コード例 #1
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
try {
     * Initialize the router
    $router = new Router();
     * Require the routes
    require __DIR__ . '/../app/routes.php';
     * Initialize the resolver
    $resolver = new RouteResolver($router);
     * resolve the route
     * the resolve function will search for an matching route
     * when a matching route is found the given function will be triggerd. 
     * lets asume we have triggerd the route: /user/10
     * the function `show` from the class `UserController` will be called
     * the wildcard which is the number `10` will be passed on to the `show` function
    $response = $resolver->resolve(['uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'method' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']]);
    echo $response;
} catch (Szenis\Exceptions\RouteNotFoundException $e) {
    // route not found, add a nice 404 page here if you like
} catch (Szenis\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    // an exception has been caught, you could log it in a log file and show an 'something went wrong' page
コード例 #2
  * Test action after namespace has changed
 public function testNamespace()
     $request = array('uri' => '/call/controller', 'method' => 'PUT');
     $response = $this->resolver->resolve($request);
     $this->assertEquals('index called', $response);