コード例 #1
  * Publish the given Message by serializing it and handing it over to a RabbitMQ producer
  * @{inheritdoc}
 public function publish($message)
     $serializedMessage = $this->serializer->wrapAndSerialize($message);
     $routingKey = $this->routingKeyResolver->resolveRoutingKeyFor($message);
     $additionalProperties = $this->additionalPropertiesResolver->resolveAdditionalPropertiesFor($message);
     $this->producer->publish($serializedMessage, $routingKey, $additionalProperties);
コード例 #2
  * Serialize a Message by wrapping it in an Envelope and serializing the envelope. This decoration will
  * take the SimpleBus envelope and add it in a json message.
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function wrapAndSerialize($originalMessage)
     $serializedMessage = $this->serializer->wrapAndSerialize($originalMessage);
     $message = [];
     foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) {
         if (empty($value)) {
         $message['headers'][] = ['key' => $name, 'value' => $value];
     $message['body'] = $serializedMessage;
     // Add a hash where the secret key is baked in.
     $message['headers'][] = ['key' => 'hash', 'value' => sha1($this->secretKey . $serializedMessage)];
     $event = new PrePublishMessage($message, is_object($originalMessage) ? get_class($originalMessage) : gettype($originalMessage));
     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(PrePublishMessage::NAME, $event);
     return json_encode($event->getMessage());