コード例 #1
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../bootstrap.php';
use Symfony\Components\Templating\Helper\AssetsHelper;
use Symfony\Components\Templating\Helper\StylesheetsHelper;
use Symfony\Components\Templating\Helper\HelperSet;
use Symfony\Components\Templating\Engine;
use Symfony\Components\Templating\Loader\FilesystemLoader;
$t = new LimeTest(4);
$helperSet = new HelperSet(array(new AssetsHelper()));
// ->add()
$helper = new StylesheetsHelper();
$t->is($helper->get(), array('/foo' => array()), '->add() adds a stylesheet');
$t->is($helper->get(), array('/foo' => array()), '->add() does not add the same stylesheet twice');
$helper = new StylesheetsHelper();
$t->is($helper->get(), array('http://assets.example.com/foo' => array()), '->add() converts the stylesheet to a public path');
// ->__toString()
$helper = new StylesheetsHelper();
$helperSet->setEngine($engine = new Engine(new FilesystemLoader('/')));
$helper->add('foo', array('media' => 'ba>'));
$t->is($helper->__toString(), '<link href="/foo" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="ba&gt;" />', '->__toString() converts the stylesheet configuration to HTML');
コード例 #2
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../bootstrap.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../lib/SymfonyTests/Components/Templating/SimpleHelper.php';
use Symfony\Components\Templating\Helper\HelperSet;
use Symfony\Components\Templating\Engine;
use Symfony\Components\Templating\Loader\FilesystemLoader;
$t = new LimeTest(7);
$engine = new Engine(new FilesystemLoader('/'));
// __construct()
$helperSet = new HelperSet(array('foo' => $helper = new SimpleHelper('foo')));
$t->ok($helperSet->has('foo'), '__construct() takes an array of helpers as its first argument');
// ->setEngine()
$helperSet = new HelperSet(array('foo' => $helper = new SimpleHelper('foo')));
$t->ok($helper->getHelperSet() === $helperSet, '->__construct() changes the embedded helper set of the given helpers');
// ->get() ->set() ->has()
$t->diag('->getHelper() ->setHelper() ->has()');
$helperSet = new HelperSet();
$helperSet->set($helper = new SimpleHelper('bar'));
$t->ok($helper->getHelperSet() === $helperSet, '->set() changes the embedded helper set of the helper');
$t->is((string) $helperSet->get('foo'), 'bar', '->set() sets a helper value');
$t->ok($helperSet->has('foo'), '->has() returns true if the helper is defined');
$t->ok(!$helperSet->has('bar'), '->has() returns false if the helper is not defined');
try {
    $t->fail('->get() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the helper is not defined');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    $t->pass('->get() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the helper is not defined');