/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @param string|null $guard * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null) { if (Auth::guard($guard)->check()) { return $next($request); } else { if (SSO::check()) { try { $userData = SSO::getUser(); } catch (Exception $e) { SSO::logout(); } if (substr($userData->npm, 0, 2) === "15" && $userData->faculty === "ILMU KOMPUTER") { $request->session()->put('sso', json_encode(SSO::getUser())); if (Auth::guard($guard)->attempt(['username' => $userData->username, 'password' => ''])) { return $next($request); } else { $id = DB::table('users')->insertGetId(['username' => $userData->username, 'fullname' => $userData->name, 'voted_threads' => "|", 'voted_replies' => "|"]); // Create folder for user Storage::makeDirectory('users/' . $id); Auth::guard($guard)->loginUsingId($id); return $next($request); } } return abort(401); } else { SSO::authenticate(); } } }
public function index() { if (time() < strtotime('26th January 2016 18:16:00.0') - (21 * 60 + 30)) { redirect(site_url()); } if (!$this->is_logged_in()) { redirect(site_url()); } else { # unset session data $this->session->unset_userdata('user_data'); # logout SSO SSO::logout(); } }
public function index() { // tutup pendaftaran if (time() > strtotime('6th February 2016 23:55:00.0') - (21 * 60 + 30) & !$this->isAdmin($user->username) & !(time() > strtotime('8th February 2016 19:30:00.0') - (21 * 60 + 30)) & !$this->biodata->isUserRegistered($user->username)) { // registration closed redirect(site_url()); } if (!$this->is_logged_in()) { redirect(site_url()); } else { # unset session data $this->unset_only(); # logout SSO SSO::logout(); } }
public function index() { if (!SSO::check()) { SSO::authenticate(); } $user = SSO::getUser(); $userdata = array('username' => $user->username, 'name' => $user->name, 'npm' => $user->npm, 'angkatan' => $this->parseTahunAngkatan($user->npm), 'jurusan' => $user->study_program, 'biohash' => $this->hashingBio($user->username, $user->npm)); // hanya angkatan 2013-2015 yang diperbolehkan daftar if ($userdata['angkatan'] != '2013' & $userdata['angkatan'] != '2014' & $userdata['angkatan'] != '2015' | $user->faculty != 'ILMU KOMPUTER') { redirect(site_url()); } // tutup pendaftaran if (time() > strtotime('6th February 2016 23:55:00.0') - (21 * 60 + 30) & !(time() > strtotime('8th February 2016 19:30:00.0') - (21 * 60 - 30)) & !$this->biodata->isUserRegistered($user->username) & !$this->isAdmin($user->username)) { // registration closed redirect(site_url()); } // re-set session $this->session->unset_userdata('userdata'); $this->session->set_userdata('userdata', $userdata); // check if user is admin if ($this->useradmin->isAdmin($user->username)) { // redirect to admin747835 redirect(site_url('admin747835')); } // check if user exist or not if ($this->biodata->isUserRegistered($user->username)) { // user exist // redirect to dashboard redirect(site_url('dashboard')); } else { // user not exist // create initial data in database if (!$this->biodata->get($user->username)) { $this->saveUserDataToDatabase($userdata); } // redirect to form redirect(site_url('register')); } }
public function index() { if (time() < strtotime('26th January 2016 18:16:00.0') - (21 * 60 + 30)) { redirect(site_url()); } if (!SSO::check()) { SSO::authenticate(); } $user = SSO::getUser(); $userdata = array('username' => $user->username, 'name' => $user->name, 'npm' => $user->npm, 'angkatan' => $this->parseTahunAngkatan($user->npm), 'jurusan' => $user->study_program, 'biohash' => $this->hashingBio($user->username, $user->npm)); // 2012-- & the other is not allowed, redirect to index if ($userdata['angkatan'] != '2013' & $userdata['angkatan'] != '2014' & $userdata['angkatan'] != '2015' & $user->faculty != 'ILMU KOMPUTER') { redirect(site_url()); } // re-set session $this->session->unset_userdata('userdata'); $this->session->set_userdata('userdata', $userdata); // check if user is admin if ($this->useradmin->isAdmin($user->username)) { // redirect to admin747835 redirect(site_url('admin747835')); } // check if user exist or not if ($this->biodata->isUserRegistered($user->username)) { // user exist // redirect to dashboard redirect(site_url('dashboard')); } else { // user not exist // create initial data in database if (!$this->biodata->get($user->username)) { $this->saveUserDataToDatabase($userdata); } // redirect to form redirect(site_url('register')); } }
/** * Logout the user and delete all sessions. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function logout(Request $request) { if (!$request->session()->has('sso') && !Auth::check()) { SSO::logout(); } Auth::logout(); $request->session()->flush(); return redirect('/logout'); }
public function logout() { Session::flush(); SSO::logout(); return Redirect::action('UserController@login'); }
/** * Index Page for this controller. * * Maps to the following URL * http://example.com/index.php/welcome * - or - * http://example.com/index.php/welcome/index * - or - * Since this controller is set as the default controller in * config/routes.php, it's displayed at http://example.com/ * * So any other public methods not prefixed with an underscore will * map to /index.php/welcome/<method_name> * @see http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/general/urls.html */ public function index() { SSO::authenticate(); $user = SSO::getUser(); echo 'Nama: ' . $user->username . '</br>' . 'NPM: ' . $user->npm . '</br>' . 'Username: '******'</br>' . 'Role: ' . $user->role . '</br>' . 'Organization: ' . $user->org_code . '</br>' . 'Faculty: ' . $user->faculty . '</br>' . 'Study Program: ' . $user->study_program . '</br>' . 'Educational Program: ' . $user->educational_program; }