public function __invoke(array $reservations, array $cellLinkParams, Square $square) { $view = $this->getView(); $reservationsCount = count($reservations); if ($reservationsCount > 1) { return $view->calendarCellLink('Occupied', $view->url('square', [], $cellLinkParams), 'cc-single'); } else { $reservation = current($reservations); $booking = $reservation->needExtra('booking'); if ($square->getMeta('public_names', 'false') == 'true') { $cellLabel = $booking->needExtra('user')->need('alias'); } else { $cellLabel = null; } $cellGroup = ' cc-group-' . $booking->need('bid'); switch ($booking->need('status')) { case 'single': if (!$cellLabel) { $cellLabel = 'Occupied'; } return $view->calendarCellLink($cellLabel, $view->url('square', [], $cellLinkParams), 'cc-single' . $cellGroup); case 'subscription': if (!$cellLabel) { $cellLabel = 'Subscription'; } return $view->calendarCellLink($cellLabel, $view->url('square', [], $cellLinkParams), 'cc-multiple' . $cellGroup); } } }
public function __invoke(array $eventsForCol, Square $square) { $eventsForCell = array(); foreach ($eventsForCol as $eid => $event) { $sid = $event->get('sid'); if ($sid == $square->need('sid') || is_null($sid)) { if ($event->need('status') == 'enabled') { $eventsForCell[$eid] = $event; } } } return $eventsForCell; }
public function __invoke(array $reservationsForCol, Square $square) { $reservationsForCell = array(); foreach ($reservationsForCol as $rid => $reservation) { $booking = $reservation->needExtra('booking'); if ($booking->need('sid') == $square->need('sid')) { if ($booking->need('status') != 'cancelled') { if ($booking->need('visibility') == 'public') { $reservationsForCell[$rid] = $reservation; } } } } return $reservationsForCell; }
public function createSingle(User $user, Square $square, $quantity, DateTime $dateTimeStart, DateTime $dateTimeEnd, array $bills = array()) { if (!$this->connection->inTransaction()) { $this->connection->beginTransaction(); $transaction = true; } else { $transaction = false; } try { $booking = new Booking(array('uid' => $user->need('uid'), 'sid' => $square->need('sid'), 'status' => 'single', 'status_billing' => 'pending', 'visibility' => 'public', 'quantity' => $quantity)); $this->bookingManager->save($booking); $reservations = $this->reservationManager->createInRange($booking, $dateTimeStart, $dateTimeEnd); $booking->setExtra('reservations', $reservations); $pricing = $this->squarePricingManager->getFinalPricingInRange($dateTimeStart, $dateTimeEnd, $square, $quantity); if ($pricing) { $squareType = $this->optionManager->need('subject.square.type'); $squareName = $this->t($square->need('name')); /** @var $dateRangeHelper DateRange */ $dateRangeHelper = $this->viewHelperManager->get('DateRange'); $description = sprintf('%s %s, %s', $squareType, $squareName, $dateRangeHelper($dateTimeStart, $dateTimeEnd)); $bookingBill = new Bill(array('description' => $description, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'time' => $pricing['seconds'], 'price' => $pricing['price'], 'rate' => $pricing['rate'], 'gross' => $pricing['gross'])); array_unshift($bills, $bookingBill); } if ($bills) { $extraBills = array(); foreach ($bills as $bill) { if (!$bill instanceof Bill) { throw new RuntimeException('Invalid bills array passed'); } $bill->set('bid', $booking->need('bid')); $this->billManager->save($bill); $extraBills[$bill->need('bid')] = $bill; } $booking->setExtra('bills', $extraBills); } if ($transaction) { $this->connection->commit(); } $this->getEventManager()->trigger('create.single', $booking); return $booking; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($transaction) { $this->connection->rollback(); } throw $e; } }
public function __invoke(Square $square, $quantity, $wrap = 'p') { $squareCapacity = $square->need('capacity'); $squareCapacityInfo = $square->getMeta('info.capacity'); if (!$squareCapacityInfo) { if ($squareCapacity == 1) { $squareCapacityInfo = 'false'; } else { $squareCapacityInfo = 'true'; } } if ($squareCapacityInfo == 'true') { if ($quantity > 0) { return sprintf('<%s><span class="yellow">' . $this->getView()->t('%s/%s already occupied') . '</span></%s>', $wrap, $quantity, $squareCapacity, $wrap); } } return null; }
public function __invoke(array $reservations, array $cellLinkParams, Square $square) { $view = $this->getView(); $reservationsCount = count($reservations); if ($reservationsCount == 0) { $labelFree = $square->getMeta('', 'Free'); return $view->calendarCellLink($labelFree, $view->url('backend/booking/edit', [], $cellLinkParams), 'cc-free'); } else { if ($reservationsCount == 1) { $reservation = current($reservations); $booking = $reservation->needExtra('booking'); $cellLabel = $booking->needExtra('user')->need('alias'); $cellGroup = ' cc-group-' . $booking->need('bid'); return $view->calendarCellLink($cellLabel, $view->url('backend/booking/edit', [], $cellLinkParams), 'cc-free cc-free-partially' . $cellGroup); } else { $labelFree = $square->getMeta('', 'Still free'); return $view->calendarCellLink($labelFree, $view->url('backend/booking/edit', [], $cellLinkParams), 'cc-free cc-free-partially'); } } }
public function __invoke($user, $userBooking, array $reservations, array $cellLinkParams, Square $square) { $view = $this->getView(); $labelFree = $square->getMeta('', 'Free'); if ($user && $user->can('calendar.see-data, calendar.create-single-bookings, calendar.create-subscription-bookings')) { return $view->calendarCellRenderFreeForPrivileged($reservations, $cellLinkParams, $square); } else { if ($user) { if ($userBooking) { $cellLabel = $view->t('Your Booking'); $cellGroup = ' cc-group-' . $userBooking->need('bid'); return $view->calendarCellLink($cellLabel, $view->url('square', [], $cellLinkParams), 'cc-own' . $cellGroup); } else { return $view->calendarCellLink($labelFree, $view->url('square', [], $cellLinkParams), 'cc-free'); } } else { return $view->calendarCellLink($labelFree, $view->url('square', [], $cellLinkParams), 'cc-free'); } } }
public function __invoke(Square $square, array $bookings) { $quantityAvailable = $square->need('capacity'); foreach ($bookings as $booking) { $quantityAvailable -= $booking->need('quantity'); } $view = $this->getView(); $html = ''; $html .= '<label for="sb-quantity" style="margin-right: 8px;">'; $html .= sprintf($view->t('How many %s?'), $this->optionManager->need('subject.square.unit.plural')); $html .= '</label>'; $html .= '<select id="sb-quantity" style="min-width: 64px;">'; for ($i = 1; $i <= $quantityAvailable; $i++) { $html .= sprintf('<option value="%1$s">%1$s</option>', $i); } $html .= '</select>'; $quantityOccupied = $square->need('capacity') - $quantityAvailable; $capacityInfo = $view->squareCapacityInfo($square, $quantityOccupied, 'span'); if ($capacityInfo) { $html .= '<span style="margin-left: 8px;">' . $capacityInfo . '</span>'; } return $html; }
protected function renderDateBlockTimeChoice(Square $square, $id, DateTime $timeNow) { $view = $this->getView(); $html = ''; $timeBlockBookable = $square->need('time_block_bookable'); $timeStartParts = explode(':', $square->need('time_start')); $timeStart = $timeStartParts[0] * 3600 + $timeStartParts[1] * 60; $timeEndParts = explode(':', $square->need('time_end')); $timeEnd = $timeEndParts[0] * 3600 + $timeEndParts[1] * 60; if ($timeEnd == 0) { $timeEnd = 86400; } $html .= '<select id="' . $id . '" style="margin-left: 8px;">'; for ($walkingTime = $timeStart; $walkingTime < $timeEnd; $walkingTime += $timeBlockBookable) { $walkingTimeFormat = gmdate('H:i', $walkingTime); if ($walkingTimeFormat == $timeNow->format('H:i')) { $attr = 'selected="selected"'; } else { $attr = null; } $html .= '<option value="' . $walkingTimeFormat . '" ' . $attr . '>' . $view->timeFormat($walkingTime, true, 'UTC') . '</option>'; } $html .= '</select>'; return $html; }
public function editAction() { $this->authorize('admin.config'); $serviceManager = $this->getServiceLocator(); $squareManager = $serviceManager->get('Square\\Manager\\SquareManager'); $formElementManager = $serviceManager->get('FormElementManager'); $sid = $this->params()->fromRoute('sid'); if ($sid) { $square = $squareManager->get($sid); } else { $square = null; } $editForm = $formElementManager->get('Backend\\Form\\ConfigSquare\\EditForm'); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $editForm->setData($this->params()->fromPost()); if ($editForm->isValid()) { $editData = $editForm->getData(); if (!$square) { $square = new Square(); } $square->set('name', $editData['cf-name']); $square->set('status', $editData['cf-status']); $square->setMeta('readonly.message', $editData['cf-readonly-message']); $square->set('priority', $editData['cf-priority']); $square->set('capacity', $editData['cf-capacity']); $square->set('capacity_heterogenic', $editData['cf-capacity-heterogenic']); $square->set('time_start', $editData['cf-time-start']); $square->set('time_end', $editData['cf-time-end']); $square->set('time_block', max($editData['cf-time-block'], 10) * 60); $square->set('time_block_bookable', max($editData['cf-time-block-bookable'], 10) * 60); $square->set('time_block_bookable_max', max($editData['cf-time-block-bookable-max'], 10) * 60); $square->set('range_book', max($editData['cf-range-book'], 10) * 60 * 60 * 24); $square->set('range_cancel', max($editData['cf-range-cancel'], 10) * 60 * 60); $squareManager->save($square); $this->flashMessenger()->addSuccessMessage('Square has been saved'); return $this->redirect()->toRoute('backend/config/square'); } } else { if ($square) { $editForm->setData(array('cf-name' => $square->get('name'), 'cf-status' => $square->get('status'), 'cf-readonly-message' => $square->getMeta('readonly.message'), 'cf-priority' => $square->get('priority'), 'cf-capacity' => $square->get('capacity'), 'cf-capacity-heterogenic' => $square->get('capacity_heterogenic'), 'cf-time-start' => substr($square->get('time_start'), 0, 5), 'cf-time-end' => substr($square->get('time_end'), 0, 5), 'cf-time-block' => round($square->get('time_block') / 60), 'cf-time-block-bookable' => round($square->get('time_block_bookable') / 60), 'cf-time-block-bookable-max' => round($square->get('time_block_bookable_max') / 60), 'cf-range-book' => round($square->get('range_book') / 60 / 60 / 24), 'cf-range-cancel' => round($square->get('range_cancel') / 60 / 60))); } else { $editForm->setData(array('cf-status' => 'enabled', 'cf-priority' => 1, 'cf-capacity' => 1, 'cf-capacity-heterogenic' => false, 'cf-time-start' => '08:00', 'cf-time-end' => '23:00', 'cf-time-block' => 60, 'cf-time-block-bookable' => 30, 'cf-time-block-bookable-max' => 180, 'cf-range-book' => 56, 'cf-range-cancel' => 24)); } } return array('square' => $square, 'editForm' => $editForm); }
/** * Gets all square products for the passed square. * * @param Square $square * @return array */ public function getBySquare(Square $square) { $where = new Where(); $where = $where->nest(); $where->isNull('sid')->or->equalTo('sid', $square->need('sid')); $where = $where->unnest(); $where = $where->and->nest(); $where->isNull('locale')->or->equalTo('locale', $this->locale); $where = $where->unnest(); return $this->getBy($where, 'priority ASC'); }
/** * Deletes one square and all respective meta properties (through database foreign keys). * * @param int|Square $square * @return int * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function delete($square) { if ($square instanceof Square) { $sid = $square->need('sid'); } else { $sid = $square; } if (!(is_numeric($sid) && $sid > 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Square id must be numeric'); } $square = $this->get($sid); $deletion = $this->squareTable->delete(array('sid' => $sid)); $this->getEventManager()->trigger('delete', $square); return $deletion; }
public function __invoke(Square $square) { $view = $this->getView(); $html = ''; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= sprintf('<td class="priority-col">%s</td>', $square->get('priority')); $html .= sprintf('<td><span class="gray">%s</span> %s</td>', $view->option('subject.square.type'), $square->get('name')); $html .= sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $view->t($square->getStatus())); $html .= sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $view->timeRange($square->need('time_start'), $square->need('time_end'), '%s to %s')); $html .= sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $view->prettyTime($square->need('time_block'))); $html .= sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $view->prettyTime($square->need('time_block_bookable'))); $html .= sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $view->prettyTime($square->need('time_block_bookable_max'))); $html .= '<td class="actions-col no-print">' . '<a href="' . $view->url('backend/config/square/edit', ['sid' => $square->need('sid')]) . '" class="unlined gray symbolic symbolic-edit">' . $view->t('Edit') . '</a> ' . '<a href="' . $view->url('backend/config/square/delete', ['sid' => $square->need('sid')]) . '" class="unlined gray symbolic symbolic-cross">' . $view->t('Delete') . '</a></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; return $html; }
/** * Determines the final calculated pricing for the passed square and datetime interval. * * @param DateTime $dateTimeStart * @param DateTime $dateTimeEnd * @param Square $square * @param int $quantity * @return array * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws RuntimeException */ public function getFinalPricingInRange(DateTime $dateTimeStart, DateTime $dateTimeEnd, Square $square, $quantity) { if ($dateTimeStart > $dateTimeEnd) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The passed date range is invalid'); } $finalPricingInRange = array(); $days = $dateTimeEnd->format('z') - $dateTimeStart->format('z'); $walkingDate = clone $dateTimeStart; $walkingDate->setTime(0, 0, 0); $walkingDateLimit = clone $dateTimeEnd; $walkingDateLimit->setTime(0, 0, 0); $walkingDateIndex = 0; while ($walkingDate <= $walkingDateLimit) { if ($walkingDateIndex == 0) { $walkingTimeStart = $dateTimeStart->format('H:i'); } else { $walkingTimeStart = $square->need('time_start'); } if ($walkingDateIndex == $days) { $walkingTimeEnd = $dateTimeEnd->format('H:i'); } else { $walkingTimeEnd = $square->need('time_end'); } $finalPricing = $this->getFinalPricing($walkingDate, $walkingTimeStart, $walkingTimeEnd, $square, $quantity); if ($finalPricing) { if (!isset($finalPricingInRange['price'])) { $finalPricingInRange['price'] = $finalPricing['price']; } else { $finalPricingInRange['price'] += $finalPricing['price']; } if (!isset($finalPricingInRange['rate'])) { $finalPricingInRange['rate'] = $finalPricing['rate']; } else { if ($finalPricingInRange['rate'] != $finalPricing['rate']) { throw new RuntimeException('Pricing rates must be consistent'); } } if (!isset($finalPricingInRange['gross'])) { $finalPricingInRange['gross'] = $finalPricing['gross']; } else { if ($finalPricingInRange['gross'] != $finalPricing['gross']) { throw new RuntimeException('Pricing gross must be consistent'); } } if (!isset($finalPricingInRange['seconds'])) { $finalPricingInRange['seconds'] = $finalPricing['seconds']; } else { $finalPricingInRange['seconds'] += $finalPricing['seconds']; } if (!isset($finalPricingInRange['per_quantity'])) { $finalPricingInRange['per_quantity'] = $finalPricing['per_quantity']; } else { if ($finalPricingInRange['per_quantity'] != $finalPricing['per_quantity']) { throw new RuntimeException('Pricing per quantity must be consistent'); } } } $walkingDate->modify('+1 day'); $walkingDateIndex++; } return $finalPricingInRange; }