protected static function stopServer() { if (!static::$enabled) { return; } self::$server->stop(); }
/** * @param Process $process * @param AdapterAbstract $testFrameworkAdapter * @param callable $onProgressCallback * * @return bool */ public function run(Process $process, AdapterAbstract $testFrameworkAdapter, \Closure $onProgressCallback = null) { $hasFailure = false; $process->run(function ($out, $data) use($process, $testFrameworkAdapter, $onProgressCallback, &$hasFailure) { if ($out == Process::ERR) { $hasFailure = true; $process->stop(); return; } if ($hasFailure) { return; } if (!$testFrameworkAdapter->ok($data)) { $hasFailure = true; $process->stop(); return; } $oksCount = $testFrameworkAdapter->hasOks($data); if ($oksCount !== false && $onProgressCallback) { $onProgressCallback($oksCount); } }); $process->stop(); return $hasFailure; }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function forceStop() { if (!$this->stopped) { $this->process->stop(); } $this->stopped = true; }
public function stop() { while ($this->isRunning()) { $this->serverProcess->stop($this->timeout, SIGINT); // it needs some time to stop usleep(10); } }
protected function stop() { if ($this->background && $this->process->isRunning()) { $this->process->stop(); $this->printTaskInfo("Stopped <info>" . $this->getCommand() . "</info>"); } }
/** * @dataProvider cbProvider */ public function testResponse($expectedStatusCode, $expectedResponseContent, $request, $testCase, $testHeaders) { $process = new Process('php -S [::1]:8999', __DIR__ . '/../../resources'); $process->start(); sleep(1); $signature = sha1($request . ServerMock::PROJECT_SECRET_KEY); $headers = null; if ($testHeaders) { $headers = $testHeaders; } else { $headers = array('Authorization' => 'Signature ' . $signature); } $request = $this->guzzleClient->post('/webhook_server.php?test_case=' . $testCase, $headers, $request); try { $response = $request->send(); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { $process->stop(); $response = $e->getResponse(); } static::assertSame($expectedResponseContent, $response->getBody(true)); static::assertSame($expectedStatusCode, $response->getStatusCode()); static::assertArrayHasKey('x-xsolla-sdk', $response->getHeaders()); static::assertSame(Version::getVersion(), (string) $response->getHeader('x-xsolla-sdk')); static::assertArrayHasKey('content-type', $response->getHeaders()); if (204 === $response->getStatusCode()) { static::assertStringStartsWith('text/plain', (string) $response->getHeader('content-type')); } else { static::assertStringStartsWith('application/json', (string) $response->getHeader('content-type')); } }
protected function stop() { if ($this->background && $this->process->isRunning()) { $this->process->stop(); $this->printTaskInfo("Stopped {command}", ['command' => $this->getCommand()]); } }
public function stop() { if ($this->background && $this->process->isRunning()) { $this->process->stop(); $this->printTaskInfo("stopped <info>{$this->command}</info>"); } }
/** * Terminate current process * * @param int $timeout * @param int $signal */ protected function _terminate($timeout = 10, $signal = 15) { foreach ($this->_getPidRecursive($this->getPid()) as $pid) { posix_kill($pid, $signal); } parent::stop($timeout, $signal); }
/** * Kills the connection */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->output->isVerbose()) { $this->writeln("Closing SauceLabs tunnel."); } if (null !== $this->process) { $this->process->stop(); } }
public function testRequest404() { $process = new Process((new PhpExecutableFinder())->find() . ' -S -t ' . realpath(__DIR__)); $process->start(); sleep(1); $request = new RequestProcess(new Request('GET', '')); $this->assertEquals($request->execute(), false); $this->assertEquals($request->getError()['status'], 404); $process->stop(); }
public function testFileDriverWithArrayArgument() { $fileLock = new File('lock'); $fileLock->clearLocks(); $p = new Process('/usr/bin/php Tests/FileLockCommand.php test:file -s 1'); $p->start(); $decorator = new Decorator(new TestService(), 'test_service'); $lock = new Lock(); $lock->setDriver($fileLock)->setMethod('sleep')->setArgumentIndex(1); $decorator->addLock($lock); $decorator->sleep(1, array(1)); $p->stop(); return $this->assertTrue(true); }
/** * Stops the server process * @link */ public function stop() { if (null === $this->process) { return; } if (!$this->isRunning()) { return; } if (null !== $this->getConnection()) { // Force a 'clean' exit // See: $this->doEvalJS($this->getConnection(), 'process.exit(0);'); $this->process->stop(); $this->process = null; } }
/** * Fire and forget a command. It will be executed asynchronously, but you can get its output via the $callback. * * @param string $cmd Command to be fired. * @param callable $callback [optional] Callback function that will be called periodically during command's execution * and will take two arguments: 1st is a string buffer output and 2nd is bool error. * You can return (bool) false from the callback to stop the running command. */ public function fire($cmd, $callback = null) { $process = new SymfonyProcess($cmd); $process->start(); // if callback is defined then call it periodically if (is_callable($callback)) { while ($process->isRunning()) { // call the callback $continue = call_user_func_array($callback, array($process->getIncrementalOutput())); // if callback returned false then stop the process if ($continue === false) { $process->stop(3, SIGINT); } } } }
public function testClient() { $process = new Process("gearman -w -f replace -- sed 's/__replace__/the best/g'"); $process->start(); try { $this->assertEquals('php is the best', $this->client->doNormal('replace', 'php is __replace__')); $this->assertEquals('php is the best', $this->client->doLow('replace', 'php is __replace__')); $this->assertEquals('php is the best', $this->client->doHigh('replace', 'php is __replace__')); $this->client->doBackground('replace', 'php is __replace__'); $this->client->doHighBackground('replace', 'php is __replace__'); $this->client->doLowBackground('replace', 'php is __replace__'); } catch (Exception\CouldNotConnectException $e) { $this->markTestSkipped('Skipped, please start Gearman on port ' . Connection::DEFAULT_PORT . ' to be able to run this test'); } $process->stop(); }
public function testSpeed() { $queueTypes = ['redis', 'predis', 'rabbitMQ']; $queueFactory = new QueueFactory(); $messageCount = 200; $threadCount = 4; $type = 'benchmark-sum'; $workerScript = __DIR__ . '/benchmark-worker.php'; $results = []; foreach ($queueTypes as $queueType) { $queue = $queueFactory->make($queueType); $transformer = new TaskMessageSerializeTransformer(); $executor = new Executor(new TaskScheduler($queue, $transformer, $transformer)); /** @var Process[] $threads */ $threads = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $threadCount; $i++) { $thread = new Process('php ' . $workerScript . ' ' . $queueType . ' ' . $type); $thread->start(); $threads[] = $thread; } sleep(1); $stopwatch = Stopwatch::createStarted(); /** @var FutureResult[] $futureResults */ $futureResults = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $messageCount; $i++) { $futureResults[] = $executor->submit($type, SumTask::class, [$i, $i + 1]); } $stopwatch->pause(); $submitTime = $stopwatch->getElapsedSeconds(); $stopwatch->resume(); foreach ($futureResults as $futureResult) { $futureResult->getResult(); } $stopwatch->stop(); $totalTime = $stopwatch->getElapsedSeconds(); foreach ($threads as $thread) { $thread->stop(); } $results[$queueType] = [$totalTime, $submitTime]; } foreach ($results as $queueType => list($totalTime, $submitTime)) { $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $totalTime); $totalTime = number_format($totalTime, 2); $submitTime = number_format($submitTime, 2); echo "{$queueType}: total = {$totalTime} seconds, submit = {$submitTime} seconds\n"; } }
private function startProcess($port, $respond, $callback) { $env = array('PORT' => $port, 'RESPOND' => $respond); $process = new Process('php tests/bin/server.php', null, $env); $process->start(); // give it time to start while ($process->getIncrementalOutput() !== 'started') { usleep(100); } try { $callback(); } catch (Exception $e) { $process->signal(SIGKILL); $process->stop(); throw $e; } }
/** * @AfterScenario * @param ScenarioEvent $event */ public function stopCapture(ScenarioEvent $event) { if ($this->captureProcess !== NULL) { $tmpFilePath = $this->getTmpFilename(); $failedCapturePath = rtrim($this->reportsPath, '/') . '/' . strtr($event->getScenario()->getTitle(), array(' ' => '_', '.' => '_')) . '.mp4'; $this->captureProcess->stop(3, SIGTERM); if (file_exists($tmpFilePath)) { if ($event->getResult() === StepEvent::FAILED) { if (!is_dir(dirname($failedCapturePath))) { mkdir(dirname($failedCapturePath), 0777, TRUE); } if (file_exists($failedCapturePath)) { unlink($failedCapturePath); } rename($tmpFilePath, $failedCapturePath); } else { unlink($tmpFilePath); } } } $this->captureProcess = NULL; }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { Resque\Redis::setConfig(array('namespace' => 'resque:speedtest')); $testTime = (int) $input->getOption('time') ?: 5; @unlink(RESQUE_DIR . '/test/speed/output.log'); $process = new Process(RESQUE_BIN_DIR . '/resque worker:start -c ' . RESQUE_DIR . '/test/speed/config.yml'); $start = microtime(true); $process->start(); do { $this->setProgress($output, Resque::stats(), $testTime, $start); usleep(500); } while ($process->isRunning() and $testTime > microtime(true) - $start); $process->stop(0, SIGTERM); if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { list($error) = explode('Exception trace:', $process->getErrorOutput()); $output->write('<error>' . $error . '</error>'); } // Clear down Redis $redis = Resque\Redis::instance(); $keys = $redis->keys('*'); foreach ($keys as $key) { $redis->del($key); } }
/** * When collecting make the stuff die */ public function __destruct() { echo "Stopping the local server...\n"; $this->process->stop(); }
/** * @dataProvider provideVariousIncrementals */ public function testIncrementalOutputDoesNotRequireAnotherCall($stream, $method) { $process = new Process(self::$phpBin . ' -r ' . escapeshellarg('$n = 0; while ($n < 3) { file_put_contents(\'' . $stream . '\', $n, 1); $n++; usleep(1000); }'), null, null, null, null); $process->start(); $result = ''; $limit = microtime(true) + 3; $expected = '012'; while ($result !== $expected && microtime(true) < $limit) { $result .= $process->{$method}(); } $this->assertSame($expected, $result); $process->stop(); }
public function stopServer() { $this->process->stop(); }
public function stop($timeout = 10, $signal = null) { $exitCode = parent::stop($timeout, $signal); return $exitCode; }
/** * Stops the server. */ public function stopDemoServer() { $this->demoServerProcess->stop(); }
public function testStop() { $process = new Process('php -r "while (true) {}"'); $process->start(); $this->assertTrue($process->isRunning()); $process->stop(); $this->assertFalse($process->isRunning()); $this->assertTrue($process->hasBeenSignaled()); }
public function testStop() { $process = new Process('php -r "while (true) {}"'); $process->start(); $this->assertTrue($process->isRunning()); $process->stop(); $this->assertFalse($process->isRunning()); // skip this check on windows since it does not support signals if (!defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR')) { $this->assertTrue($process->hasBeenSignaled()); } }
/** * Stop the process and return it's * exit code * * @return int */ public function stop() { return $this->process->stop(); }
/** * Stops the process. */ public function stop() { $this->process->signal(SIGTERM); $this->process->stop(3, SIGKILL); }
public function stopServer() { if ($this->process and $this->process->isRunning()) { $this->process->stop(0); } }
protected static function stopServer() { self::$server->stop(); }