コード例 #1
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getHelp()
        $help = parent::getHelp();
        if (null !== $help) {
            return $help;
        /** @var $generators \PhpCollection\Map */
        $generators = $this->getContainer()->get('sp_fixture_dumper.generators_map');
        $help = <<<EOT
The <info>%1\$s</info> command dumps fixtures to a directory from your existing entities/documents:

  <info>./app/console %1\$s /path/to/fixtures</info>

The path argument can include parameters (like <info>%%kernel.root_dir%%</info>) and you can use
the bundle annotation (<info>@AcmeDemoBundle/DataFixtures/Fixtures</info>)

If you want to put all fixtures in one file you can use the <info>--single-file</info> option:

  <info>./app/console %1\$s --path=/path/to/fixtures --single-file</info>

You can also use different formats for the dumped fixtures (Available formats: <comment>%2\$s</comment>)

  <info>./app/console %1\$s --format=yml --single-file /path/to/fixtures</info>

Some formats require you to enter extra options, like the <comment>class</comment> format where
you have to specify the namespace.
        return sprintf($help, $this->getName(), implode(', ', $generators->keys()));