle($list); $config = new Config(); $config->setDocumentationDirectory(''); $directory = new Directory(new Root($config), 'dir'); foreach ($list as $value) { $entry = new Content($directory, $value); $entry->setName($value); } $directory->sort(); $final = []; foreach ($directory->getEntries() as $obj) { $final[] = $obj->getName(); } $this->assertEquals($expected, $final); }
public function testCreateHierarchy() { $config = new Config(); $config->setDocumentationDirectory($this->root->url()); $config['valid_content_extensions'] = ['md']; $config['mode'] = Daux::STATIC_MODE; $config['index_key'] = 'index.html'; $tree = new Root($config); Builder::build($tree, []); $this->assertCount(2, $tree); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('Contents', $tree->getEntries())); $this->assertInstanceOf(Directory::class, $tree['Contents']); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('Widgets', $tree->getEntries())); $this->assertInstanceOf(Directory::class, $tree['Widgets']); // TODO :: should not be Page.html, this should not depend on the mode $this->assertEquals('Page', $tree['Contents']['Page.html']->getTitle()); $this->assertInstanceOf(Content::class, $tree['Contents']['Page.html']); }
/** * @param AbstractInline|Link $inline * @param ElementRendererInterface $htmlRenderer * @return HtmlElement * @throws Exception */ public function render(AbstractInline $inline, ElementRendererInterface $htmlRenderer) { // This can't be in the method type as // the method is an abstract and should // have the same interface if (!$inline instanceof Link) { throw new \RuntimeException('Wrong type passed to ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " the expected type was 'League\\CommonMark\\Inline\\Element\\Link' but '" . get_class($inline) . "' was provided"); } $element = parent::render($inline, $htmlRenderer); $url = $inline->getUrl(); // Absolute urls, empty urls and anchors // should not go through the url resolver if (empty($url) || $url[0] == '#' || preg_match('|^(?:[a-z]+:)?//|', $url)) { return $element; } $file = $this->resolveInternalFile($url); $url = DauxHelper::getRelativePath($this->daux->getCurrentPage()->getUrl(), $file->getUrl()); $element->setAttribute('href', $url); return $element; }
protected static function resolveVariant(Config $params) { if (array_key_exists('theme-variant', $params['html'])) { return; } if (is_dir(realpath($params->getThemesPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $params['html']['theme']))) { return; } $theme = explode('-', $params['html']['theme']); // do we have a variant or only a theme ? if (isset($theme[1])) { $params['html']['theme-variant'] = array_pop($theme); $params['html']['theme'] = implode('-', $theme); } else { $params['html']['theme'] = array_pop($theme); } if (!is_dir(realpath($params->getThemesPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $params['html']['theme']))) { throw new \RuntimeException("Theme '{$params['html']['theme']}' not found"); } }
/** * @return Config */ public function getParams() { if ($this->tree && !$this->merged_tree) { $this->options['tree'] = $this->tree; $this->options['index'] = $this->tree->getIndexPage() ?: $this->tree->getFirstPage(); if ($this->options->isMultilanguage()) { foreach ($this->options['languages'] as $key => $name) { $this->options['entry_page'][$key] = $this->tree->getEntries()[$key]->getFirstPage(); } } else { $this->options['entry_page'] = $this->tree->getFirstPage(); } $this->merged_tree = true; } return $this->options; }
/** * @param AbstractInline|Link $inline * @param ElementRendererInterface $htmlRenderer * @return HtmlElement * @throws LinkNotFoundException */ public function render(AbstractInline $inline, ElementRendererInterface $htmlRenderer) { // This can't be in the method type as // the method is an abstract and should // have the same interface if (!$inline instanceof Link) { throw new \RuntimeException('Wrong type passed to ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " the expected type was 'League\\CommonMark\\Inline\\Element\\Link' but '" . get_class($inline) . "' was provided"); } $element = parent::render($inline, $htmlRenderer); $url = $inline->getUrl(); // empty urls and anchors should // not go through the url resolver if (!$this->isValidUrl($url)) { return $element; } // Absolute urls, shouldn't either if ($this->isExternalUrl($url)) { $element->setAttribute('class', 'external'); return $element; } // if there's a hash component in the url, ensure we // don't put that part through the resolver. $urlAndHash = explode('#', $url); $url = $urlAndHash[0]; try { $file = $this->resolveInternalFile($url); $url = DauxHelper::getRelativePath($this->daux->getCurrentPage()->getUrl(), $file->getUrl()); } catch (LinkNotFoundException $e) { if ($this->daux->isStatic()) { throw $e; } $element->setAttribute('class', 'broken'); } if (isset($urlAndHash[1])) { $url .= '#' . $urlAndHash[1]; } $element->setAttribute('href', $url); return $element; }
/** * @return Config */ public function getParams() { if (!$this->merged_defaults) { $default = ['multilanguage' => !empty($this->options['languages']), 'mode' => $this->mode, 'local_base' => $this->local_base, 'docs_path' => $this->docs_path, 'themes_path' => $this->themes_path, 'templates' => 'templates']; $this->options->conservativeMerge($default); $this->options['index_key'] = 'index.html'; $this->options['base_page'] = $this->options['base_url'] = ''; $this->merged_defaults = true; } if ($this->tree && !$this->merged_tree) { $this->options['tree'] = $this->tree; $this->options['index'] = $this->tree->getIndexPage() ?: $this->tree->getFirstPage(); if ($this->options['multilanguage']) { foreach ($this->options['languages'] as $key => $name) { $this->options['entry_page'][$key] = $this->tree->getEntries()[$key]->getFirstPage(); } } else { $this->options['entry_page'] = $this->tree->getFirstPage(); } $this->merged_tree = true; } return $this->options; }
public function convert($raw, Content $node) { $this->config->setCurrentPage($node); return $this->converter->convertToHtml($raw); }
function testHTMLConfigCreation() { $config = new MainConfig(['html' => ['edit_on' => 'test']]); $this->assertInstanceOf(Config::class, $config->getHTML()); $this->assertEquals('test', $config->getHTML()['edit_on']); }