/** * Test getting the project-name */ public function testGetName() { $this->assertEquals(self::PROJECT_NAME, $this->_object->getName()); }
/** * Add a project to watch * * @param \Testy\Project $oProject * * @return $this */ public function add(\Testy\Project $oProject) { $sName = $oProject->getName(); if (empty($this->_aStack[$sName]) === true or $oProject->getProjectHash() !== $this->_aStack[$sName]->getProjectHash()) { if ($oProject->isEnabled() === true) { $this->_aStack[$sName] = $oProject; $oProject->notify(\notifyy\Notifyable::INFO, \Testy\Project\Builder::INFO); } elseif (empty($this->_aStack[$sName]) !== true) { unset($this->_aStack[$sName]); } } return $this; }
/** * Enrich the command with placeholders * * @param boolean $bSingle * * @return string */ protected function _getCommand($bSingle = false) { $sCommand = $this->_sCommand; if ($bSingle === true) { $oTestMapper = new \Testy\Project\File\Mapper($sCommand, $this->_sFile); $sCommand = $oTestMapper->map()->get(); unset($oTestMapper); } if (empty($this->_sSyncPath) !== true) { $sCommand = str_replace($this->_sSyncPath->from, $this->_sSyncPath->to, $sCommand); } $sCommand = trim(preg_replace('!{.*?}!i', '', $sCommand)); if (empty($this->_sChangeDir) !== true) { $sCommand = sprintf('cd %s; %s', $this->_sChangeDir, $sCommand); } if (empty($this->_sSyncPath) !== true) { $sCommand = sprintf('rsync -azq %s %s; %s', $this->_sSyncPath->from, $this->_sSyncPath->to, $sCommand); } $aReplace = array(self::FILE_PLACEHOLDER => '', self::TIME_PLACEHOLDER => time(), self::MTIME_PLACEHOLDER => filemtime($this->_sFile), self::PROJECT_PLACEHOLDER => $this->_oProject->getName()); return str_replace(array_keys($aReplace), array_values($aReplace), $sCommand); }