コード例 #1
function generateStructures($folder, $structwsf, $queryExtension = NULL)
    include_once 'getLoadedOntologies.php';
    cecho("Generating derivate ontological structures...\n", 'CYAN');
    $ontologiesClustered = getLoadedOntologies($structwsf);
    $ontologies = array();
    $ontologies = array_merge($ontologies, $ontologiesClustered['local'], $ontologiesClustered['reference'], $ontologiesClustered['admin']);
    // Generate the ironXML schemas
    foreach ($ontologies as $ontology) {
        cecho("Generating ironXML schema of the " . $ontology['label'] . " ontology...\n", 'CYAN');
        $ontologyRead = new OntologyReadQuery($structwsf);
        $ontologyRead->ontology($ontology['uri'])->getIronXMLSchema()->send($queryExtension !== NULL ? $queryExtension : NULL);
        if ($ontologyRead->isSuccessful()) {
            $resultset = $ontologyRead->getResultset()->getResultset();
            $ironXML = $resultset['unspecified'][$ontology['uri']]['http://purl.org/ontology/wsf#serializedIronXMLSchema']['0']['value'];
            cecho("Generated...\n", 'CYAN');
            $filename = substr($ontology['uri'], strripos($ontology['uri'], "/") + 1);
            $filename = substr($filename, 0, strripos($filename, "."));
            file_put_contents(rtrim($folder, '/') . '/' . $filename . '.xml', $ironXML);
            cecho("Saved to: " . rtrim($folder, '/') . '/' . $filename . '.xml' . "\n", 'CYAN');
        } else {
            $debugFile = md5(microtime()) . '.error';
            file_put_contents('/tmp/' . $debugFile, var_export($ontologyRead, TRUE));
            @cecho('Can\'t get the ironXML schema structure for this ontology: ' . $ontology . '. ' . $ontologyRead->getStatusMessage() . $ontologyRead->getStatusMessageDescription() . "\nDebug file: /tmp/{$debugFile}\n", 'RED');
    // Generate the ironJSON schemas
    foreach ($ontologies as $ontology) {
        cecho("Generating ironJSON schema of the " . $ontology['label'] . " ontology...\n", 'CYAN');
        $ontologyRead = new OntologyReadQuery($structwsf);
        $ontologyRead->ontology($ontology['uri'])->getIronJsonSchema()->send($queryExtension !== NULL ? $queryExtension : NULL);
        if ($ontologyRead->isSuccessful()) {
            $resultset = $ontologyRead->getResultset()->getResultset();
            $ironJSON = $resultset['unspecified'][$ontology['uri']]['http://purl.org/ontology/wsf#serializedIronJSONSchema']['0']['value'];
            cecho("Generated...\n", 'CYAN');
            $filename = substr($ontology['uri'], strripos($ontology['uri'], "/") + 1);
            $filename = substr($filename, 0, strripos($filename, "."));
            file_put_contents(rtrim($folder, '/') . '/' . $filename . '.json', $ironJSON);
            cecho("Saved to: " . rtrim($folder, '/') . '/' . $filename . '.json' . "\n", 'CYAN');
            // Create the pre-existing JS script to load that schema in a Schema object.
            $ironJSONSchema = 'var ' . $filename . '_schema_srz = ' . $ironJSON . ";";
            $ironJSONSchema .= 'var ' . $filename . '_schema = new Schema(' . $filename . '_schema_srz);';
            // Special handling: make sure to convert all "%5C" characters into "\". This has to be done because
            // of the way the ProcessorXML.php (so, the DOMDocument API) works, and how the xml-encoding currently
            // works. Enventually, we should use the simplexml API in the processorXML script to properly
            // manage the encoding, and decoding of the XML data, *AND* of the HTML entities (it is the HTML
            // entities that are strangely manipulated in the DOMDocument API).
            $ironJSONSchema = str_replace("%5C", '\\', $ironJSONSchema);
            file_put_contents(rtrim($folder, "/") . "/" . $filename . ".js", $ironJSONSchema);
            cecho("Saved to: " . rtrim($folder, '/') . '/' . $filename . '.js' . "\n", 'CYAN');
        } else {
            $debugFile = md5(microtime()) . '.error';
            file_put_contents('/tmp/' . $debugFile, var_export($ontologyRead, TRUE));
            @cecho('Can\'t get the ironJSON schema structure for this ontology: ' . $ontology . '. ' . $ontologyRead->getStatusMessage() . $ontologyRead->getStatusMessageDescription() . "\nDebug file: /tmp/{$debugFile}\n", 'RED');
    // Create the JS schema file.
    $schemaJS = ' /* List of attribute URIs that are generally used for labeling entities in different ontologies */
                var prefLabelAttributes = [

                var altLabelAttributes = [

                var descriptionAttributes = [

                function Schema(sjson)
                  // Define all prefixes of this resultset
                  this.prefixes = sjson.schema.prefixList;

                  // Unprefixize all URIs of this Schema
                  var resultsetJsonText = JSON.stringify(sjson);

                  for(var prefix in this.prefixes)
                      var pattern = new RegExp(prefix+"_", "igm");
                      resultsetJsonText = resultsetJsonText.replace(pattern, this.prefixes[prefix]);

                  sjson = JSON.parse(resultsetJsonText);

                  this.attributes = sjson.schema.attributeList;

                  this.types = sjson.schema.typeList;

                  // Extend all attributes of this schema with additional functions
                  for(var i = 0; i < this.attributes.length; i++)
                    this.attributes[i].prefixes = this.prefixes;

                  // Extend all types of this schema with additional functions
                  for(var i = 0; i < this.types.length; i++)
                    this.types[i].prefixes = this.prefixes;
    file_put_contents(rtrim($folder, "/") . "/schema.js", $schemaJS);
    // Generate PHP serialized classes hierarchy
    cecho("Generating PHP serialized classes hierarchy structure file...\n", 'CYAN');
    $ontologyRead = new OntologyReadQuery($structwsf);
    $ontologyRead->getSerializedClassHierarchy()->send($queryExtension !== NULL ? $queryExtension : NULL);
    if ($ontologyRead->isSuccessful()) {
        $resultset = $ontologyRead->getResultset()->getResultset();
        $ironXML = $resultset['unspecified'][""]['http://purl.org/ontology/wsf#serializedClassHierarchy']['0']['value'];
        cecho("Generated...\n", 'CYAN');
        file_put_contents(rtrim($folder, '/') . '/classHierarchySerialized.srz', $ironXML);
        cecho("Saved to: " . rtrim($folder, '/') . '/classHierarchySerialized.srz' . "\n", 'CYAN');
    } else {
        $debugFile = md5(microtime()) . '.error';
        file_put_contents('/tmp/' . $debugFile, var_export($ontologyRead, TRUE));
        @cecho('Can\'t get the PHP serialized classes hierarchy structure file' . $ontologyRead->getStatusMessage() . $ontologyRead->getStatusMessageDescription() . "\nDebug file: /tmp/{$debugFile}\n", 'RED');
    // Generate PHP serialized properties hierarchy
    cecho("Generating PHP serialized properties hierarchy structure file...\n", 'CYAN');
    $ontologyRead = new OntologyReadQuery($structwsf);
    $ontologyRead->getSerializedPropertyHierarchy()->send($queryExtension !== NULL ? $queryExtension : NULL);
    if ($ontologyRead->isSuccessful()) {
        $resultset = $ontologyRead->getResultset()->getResultset();
        $ironXML = $resultset['unspecified'][""]['http://purl.org/ontology/wsf#serializedPropertyHierarchy']['0']['value'];
        cecho("Generated...\n", 'CYAN');
        file_put_contents(rtrim($folder, '/') . '/propertyHierarchySerialized.srz', $ironXML);
        cecho("Saved to: " . rtrim($folder, '/') . '/propertyHierarchySerialized.srz' . "\n", 'CYAN');
    } else {
        $debugFile = md5(microtime()) . '.error';
        file_put_contents('/tmp/' . $debugFile, var_export($ontologyRead, TRUE));
        @cecho('Can\'t get the PHP serialized properties hierarchy structure file' . $ontologyRead->getStatusMessage() . $ontologyRead->getStatusMessageDescription() . "\nDebug file: /tmp/{$debugFile}\n", 'RED');
    cecho("All structures generates!\n", 'CYAN');