コード例 #1
  * @beforeClass
 public static function setUpSomeSharedFixtures()
     self::$logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     self::$csvRecords = Registry::getInstance()->get('csvRecords');
     self::$revenueOrdersModel = Registry::getInstance()->get('revReportModel');
コード例 #2
ファイル: BaseTestCase.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 public static function setUpSharedFixtures()
     // self::$logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     // self::$revenueOrdersModel = Registry::getInstance()->get('revReportModel');
     $revenueReportFile = Registry::getInstance()->get('revenueReportFile');
     if (!file_exists($revenueReportFile)) {
         throw new \Exception("Revenue Report file " . $revenueReportFile . " is not found");
     } else {
         if (filesize($revenueReportFile) == 0) {
             throw new \Exception("Revenue report file " . $revenueReportFile . " is empty");
     if (!isset(self::$logger)) {
         self::$logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     self::$logger->info("BEGIN " . __METHOD__);
     if (!isset(self::$revenueOrdersModel)) {
         self::$revenueOrdersModel = Registry::getInstance()->get('revReportModel');
         //if still its not set throw exception
         if (!isset(self::$revenueOrdersModel)) {
             throw new \Exception("Not bootstrapped properly; missing revReportModel");
     self::$logger->debug("Revenue orders" . PHP_EOL . print_r(self::$revenueOrdersModel->getOrders(), true));
     self::$logger->info("END " . __METHOD__);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Request.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 public function __construct($paymentRequestXml)
     if (!$paymentRequestXml) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid request xml : " . print_r($paymentRequestXml, true));
     $this->requestXmlElement = new SimpleXMLElement($paymentRequestXml);
     //$this->requestXmlElement = simplexml_load_file ("/tmp/csRequest.xml");
     $this->requestXmlElement->registerXPathNamespace('cs', "https://ebc.cybersource.com/ebc/reports/dtd/tdr_1_9.dtd");
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
コード例 #4
ファイル: ConsolidatedReport.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 public function __construct($argv)
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     $this->config = QCConfig::getInstance();
     //get revenue report filename from arg
     $this->revenueReportFile = RevenueReportUtils::getReportFileName($argv);
     $this->revenueReportDate = RevenueReportUtils::getReportDate($argv);
     $this->templateReportSheet = APPLICATION_ROOT_FOLDER . '/' . $this->config->get('reports')['cklein.consolidated.report.tempate.file'];
     $this->reportsFolder = $this->config->get("reports")["cklien.consolidated.reports.folder"];
     $this->reportsFilename = $this->config->get('reports')["cklien.consolidated.reports.filename"];
     $this->reportsFileExt = $this->config->get('reports')["cklien.consolidated.reports.file.ext"];
     $this->reportsRecipients = $this->config->get('reports')["cklien.consolidated.reports.recipients.csv"];
コード例 #5
  * @dataProvider getOrders
 public function testOrder($revenueOrder)
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     $this->logger->info("BEGIN " . __METHOD__);
     $this->logger->debug("Received Revenue Order :" . print_r($revenueOrder, true));
     //check if the txn is a refund and if so ignore the Cybersource validation
     if ($revenueOrder->isTxnARefund()) {
         $this->logger->debug("Transaction is a refund and ignoring the verification");
     $orderId = $revenueOrder->getOrderId();
     $this->logger->info("Testing Order #" . $orderId);
     $this->logger->info("Checking if this order is present in WMS shipment");
     $wmsShipmentDAO = new WmsShipmentDAO();
     $wmsShipmentInfo = $wmsShipmentDAO->getShipmentInfo($orderId);
     $this->assertNotEmpty($wmsShipmentInfo, "Shipment for order # " . $orderId . " is not found in db ");
     $this->logger->info("END " . __METHOD__);
コード例 #6
  * @dataProvider getOrders
 public function testOrder($revenueOrder)
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     $this->logger->info("BEGIN " . __METHOD__);
     $this->logger->debug("Received Revenue Order :" . print_r($revenueOrder, true));
     //check if the txn is a refund and if so ignore the Cybersource validation
     if ($revenueOrder->isTxnARefund()) {
         $this->logger->debug("Transaction is a refund and ignoring the verification");
     $orderId = $revenueOrder->getOrderId();
     $revOrderDate = date_create($revenueOrder->getOrderDate());
     $revOrderDateFormatted = date_format($revOrderDate, 'Ymd');
     $this->logger->info("Testing Order #" . $orderId . "with orderDate = " . $revOrderDateFormatted);
     $this->logger->info("Sum of all prices for this order # - present in the report = " . $revenueOrder->getSumOfLinePrice());
     $this->logger->info("Checking against the payment registered in Payment Gateway");
     $txnPaidAmount = Transaction::getTxnPaymentAmount($orderId, $revOrderDateFormatted);
     $this->assertEquals($revenueOrder->getSumOfAllRecords(), $txnPaidAmount, "Total of all records for orderId " . $orderId . " in the report is not same as the Payment done in Payment-Gateway, which is " . $txnPaidAmount);
コード例 #7
ファイル: RevenueCSV2Model.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 public static function transform($csvRecords)
     if (!$csvRecords || count($csvRecords) == 0) {
         return null;
     $logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     $logger->addInfo("BEGIN RevenueCSV2Model::transform" . PHP_EOL);
     $shipmentGtin = QCConfig::getInstance()->get('reports')[QCConfigKey::_REVENUE_REPORT_SHIPMENT_GTIN_CONFIG_KEY];
     $revenueOrders = array();
     $orderCount = 0;
     $revenueReportDate = null;
     foreach ($csvRecords as $csvRecord) {
         $logger->debug("CSV record " . print_r($csvRecord, true) . PHP_EOL);
         //Check if order model object is alredy created for the current record
         //if so reuse that object
         if (!isset($revenueOrders[$csvRecord[1]])) {
             $orderCount = 1;
             $revenueOrder = new RevenueOrder();
             $revenueOrders[$csvRecord[1]] = array();
             $revenueOrders[$csvRecord[1]][] = $revenueOrder;
         //if ($csvRecord[5] == $shipmentGtin){
         if (ShipUtils::isGtinShippingItem($csvRecord[5])) {
             $revenueShipmentLine = new RevenueShipmentLine($csvRecord[5], $csvRecord[6], $csvRecord[7]);
         } else {
             $revenueOrderLine = new RevenueOrderLine($csvRecord[5], $csvRecord[6], $csvRecord[7]);
         //adding price
     $logger->addDebug("Constructing RevenueReport model obj" . PHP_EOL);
     $revenueReportModel = new RevenueReport();
     $logger->addDebug("Order count = " . $orderCount . PHP_EOL);
     return $revenueReportModel;
コード例 #8
ファイル: TestController.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 static function shutdown()
     $logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     if (Registry::getInstance()->isRegistered(BaseTestListener::FAILURE_TESTCASES_KEY)) {
         $listOfFailureTCs = Registry::getInstance()->get(BaseTestListener::FAILURE_TESTCASES_KEY);
         if ($listOfFailureTCs && count($listOfFailureTCs) > 0) {
             $logger->info("Test completed with failures...sending email of failures");
             $testResultHandler = new TestResultHandler();
     if (Registry::getInstance()->isRegistered(BaseTestListener::ERR_TESTCASES_KEY)) {
         $listOfErrorTCs = Registry::getInstance()->get(BaseTestListener::ERR_TESTCASES_KEY);
         if ($listOfErrorTCs && count($listOfErrorTCs) > 0) {
             $logger->info("Test completed with errors...sending email of failures");
             $testResultHandler = new TestResultHandler();
コード例 #9
ファイル: RevenueReportUtils.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 public static function getReportFileName($arguments)
     foreach ($arguments as $arg) {
         if (StringUtils::startsWith($arg, self::reportFileArgName)) {
             $reportFileName = StringUtils::split($arg, '=', 2)[1];
             QCLogger::getInstance()->debug(__METHOD__ . " report filename found in argument = " . $reportFileName);
             return $reportFileName;
         if (StringUtils::startsWith($arg, self::reportDateArgName)) {
             $reportFileName = self::getReportFileNameFromDate(StringUtils::split($arg, '=', 2)[1]);
             QCLogger::getInstance()->debug(__METHOD__ . " report filename constructed out of the date provided in argument = " . $reportFileName);
             return $reportFileName;
     //will come to this code block if there are no arguments having report file details
     //will construct using current date time
     $reportFileName = self::getReportFileNameFromDate(self::getTodaysDate());
     QCLogger::getInstance()->debug(__METHOD__ . " report filename constructed using current date = " . $reportFileName);
     return $reportFileName;
コード例 #10
  * @beforeClass
 public static function setUpSomeSharedFixtures()
     self::$logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     self::$csvRecords = Registry::getInstance()->get('csvRecords');
コード例 #11
ファイル: Registry.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 private function __construct()
     $this->objects = new \ArrayObject();
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     $this->logger->debug("Constructing Registry instance");
コード例 #12
 public function __construct()
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
コード例 #13
ファイル: RevenueCSV.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 public function __construct($revenueReportFilepath)
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     $this->csvRecords = Reader::createFromPath($revenueReportFilepath);
コード例 #14
  * @dataProvider getOrders
 public function testOrder($revenueOrder)
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     $this->logger->info("BEGIN " . __METHOD__);
     $this->logger->debug("Received Revenue Order :" . print_r($revenueOrder, true));
     //check if the txn is a refund and if so ignore the Cybersource validation
     if ($revenueOrder->isTxnARefund()) {
         $this->logger->debug("Transaction is a refund and ignoring the verification");
     $orderId = $revenueOrder->getOrderId();
     $this->logger->info("Testing Order #" . $orderId);
     $this->logger->info("Sum of all prices for this order # - present in the report = " . $revenueOrder->getSumOfLinePrice());
     $this->logger->info("Checking against the value in db");
     $dwOrderDAO = new DwOrderDAO();
     $dwOrderInfo = $dwOrderDAO->getOrderInfo($orderId);
     $this->assertNotNull($dwOrderInfo, "Order, with # " . $orderId . ", is not found in db");
     $dwOrderLineCount = $dwOrderInfo->getOrderLineCount();
     $dwPromoGrossPrice = $dwOrderInfo->getOrderPromoGrossPrice();
     $dwSumOfAllOrderLineQty = $dwOrderInfo->getSumOfAllOrderLineQty();
     $dwMerchantGrossPrice = $dwOrderInfo->getMerchantGrossPrice();
     $dwOrderLines = $dwOrderInfo->getOrderLines();
     $dwShippingLines = $dwOrderInfo->getShippingLines();
     $dwSumOfOrderLineGPPostLineAdj = $dwOrderInfo->getSumOfOrderLineGPPostLineAdj();
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $dwOrderLineCount, "Count of orderLines is not greater than 0 for orderId:" . $orderId);
     $this->logger->debug("dwOrderLineCount = " . $dwOrderLineCount);
     $this->logger->debug("dwMerchantGrossPrice = " . $dwMerchantGrossPrice);
     $this->logger->debug("dwPromoGrossPrice = " . $dwPromoGrossPrice);
     $this->logger->debug("dwSumOfOrderLineGPPostLineAdj=  " . $dwSumOfOrderLineGPPostLineAdj);
     $this->logger->debug("dw-order-lines from db for order-id " . $orderId . " " . print_r($dwOrderLines, true));
     $this->assertEquals(false, empty($dwOrderInfo), "Order, " . $orderId . ", is not found in db");
     $this->assertEquals($revenueOrder->getSumOfLinePrice(), $dwOrderInfo->getOrderGrossPrice(), "Sum of prices for order " . $orderId . " in report is = " . $revenueOrder->getSumOfLinePrice() . ". It is not matching with the gross price value " . $dwOrderInfo->getOrderGrossPrice() . " found in db ");
     $revenueOrderLines = $revenueOrder->getOrderLines();
     foreach ($revenueOrderLines as $revenueOrderLine) {
         $this->logger->info("Checking for orderLine : productId : " . $revenueOrderLine->getGtin());
         if ($revenueOrder->isLineRepeating($revenueOrderLine->getGtin())) {
             $this->logger->debug("This orderLine is split ");
         $revenueGtinTrimmed = ltrim($revenueOrderLine->getGtin(), '0');
         $revenueQty = $revenueOrderLine->getQty();
         $revenuePrice = round($revenueOrderLine->getPrice() * $revenueQty, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
         $this->logger->debug("Revenue data for GTIN " . $revenueGtinTrimmed . ", Qty = " . $revenueQty . ", Price = " . $revenuePrice);
         if (!isset($dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed])) {
             $this->logger->error("Revenue record having Gtin = " . $revenueGtinTrimmed . " is not found as a order line for order " . $orderId);
             $this->assertEquals(true, false, "Revenue record having Gtin = " . $revenueGtinTrimmed . " is not found as a order line for order " . $orderId);
         $this->assertNotEmpty($dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed], "Order Line having GTIN  - " . $revenueGtinTrimmed . " is not found in the db");
         //each line adjusted by the line-promotion + order-promotion/total-order-line
         $dwOrderLineQty = $dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed][0]->getQty();
         //compute the order level discount to be applied to this line
         $dwOrderLevelAdj = round($dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed][0]->getAdjGrossPrice() / $dwSumOfOrderLineGPPostLineAdj * $dwPromoGrossPrice, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
         $this->logger->debug("order level adjustment to be applied to this order-line = " . $dwOrderLevelAdj);
         $this->logger->debug("Order line quantity = " . $dwOrderLineQty);
         $this->logger->debug("Order-line adjusted GP =  " . $dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed][0]->getAdjGrossPrice());
         if ($dwOrderLineQty > 1) {
             //check if this discount can be distributed across all quantities EVENLY without loosing a cent
             //find the disc per quantity rounded to 2 decimal places
             $dwOrderLevelAdjPerQty = round($dwOrderLevelAdj / $dwOrderLineQty, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
             $this->logger->debug("Per qty adjustment amount = " . $dwOrderLevelAdjPerQty);
             //check to see if this discPerQty * Qty equals the discountComputer for this order-line
             //note that all adjustment/discount values are negative value (< 0 )
             $discrepancyInDiscount = round($dwOrderLevelAdjPerQty * $dwOrderLineQty, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN) - $dwOrderLevelAdj;
             $this->logger->debug("Discrepancy in discount" . $discrepancyInDiscount);
             if ($discrepancyInDiscount != 0) {
                 //the order-line will be split into two records and the discrepancy should have been added one of the order-lines having quantity as 1
                 //this item will be repeated in Revenue report, lets check
                 $this->assertTrue($revenueOrder->isLineRepeating($revenueOrderLine->getGtin()), 'Order line, having GTIN - ' . $revenueGtinTrimmed . ' is supposed to be split into two lines, which is not the case');
                 $dwOrderLineBasePrice = $dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed][0]->getBasePrice();
                 $this->logger->debug("Order line base price = " . $dwOrderLineBasePrice);
                 //split order-line promotion value proportionately
                 $newOrderLinePromoAdj = round($dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed][0]->getPromoGrossPrice() * $revenueQty / $dwOrderLineQty, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
                 $this->logger->debug("Order line promo split into two = " . $newOrderLinePromoAdj);
                 if ($revenueQty == 1) {
                     $dwOrderLineAdjPrice = $dwOrderLineBasePrice + $newOrderLinePromoAdj + round($dwOrderLevelAdjPerQty - $discrepancyInDiscount, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
                 } else {
                     $dwOrderLineAdjPrice = $dwOrderLineBasePrice * ($dwOrderLineQty - 1) + $newOrderLinePromoAdj + round($dwOrderLevelAdjPerQty * ($dwOrderLineQty - 1), 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
                 $this->assertEquals($revenuePrice, $dwOrderLineAdjPrice, "Price in revenue file for GTIN " . $revenueGtinTrimmed . " is not same as in db (" . $dwOrderLineAdjPrice . ")");
         $this->logger->debug("order level discount computed for orderline:" . $revenueGtinTrimmed . " = " . $dwOrderLevelAdj);
         //$dwOrderLineGPRatio = round(($dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed][0]->getAdjGrossPrice()/$dwMerchantGrossPrice),4);
         //$dwOrderLineGPRatio = $dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed][0]->getAdjGrossPrice()/$dwSumOfOrderLineGPPostLineAdj; //$dwMerchantGrossPrice;
         //$this->logger->debug("orderLineRatio for orderline - ".$revenueGtinTrimmed."= ".$dwOrderLineGPRatio);
         //$adjPriceFromDb = $dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed][0]->getAdjGrossPrice()+$dwOrderLineGPRatio * $dwPromoGrossPrice;
         $dwOrderLineAdjPrice = $dwOrderLines[$revenueGtinTrimmed][0]->getAdjGrossPrice() + $dwOrderLevelAdj;
         $this->logger->debug("Adjusted order line (computed from db) = " . $dwOrderLineAdjPrice);
         $this->assertEquals($revenuePrice, $dwOrderLineAdjPrice, "Price in revenue file for GTIN " . $revenueGtinTrimmed . " is not same as in db (" . $dwOrderLineAdjPrice . ")");
         //$this->assertEquals($revenuePrice, $adjPriceFromDb, "Price in revenue file for GTIN ".$revenueGtinTrimmed." is not same as in db (".$adjPriceFromDb.")");
     //test shipping line values
     $revenueShippingLines = $revenueOrder->getShipmentLines();
     $this->logger->debug("revenueShippingLines " . print_r($revenueShippingLines, true));
     foreach ($revenueShippingLines as $revenueShippingLine) {
         $this->logger->info("Checking shipping line : product-Id :" . $revenueShippingLine->getGtin());
         $shippingGtin = ltrim($revenueShippingLine->getGtin(), '0');
         $shippingPrice = $revenueShippingLine->getPrice();
         $this->logger->debug("dw-order-lines from db for order-id " . $orderId . " " . print_r($dwShippingLines, true));
         if (!isset($dwShippingLines[$shippingGtin])) {
             $this->logger->error("Revenue record having shipping Gtin = " . $shippingGtin . " is not found as a order line for order " . $orderId);
             $this->assertEquals(true, false, "Revenue record having Gtin = " . $shippingGtin . " is not found as a order line for order " . $orderId);
         $this->assertNotEmpty($dwShippingLines[$shippingGtin], "Shipping Line having GTIN  - " . $shippingGtin . " is not found in the db");
         $adjShippingPriceFromDb = $dwShippingLines[$shippingGtin][0]->getAdjGrossPrice();
         $this->assertEquals($shippingPrice, $adjShippingPriceFromDb, "Shipping gross price (" . $shippingPrice . ") in revenue file for GTIN " . $shippingGtin . " is not same as in db (" . $adjShippingPriceFromDb . ")");
     $this->logger->info("END " . __METHOD__);
コード例 #15
ファイル: PHPMailerProxy.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 public function __construct()
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     $this->config = QCConfig::getInstance();
コード例 #16
ファイル: QCDbAbstract.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 public function __construct()
     $this->config = QCConfig::getInstance();
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     $this->logger->info('Constructing meedoo db connection object');
コード例 #17
ファイル: CyberSourceProxy.php プロジェクト: specklein/ckqc
 public function __construct()
     $this->logger = QCLogger::getInstance();
     $this->config = QCConfig::getInstance();
     $csConfig = $this->config->get('cybersource');
     $this->csQueryPath = $csConfig[CSConfigKey::ONDEMAND_QUERY_PATH];
     $this->csMerchantID = $csConfig[CSConfigKey::ONDEMAND_REQ_MERCHANTID];
     $this->csEndpoint = $csConfig[CSConfigKey::ONDEMAND_REQ_ENDPOINT];
     $credConfig = QCConfig::getCredConfig()->get(QCConfigKey::_CK_CREDENTIALS_CONFIG_SECTION);
     $this->csUsername = $credConfig[CSConfigKey::ONDEMAND_REQ_USERNAME];
     $this->csPassword = $credConfig[CSConfigKey::ONDEMAND_REQ_PASSWORD];