/** * Creates a new Message object with a file. * @param \System\IO\File The file to send in the message * @param string The target filename. This is a fullpath * @param string The host. This can be local or remote, or an IPv4 * @param int The port to use * @param string The username to connect to the local SSH server * @param string The password to connect to the local SSH server */ public function __construct_6(\System\IO\File $file, $targetFilename, $host, $port, $username, $password) { $this->setType(\System\System\Interaction\MessageType::TYPE_SYSTEM); $this->setMessage('file'); $contents = @base64_encode($file->getContents()); $this->setParams(array('file' => $contents, 'atime' => $file->getLastAccessTime(), 'mtime' => $file->getModifiedTime(), 'host' => $host, 'port' => $port, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'target' => $targetFilename)); }
/** * Adds the given file to the hash pool. The hash will be calculated over the total hash pool. * @param \System\IO\File The file to include in the hashing */ public final function addFile(\System\IO\File $file) { if ($this->hash) { if ($file->exists()) { hash_update_file($this->hash, $file->getFullPath()); } else { throw new \System\Error\Exception\FileNotFoundException('The given file does not exists: ' . $file->getFilename()); } } else { throw new \System\Error\Exception\InvalidMethodException('This method is called after finalizing the hash'); } }
/** * Adds an attachment to the Email message. * @param \System\IO\File The file object to attach */ public final function addAttachment(\System\IO\File $file) { if ($file->exists()) { $this->attachments[] = $file; } else { throw new \System\Error\Exception\FileNotFoundException('The given email attachment file ' . $file->getFilename() . ' does not exists'); } }
/** * Adds a JS file to be loaded upon clientside rendering. Leave the localpath empty for remote files * @param \SimpleXMLElement The XML root * @param string The (full)path to the local JS file * @param string The (full)path to the remote file * @param int The \System\Web\BasePage\Page\InclusionLocation for inclusion location */ public function addJSFile(\SimpleXMLElement $xml, $localFile, $remoteFile, $location = \System\Web\BasePage\Page\InclusionLocation::LOCATION_HEAD) { if (!isset($xml->jsfiles)) { $xml->addChild('jsfiles'); } $jsFiles = $xml->jsfiles; $jsFile = $jsFiles->addChild('jsfile'); if ($localFile) { $file = new \System\IO\File($localFile); if (MINIFY_ENABLE && mb_strpos($file->getFilename(), self::JS_MIN_EXTENSION) === false && mb_strpos($file->getFilename(), self::JS_MIN_PACKED) === false) { $localMinFile = $file->getPath() . basename($file->getFilename(), self::JS_EXTENSION) . self::JS_MIN_EXTENSION; if (!file_exists($localMinFile)) { $file = \System\IO\File::writeContents($localMinFile, \System\Web\Minify\JS\Minify::minify($file->getContents())); } else { $file = new \System\IO\File($localMinFile); } $remoteFile = str_ireplace(self::JS_EXTENSION, self::JS_MIN_EXTENSION, $remoteFile); } $jsFile->addChild('filesize', $file->getFileSizeInBytes()); } $jsFile->addChild('name', $remoteFile); $jsFile->addChild('location', $location); }
/** * Gets the url name of the file. This will be in the following form: * if $file = 'abc.jpg', and container = 'myRandomContainer', then * retrun value is 'abc.myran.jpg' * @param File The file to use * @param string The container to use * @return string The name of the url file. This excludes base paths. */ public static function getURLFile(\System\IO\File $file, $container) { $filename = $file->getFilename(); $extension = $file->getExtension(); $filename = mb_substr($filename, 0, -mb_strlen($extension)); $containerNameUsage = self::getContainerNameParts($container); $filename .= $containerNameUsage . '.' . $file->getExtension(); return $filename; }
/** * Transfer the file to its new location by copying it. * @param \System\IO\File The sourcefile. * @return bool True on success, false otherwise */ public final function transferFile(\System\IO\File $file) { $target = \System\IO\Directory::getPath($this->targetFolder . $file->getFilename()); return \System\IO\File::writeContents($target, $file->getContents()) instanceof \System\IO\File; }
/** * Transfer the file to its new location by copying it. * @param \System\IO\File The sourcefile. * @return bool True on success, false otherwise */ public final function transferFile(\System\IO\File $file) { return $this->putBlocking($file->getFilename(), $file->getFullPath()); }
/** * Handles the receiving of remote files and places them on the correct location. Listens to the EVENT_RECEIVE_FILE message * @param OnInteractionEvent The event to listen to */ public static final function receiveFile(\System\System\Interaction\Event\OnInteractionEvent $event) { $msg = $event->getMessage(); if ($msg->getType() == \System\System\Interaction\MessageType::TYPE_SYSTEM && $msg->getMessage() == SystemInteractionEventEvent::EVENT_RECEIVE_FILE && $msg instanceof \System\System\Interaction\FileMessage) { $params = $msg->getParams(); $targetFile = getcwd() . '/' . $params['target']; $tempFileName = PATH_TEMP . uniqid('sshtransfer'); $file = \System\IO\File::writeContents($tempFileName, $msg->getFileData()); $file->touch($params['mtime'], $params['atime']); $transfer = new \System\IO\SSHFileTransfer($params['host'], $params['port'], $params['username'], $params['password'], $targetFile); if ($transfer->transferFile($file)) { $response = new \System\System\Interaction\Response($msg, $targetFile . ' (' . $file->getFileSizeInBytes() . 'b)'); $file->delete(); $event->addResponse($response); } } }