public function getStudentSortSource($student_id = 0, $ab_id = 30, $classes_id = 0) { if (!$student_id) { return false; } $statistics = new Statistics(); $statistics_table = $statistics->getSource(); $other_where = ''; $sql = "select count(1) as f from {$statistics_table} s where s.val >=\n(select ssssss.val from metathink_read_statistics ssssss where ssssss.uid = :student_id and ssssss.ab_id=30) and s.ab_id=30"; }
public function testAction() { $r = Statistics::findFirst(1); var_dump($r->toArray()); $user = $r->user->real_name; var_dump($user); die(__METHOD__); }
/** * 根据班级id获取班级所有学生(可通过get参数的classes_id获取) * * @param int $classId * @param bool/array $other_sql 获取其他数据,且排序 * * @return \ST\Common\Models\User[] * @author Hunter.<*****@*****.**> */ public function getClassStudent($classId = 0, $other_sql = false) { if (!$classId) { return false; } $key = md5(__NAMESPACE__ . __METHOD__ . $classId . st_array_to_string($other_sql)); $result = self::$cache->getCache($key); if ($result === null) { //根据班级id获取信息 if ($other_sql === false) { $result = $this->getCommon(["conditions" => "classes_id = :classId: AND type = 1", "bind" => ['classId' => $classId]], 'User'); } else { //根据配置获取所有的统计key $tmp_k = array_keys(Config('CONFIG_STATISTICS_AB_ID')); if (!in_array($other_sql['key'], $tmp_k)) { $other_sql['key'] = current($tmp_k); } //todo 重新构建sql查询 $user = new User(); $user_table = $user->getSource(); $statistics = new Statistics(); $statistics_table = $statistics->getSource(); //构建if ab_id查询和group_concat查询 $if_ab_id_query = ''; $group_concat = ''; foreach (Config('CONFIG_STATISTICS_AB_ID') as $key => $ab) { $if_ab_id_query .= "if(ab_id={$key}, val, '') as ab_{$key},"; $group_concat .= "GROUP_CONCAT(s.ab_{$key} SEPARATOR '') as ab{$key},"; } $if_ab_id_query = rtrim($if_ab_id_query, ','); $group_concat = rtrim($group_concat, ','); $sql_query = "select,u.real_name,u.image,{$group_concat} from {$user_table} as u\nleft join (\n select\n uid,{$if_ab_id_query}\n from {$statistics_table}\n) as s on\nwhere u.type=1 and u.classes_id=:classes_id\ngroup by\norder by ab{$other_sql['key']} {$other_sql['sort']}"; try { if (DEBUG) { $logger = Di::getDefault()->getLogger(); $logger->log($sql_query, \Phalcon\Logger::DEBUG); } $stmt = $this->di->getDefault()->get('db')->prepare($sql_query); $stmt->bindParam(':classes_id', $classId, \PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return ['result' => $result]; } catch (\PDOException $e) { if (DEBUG) { die($e->getMessage()); } else { $this->di->get('logger_error')->log('PDOException: ' . $e->getMessage(), \Phalcon\Logger::ERROR); return $this->di->get('dispatcher')->forward(['module' => 'home', 'controller' => 'error', 'action' => 'show_sql_error']); } } return null; //移除配置key中提交的key /*$st_tmp = array_flip($tmp_k); unset($st_tmp[$other_sql['key']]); $tmp_k = array_flip($st_tmp); $tmp_v = ','.implode(',', $tmp_k); //组合order查询 FIELD(ab_id,60,1,2,3,4,30,40),val+0 desc //todo 如果在Statistics表中没有对应的ab_id数据,排序失败 $order = 'ab_id '.$other_sql['sort'].',FIELD(ab_id,'.$other_sql['key'].$tmp_v.'),val+0 '.$other_sql['sort']; $builder = $this->di->get('modelsManager')->createBuilder() ->columns(['user.real_name','user.image',' as userid','s.*']) ->from(['user' => 'ST\Common\Models\User']) ->leftJoin('ST\Common\Models\Statistics', ' and s.classes_id=user.classes_id and s.school_id=user.school_id', 's') ->where('user.type=1') ->andWhere('user.classes_id=:classes_id:') ->andWhere('user.school_id=:school_id:') ->orderBy($order); $result = $builder->getQuery()->execute($other_sql['where']);*/ } self::$cache->setCache($key, $result); } return $result; }