コード例 #1
  * Executes a raw import.
  * @param Manager         $manager
  * @param string          $filename
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @param int             $bulkSize
 protected function executeRawImport(Manager $manager, $filename, OutputInterface $output, $bulkSize)
     $reader = $this->getReader($manager, $filename, false);
     if (class_exists('\\Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar')) {
         $progress = new ProgressBar($output, $reader->count());
     } else {
         $progress = new ProgressHelper();
         $progress->start($output, $reader->count());
     foreach ($reader as $key => $document) {
         $data = $document['_source'];
         $data['_id'] = $document['_id'];
         $manager->getConnection()->bulk('index', $document['_type'], $data);
         if (($key + 1) % $bulkSize == 0) {
     if (($key + 1) % $bulkSize != 0) {
コード例 #2
 protected function dumpRowsToAllFiles(Config $config, array $dumpers)
     // generate random data and write row by row
     $this->stopwatch->start('generating_rows', 'generate_dumps');
     $this->progress->start($this->output, $config->getFakeNumber());
     $unit = floor($config->getFakeNumber() / 100);
     $this->progress->setRedrawFrequency($unit < 1 ? 1 : $unit);
     $this->output->writeln('Generating <info>' . $config->getFakeNumber() . '</info> rows ...');
     parent::dumpRowsToAllFiles($config, $dumpers);
     $this->output->writeln('Finalizing files ...');
     $this->stopwatch->start('finalizing_files', 'generate_dumps');
コード例 #3
  * Exports es index to provided file.
  * @param Manager         $manager
  * @param string          $filename
  * @param int             $chunkSize
  * @param OutputInterface $output
 public function exportIndex(Manager $manager, $filename, $chunkSize, OutputInterface $output)
     $types = $manager->getTypesMapping();
     $repo = $manager->getRepository($types);
     $results = $this->getResults($repo, $chunkSize);
     if (class_exists('\\Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar')) {
         $progress = new ProgressBar($output, $results->getTotalCount());
     } else {
         $progress = new ProgressHelper();
         $progress->start($output, $results->getTotalCount());
     $metadata = ['count' => $results->getTotalCount(), 'date' => date(\DateTime::ISO8601)];
     $writer = $this->getWriter($this->getFilePath($filename), $metadata);
     foreach ($results as $data) {
         $writer->push(array_intersect_key($data, array_flip(['_id', '_type', '_source'])));
コード例 #4
  * Imports the localities of a specific country into the locality
  * @param string|CountryInterface $country Country
  * @param Filter                  $filter  Locality Filter
  * @param LoggerInterface         $log     Import log
 public function importCountry($country, Filter $filter = null, LoggerInterface $log = null, ProgressHelper $progressHelper, OutputInterface $outputInterface)
     $log = $log ?: new NullLogger();
     $countryRepository = $this->getCountryRepository();
     $managerRegistry = $this->getManagerRegistry();
     // Load the country if required
     if (!$country instanceof CountryInterface) {
         $countryCode = $country;
         $country = $countryRepository->getCountry($countryCode);
         if (!$country) {
             $log->error("Country code '{code}' does not exist in repository {repository}", ['code' => $countryCode, 'repository' => get_class($countryRepository)]);
             return [];
     // Retrieve the locality TSV stream
     $path = $this->getLocalityDataPath($country, $log);
     $log->info("Reading locality data from {path}", ['path' => $path]);
     $stream = @fopen($path, 'r');
     $separator = "\t";
     // As a workaround for the lack of support for fgetcsv() without any
     // enclosure value we can use the backspace character as the enclosure
     $enclosure = chr(8);
     // Check that the stream opened successfully, if it failed to open log
     // an error and return execution to the callee
     if ($stream === false) {
         $log->error("Could not read locality stream for {country} ({code})", ['country' => $country->getName(), 'code' => $country->getCode()]);
         return [];
     // Register that we're now importing localities
     $log->info("Importing {country} localities", ['country' => $country->getName()]);
     // Iterate over all the localities in the stream
     $lineNumber = 0;
     $managers = [];
     $cities = [];
     $states = [];
     $substates = [];
     $progressHelper->start($outputInterface, $this->getLinesCount($stream));
     $stream = @fopen($path, 'r');
     $repositories = [];
     $batchSize = 150;
     $i = 0;
     // while (false !== $row = fgetcsv($stream, 0, $separator, $enclosure)) {
     $content = file_get_contents($path);
     $rows = explode("\n", $content);
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $row = explode($separator, $row);
         // Increment the line number
         // Log the line number and file
         $log->debug("Line {line} of {file}", ['line' => $lineNumber, 'file' => $path]);
         // Skip blank rows
         if (!$row[0]) {
         // Display a warning and skip rows where there are not enough
         // columns to generate a locality
         if (count($row) < 17) {
             $log->warning("Line {line} only has {count} of {expected} columns", ['line' => $lineNumber, 'count' => count($row), 'expected' => 17]);
         // User function is called indirectly to allow the createLocality
         // method to be solely responsible for the generation of locality
         // information
         $importedLocality = call_user_func_array([$this, 'createLocality'], $row);
         // Determine the locality repository for import
         $featureCode = $importedLocality->getFeatureCode();
         // Quick FIX because of french changements
         if ($featureCode == 'ADM1H') {
             $featureCode = 'ADM1';
         if ($featureCode == 'ADM2H') {
             $featureCode = 'ADM2';
         if (!array_key_exists($featureCode, $repositories)) {
             $repositories[$featureCode] = $this->getLocalityRepository($featureCode);
         $localityRepository = $repositories[$featureCode];
         // Skip unsupported geographical features
         if (!$localityRepository) {
             $log->debug("{name} skipped ({code} feature not supported)", ['code' => $importedLocality->getFeatureCode(), 'name' => $importedLocality->getNameAscii()]);
         // Import the specific locality
         $locality = $this->importLocality($localityRepository, $importedLocality, $country, $filter, $log);
         // Skip non-importable localities
         if (!$locality) {
         // Determine the manager for the locality
         $localityClass = get_class($locality);
         if (!isset($managers[$localityClass])) {
             $localityManager = $managerRegistry->getManagerForClass($localityClass);
             // Ensure the locality manager was loaded
             if (!$localityManager) {
                 $log->error("No object manager registered for {class}", ['class' => get_class($locality)]);
             $managers[$localityClass] = $localityManager;
         $localityManager = $managers[$localityClass];
         if (null == $localityManager) {
         // Persist the locality
         // $localityManager->clear($locality);
         if ($i % $batchSize === 0) {
             // $localityManager->clear();
         if ($locality instanceof City) {
             $cities[] = $locality;
         } elseif ($locality instanceof State) {
             //  || $importedLocality->getFeatureCode() == 'ADM1H'
             if ($importedLocality->getFeatureCode() == 'ADM1') {
                 $states[$locality->getAdmin1Code()] = $locality;
                 // || $importedLocality->getFeatureCode() == 'ADM2H'
             } elseif ($importedLocality->getFeatureCode() == 'ADM2') {
                 $substates[$locality->getAdmin2Code()] = $locality;
     if (isset($localityManager) && null != $localityManager) {
         // $localityManager->clear();
     $outputInterface->writeln("Setting state field on cities...");
     $log->info("Saving {country} data", ['country' => $country->getName()]);
     // Lets update states on city entities. We cannot do it earlier as desired states may not be loaded on city import
     if (count($cities)) {
         $cityManager = $managerRegistry->getManagerForClass(get_class($cities[0]));
         /** @var $city \JJs\Bundle\GeonamesBundle\Entity\City */
         $batchSizeCities = 150;
         $iCities = 0;
         foreach ($cities as $city) {
             if (isset($states[$city->getAdmin1Code()])) {
             if (isset($substates[$city->getAdmin2Code()])) {
             if ($iCities % $batchSizeCities === 0) {
                 // $cityManager->clear();
         // $cityManager->clear();
     if (count($substates)) {
         $firstKey = key($substates);
         $stateManager = $managerRegistry->getManagerForClass(get_class($substates[$firstKey]));
         $batchSizeStates = 150;
         $iStates = 0;
         foreach ($substates as $substate) {
             // var_dump($substate->getNameUtf8() . ' (' . $substate->getAdmin1Code() . '::' . $substate->getAdmin2Code() . ')');
             if (isset($states[$substate->getAdmin1Code()])) {
                 $state = $states[$substate->getAdmin1Code()];
                 // var_dump('==>' . $state->getNameUtf8());
             if ($iStates % $batchSizeStates === 0) {
                 // $stateManager->clear();
         // $stateManager->clear();
     // Flush all managers
     foreach ($managers as $manager) {
     $log->notice("{code} ({country}) data saved", ['code' => $country->getCode(), 'country' => $country->getName()]);
     // Close the locality stream