コード例 #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, \Closure $next)
     $cookies = $request->getCookieParams();
     $outerID = null;
     if (isset($cookies[self::COOKIE])) {
         if ($this->store()->isStarted()) {
             $outerID = $this->store()->getID();
         //Mounting ID retrieved from cookies
     $response = $next();
     if (empty($this->store) && $this->container->hasInstance(SessionStore::class)) {
         //Store were started by itself
         $this->store = $this->container->get(SessionStore::class);
     if (!empty($this->store) && ($this->store->isStarted() || $this->store->isDestroyed())) {
         $response = $this->setCookie($request, $response, $this->store, $cookies);
     //Restoring original session, not super efficient operation
     if (!empty($outerID)) {
     return $response;
コード例 #2
ファイル: InputManager.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/spiral
  * Get active instance of ServerRequestInterface.
  * @return ServerRequestInterface
 public function request()
     //Check if we still pointing to right request
     if ($this->request !== $this->container->get(ServerRequestInterface::class)) {
         $this->request = null;
         //Our parameter bags has expired
         $this->bagInstances = [];
         //Update instance
         $this->request = $this->container->get(ServerRequestInterface::class);
     return $this->request;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ViewEnvironment.php プロジェクト: vvval/spiral
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getValue($dependency)
     if (!isset($this->dependencies[$dependency])) {
         throw new EnvironmentException("Undefined environment variable '{$dependency}'.");
     $source = $this->dependencies[$dependency];
     if (is_array($source) && is_string($source[0])) {
         //Let's resolve using container
         $source[0] = $this->container->get($source[0]);
         $this->dependencies[$dependency] = $source;
     return call_user_func($source);
コード例 #4
ファイル: CookieManager.php プロジェクト: vvval/spiral
  * Get or create encrypter instance.
  * @return EncrypterInterface
 protected function encrypter()
     if (empty($this->encrypter)) {
         $this->encrypter = $this->container->get(EncrypterInterface::class);
     return $this->encrypter;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ViewManager.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/spiral
  * Get instance of compiler associated with specified namespace and view.
  * @param string $namespace
  * @param string $view
  * @param string $engine Selected engine name.
  * @return CompilerInterface|null
  * @throws ContainerException
 private function compiler($namespace, $view, &$engine = null)
     $filename = $this->getFilename($namespace, $view, $engine);
     if (empty($this->config['engines'][$engine]['compiler'])) {
         return null;
     return $this->container->get($this->config['engines'][$engine]['compiler'], ['views' => $this, 'config' => $this->config['engines'][$engine], 'namespace' => $namespace, 'view' => $view, 'filename' => $filename]);
コード例 #6
ファイル: HttpCore.php プロジェクト: vvval/spiral
  * Default endpoint.
  * @return callable|null
 protected function endpoint()
     if (!is_string($this->endpoint)) {
         //Presumably callable
         return $this->endpoint;
     //Specified as class name
     return $this->container->get($this->endpoint);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Compiler.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/spiral
  * Create processors list based on compiler configuration.
  * @return ProcessorInterface[]
  * @throws ContainerException
 public function getProcessors()
     if (!empty($this->processors)) {
         return $this->processors;
     foreach ($this->config['processors'] as $processor => $options) {
         $this->processors[] = $this->container->get($processor, ['views' => $this->views, 'compiler' => $this, 'options' => $options]);
     return $this->processors;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ExceptionWrapper.php プロジェクト: vvval/spiral
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response, callable $next)
     $outputLevel = ob_get_level();
     try {
          * Debug: exceptions and clientExceptions are isolated in this middleware.
         return $next($request, $response);
     } catch (ClientException $exception) {
         while (ob_get_level() > $outputLevel) {
             //Flushing all unclosed buffers
         //Logging client error
         $this->logError($request, $exception);
         $writer = $this->container->get(ErrorWriter::class);
         return $writer->writeException($request, $response, $exception);
コード例 #9
ファイル: ModuleManager.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/spiral
  * Refresh modules configuration file with only existed modules and their configurations.
  * Should be called every time new module gets registered or removed.
 private function updateConfig()
     foreach ($this->modules as $name => $module) {
         if (!class_exists($module['class'])) {
             //Module got removed
      * We are going to store information about modules into component configuration
      * @var ConfigWriter $configWriter
     $configWriter = $this->container->get(ConfigWriter::class, ['name' => 'modules', 'method' => ConfigWriter::FULL_OVERWRITE]);
     //Writing (make sure we are inside environment with right permissions)
コード例 #10
ファイル: Route.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/components
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function createEndpoint(ContainerInterface $container)
     if (is_object($this->target) || is_array($this->target)) {
         return $this->target;
     if (is_string($this->target) && strpos($this->target, self::SEPARATOR) === false) {
         return $container->get($this->target);
     $route = $this;
     return function () use($container, $route) {
         list($controller, $action) = explode(self::SEPARATOR, $route->target);
         if ($action == self::DYNAMIC_ACTION) {
             $action = $route->matches['action'];
         return $route->callAction($container, $controller, $action, $route->matches);
コード例 #11
ファイル: ConsoleDispatcher.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/spiral
  * Get or create instance of ConsoleApplication.
  * @return Application
 public function application()
     if (!empty($this->application)) {
         return $this->application;
     $this->application = new Application('Spiral Console Toolkit', Core::VERSION);
     //Commands lookup
     empty($this->commands) && $this->findCommands();
     foreach ($this->commands as $command) {
         try {
             $command = $this->container->get($command);
             if (method_exists($command, 'isAvailable') && !$command->isAvailable()) {
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
     return $this->application;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Validator.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/components
  * Get or create instance of validation checker.
  * @param string $name
  * @return Checker
  * @throws ValidationException
 protected function checker($name)
     if (!isset($this->options['checkers'][$name])) {
         throw new ValidationException("Unable to create validation checker defined by '{$name}' name.");
     return $this->container->get($this->options['checkers'][$name]);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Database.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/components
  * Execute statement or fetch result from cache and return cached query iterator.
  * @param int            $lifetime   Cache lifetime in seconds.
  * @param string         $query
  * @param array          $parameters Parameters to be binded into query.
  * @param string         $key        Cache key to be used to store query result.
  * @param StoreInterface $store      Cache store to store result in, if null default store will
  *                                   be used.
  * @return CachedResult
  * @throws DriverException
  * @throws QueryException
 public function cached($lifetime, $query, array $parameters = [], $key = '', StoreInterface $store = null)
     $store = !empty($store) ? $store : $this->container->get(CacheInterface::class)->store();
     if (empty($key)) {
         //Trying to build unique query id based on provided options and environment.
         $key = md5(serialize([$query, $parameters, $this->name, $this->tablePrefix]));
     $data = $store->remember($key, $lifetime, function () use($query, $parameters) {
         return $this->query($query, $parameters)->fetchAll();
     return new CachedResult($store, $key, $query, $parameters, $data);
コード例 #14
ファイル: SpiralExtension.php プロジェクト: vvval/spiral
  * @return array
 public function getFunctions()
     return [new \Twig_SimpleFunction('spiral', function ($alias) {
         return $this->container->get($alias);
     }), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('dump', 'dump')];
コード例 #15
ファイル: Definition.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/spiral
  * Create Definition using local composer.json file. Root directory will be resolved as location
  * of composer.json
  * @param ContainerInterface $container
  * @param string             $class    Module class name.
  * @param string             $composer Name of composer file.
  * @return DefinitionInterface
  * @throws ModuleException
 public static function fromComposer(ContainerInterface $container, $class, $composer = 'composer.json')
      * We will fill name property little bit later.
      * @var static $definition
     $definition = $container->get(static::class, ['class' => $class, 'name' => null]);
     //Let's look for composer file
     $location = $definition->location;
     while (!$definition->files->exists($location . FilesInterface::SEPARATOR . $composer)) {
         $location = dirname($location);
         if (empty(trim($location, '\\/.'))) {
             throw new ModuleException("Unable to locate composer.json file.");
     //We found root location
     $definition->location = $definition->files->normalizePath($location);
     $composer = json_decode($definition->files->read($location . FilesInterface::SEPARATOR . $composer), true);
     $definition->name = $composer['name'];
     if (!empty($composer['description'])) {
         $definition->description = $composer['description'];
     if (!empty($composer['require'])) {
         $definition->dependencies = array_keys($composer['require']);
     return $definition;
コード例 #16
ファイル: Module.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/spiral
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @return Installer
 public static function getInstaller(ContainerInterface $container, DefinitionInterface $definition)
     //Let's create default Installer
     return $container->get(Installer::class, ['moduleDirectory' => $definition->getLocation()]);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Core.php プロジェクト: vvval/spiral
  * Core class will extend default spiral container and initiate set of directories. You must
  * provide application, libraries and root directories to constructor.
  * @param array                $directories Core directories list. Every directory must have /
  *                                          at the end.
  * @param ContainerInterface   $container
  * @param HippocampusInterface $memory
 public function __construct(array $directories, ContainerInterface $container, HippocampusInterface $memory = null)
     $this->container = $container;
      * Default directories pattern, you can overwrite any directory you want in index file.
     $this->directories = $directories + ['framework' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/', 'public' => $directories['root'] . 'webroot/', 'config' => $directories['application'] . 'config/', 'views' => $directories['application'] . 'views/', 'runtime' => $directories['application'] . 'runtime/', 'cache' => $directories['application'] . 'runtime/cache/', 'resources' => $directories['application'] . 'resources/', 'locales' => $directories['application'] . 'resources/locales/'];
     //Every application needs timezone to be set, by default we are using UTC
     if (empty($memory)) {
         //Default memory implementation
         $memory = new Memory($this->directory('cache'), $container->get(FilesInterface::class));
     $this->memory = $memory;
     $this->bootloader = new BootloadManager($this->container, $this->memory);
コード例 #18
ファイル: BootloadManager.php プロジェクト: vvval/spiral
  * Generate cached bindings schema.
  * @param array              $classes
  * @param ContainerInterface $container
  * @return array
 protected function generateSchema(array $classes, ContainerInterface $container)
     $schema = ['snapshot' => $classes, 'bootloaders' => []];
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         $this->classes[] = $class;
         $initSchema = ['init' => true, 'boot' => false];
         $bootloader = $container->get($class);
         if ($bootloader instanceof BootloaderInterface) {
             $initSchema['bindings'] = $bootloader->defineBindings();
             $initSchema['singletons'] = $bootloader->defineSingletons();
             $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($bootloader);
             //Can be booted based on it's configuration
             $initSchema['boot'] = (bool) $reflection->getConstant('BOOT');
             $initSchema['init'] = $initSchema['boot'];
             //Let's initialize now
             $this->initBindings($container, $initSchema);
         } else {
             $initSchema['init'] = true;
         //Need more checks here
         if ($initSchema['boot']) {
             $boot = new \ReflectionMethod($bootloader, 'boot');
             $boot->invokeArgs($bootloader, $container->resolveArguments($boot));
         $schema['bootloaders'][$class] = $initSchema;
     return $schema;
コード例 #19
ファイル: AbstractRoute.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/components
  * Internal helper used to create execute controller action using associated core instance.
  * @param ContainerInterface $container
  * @param string             $controller
  * @param string             $action
  * @param array              $parameters
  * @return mixed
  * @throws ClientException
 protected function callAction(ContainerInterface $container, $controller, $action, array $parameters = [])
     if (empty($this->core)) {
         $this->core = $container->get(CoreInterface::class);
     try {
         return $this->core->callAction($controller, $action, $parameters);
     } catch (ControllerException $exception) {
         $code = $exception->getCode();
         if ($code == ControllerException::BAD_ACTION || $code == ControllerException::NOT_FOUND) {
             throw new ClientException(ClientException::NOT_FOUND, $exception->getMessage());
         throw new ClientException(ClientException::BAD_DATA, $exception->getMessage());
コード例 #20
ファイル: Command.php プロジェクト: jwdeitch/spiral
  * Shortcut to Container get method.
  * @param string $alias
  * @return mixed|null|object
  * @throws InstanceException
  * @throws ArgumentException
 public function __get($alias)
     return $this->container->get($alias);