コード例 #1
  * Add rewrite rules found in the application Custom Post Types'
  * router configuration.
 private function extractRules()
     // Keep in mind we don't support recursive directories (or cache the results)
     $possibleModels = glob(Strata::getSRCPath() . "Model" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*.php");
     $this->batchModelFileRegistrationAttempt((array) $possibleModels);
     $possibleTaxonomies = glob(Strata::getSRCPath() . "Model" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Taxonomy" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*.php");
     $this->batchTaxonomyFileRegistrationAttempt((array) $possibleTaxonomies);
コード例 #2
  * Generates the API documentation contents
  * @return null
 protected function generateAPI()
     $srcPath = Strata::getSRCPath();
     $vendorPath = Strata::getVendorPath();
     $tmpPath = Strata::getTmpPath();
     $this->output->writeLn("<info>Generating API</info>");
     $this->output->writeLn($this->tree(true) . "Scanning {$srcPath}");
     if (!file_exists($tmpPath . "phploc.xml")) {
         touch($tmpPath . "phploc.xml");
     if (!file_exists($tmpPath . "phpcs.xml")) {
         touch($tmpPath . "phpcs.xml");
     system(sprintf("%sbin/phploc  --log-xml %sphploc.xml test", $vendorPath, $tmpPath));
     system(sprintf("%sbin/phpcs src --standard=PSR2 --report-xml=%sphpcs.xml", $vendorPath, $tmpPath));
     system(sprintf("%sbin/phpdox", $vendorPath));