protected function setUp() { global $configuration; $this->setBrowserUrl($configuration['googleFormUrl']); $this->configuration = $configuration; // workaround to be able to see the prompt text ob_end_flush(); $this->password = Cli::readInput('Please type your password to the e-mail ' . $this->configuration['email'] . ': ', [], '', true); Cli::writeOutput(String::newLine()); // return to the original state ob_start(); }
$date = $possibleDate->format($dateMySQLFormat); $argvIndex++; } } if (!isset($data[$date][$key])) { $data[$date][$key] = []; } $dataTodayKey =& $data[$date][$key]; if (isset($argv[$argvIndex])) { $possibleTime = DateTime::createFromFormat($timeFormat, $argv[$argvIndex]); if ($possibleTime instanceof DateTime) { $argvIndex++; $dataTodayKey[] = ['start' => '00h00', 'stop' => $possibleTime->format($timeFormat), 'comment' => implode(' ', array_slice($argv, $argvIndex))]; Cli::writeOutput($key . ' added' . String::newLine(2), Cli::COLOR_GREEN_BOLD); break; } } $count = count($dataTodayKey); $index = $count - 1; if ($count > 0 && !isset($dataTodayKey[$index]['stop'])) { $entry =& $dataTodayKey[$index]; $entry['stop'] = $time; $entry['comment'] = implode(' ', array_slice($argv, 2)); $duration = DateTime::createFromFormat($timeFormat, $entry['start'])->diff($now)->format($intervalFormat); Cli::writeOutput($key . ' stopped with ' . $duration . String::newLine(2), Cli::COLOR_GREEN_BOLD); } else { $dataTodayKey[] = ['start' => $time]; Cli::writeOutput($key . ' started' . String::newLine(2), Cli::COLOR_GREEN_BOLD); } } file_put_contents($file, json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
<?php use SimpleHelpers\Cli; use SimpleHelpers\String; declare (ticks=1); $basePath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'); require $basePath . '/src/common.php'; $os = PHP_OS == 'Darwin' ? 'mac' : 'linux'; $showSeleniumDebug = false; if (file_exists($basePath . '/vendor/chromedriver/chromedriver-' . $os . '/chromedriver')) { $seleniumDebug = $showSeleniumDebug ? '' : ' 2>&1'; Cli::writeOutput('Starting Selenium' . String::newLine(2)); $exec = exec('java' . $basePath . '/vendor/chromedriver/chromedriver-' . $os . '/chromedriver -jar ' . $basePath . '/vendor/seleniumhq/selenium-server-standalone/selenium-server-standalone-2.48.2.jar > /dev/null ' . $seleniumDebug . ' &', $output, $return); sleep(2); $shutdown = function () { Cli::writeOutput('Stopping Selenium' . String::newLine(2)); $pid = Cli::execute('ps aux | grep selenium | grep -v grep | awk \'{ print $2 }\' "$@"'); Cli::execute('kill -9 ' . $pid['return']); Cli::writeOutput('Done!' . String::newLine()); exit; }; register_shutdown_function($shutdown); // above not working yet :( pcntl_signal(SIGINT, $shutdown); pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, $shutdown); pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, $shutdown); pcntl_signal(SIGQUIT, $shutdown); }
} } } $reader->close(); if (!empty($configuration['slackEndpoint']) && !empty($configuration['channel'])) { Cli::writeOutput('Notifying Slack team', Cli::COLOR_GREEN_DIM); // Instantiate with defaults, so all messages created // will be sent from 'Cyril' and to the #accounting channel // by default. Any names like @regan or #channel will also be linked. $client = new Client($configuration['slackEndpoint'], ['username' => 'HourBank', 'channel' => $configuration['channel'], 'icon' => ':clock4:', 'markdown_in_attachments' => ['fields']]); /** @var $client Message */ !$dryRun && $client->attach(['fallback' => $teamFallback, 'color' => 'bad', 'fields' => $team])->send($headLine); } if ($configuration['markAsDone']) { $modify = new Google_Service_Gmail_ModifyMessageRequest(); $modify->setRemoveLabelIds(['INBOX']); !$dryRun && $service->users_messages->modify($user, $message->getId(), $modify); Cli::writeOutput('Message marked as *done*', Cli::COLOR_YELLOW_DIM); } if ($configuration['removeMessage'] && !$dryRun) { !$dryRun && $service->users_messages->trash($user, $message->getId()); Cli::writeOutput('Message moved to trash!', Cli::COLOR_YELLOW_DIM); } if ($headLine) { Cli::writeOutput(String::newLine() . $headLine . String::newLine(), Cli::COLOR_WHITE_BOLD); } foreach ($teamCli as $member => $data) { Cli::writeOutput($member . ': ' . $data['hours'] . ' ' . $data['hourDirection'], $data['hourDirection'] == 'positivas' ? Cli::COLOR_GREEN : Cli::COLOR_RED); } Cli::writeOutput(String::newLine());