コード例 #1
  * Return the LIMIT clause ready for inserting into a query.
  * @param SQLSelect $query The expression object to build from
  * @param array $parameters Out parameter for the resulting query parameters
  * @return string The finalised limit SQL fragment
 public function buildLimitFragment(SQLSelect $query, array &$parameters)
     $nl = $this->getSeparator();
     // Ensure limit is given
     $limit = $query->getLimit();
     if (empty($limit)) {
         return '';
     // For literal values return this as the limit SQL
     if (!is_array($limit)) {
         return "{$nl}LIMIT {$limit}";
     // Assert that the array version provides the 'limit' key
     if (!array_key_exists('limit', $limit) || $limit['limit'] !== null && !is_numeric($limit['limit'])) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('MySQLQueryBuilder::buildLimitSQL(): Wrong format for $limit: ' . var_export($limit, true));
     if ($limit['limit'] === null) {
         $limit['limit'] = self::MAX_ROWS;
     // Format the array limit, given an optional start key
     $clause = "{$nl}LIMIT {$limit['limit']}";
     if (isset($limit['start']) && is_numeric($limit['start']) && $limit['start'] !== 0) {
         $clause .= " OFFSET {$limit['start']}";
     return $clause;
コード例 #2
 public function conditionSQL(&$parameters)
     $parameters = array();
     // Ignore empty conditions
     $where = $this->whereQuery->getWhere();
     if (empty($where)) {
         return null;
     // Allow database to manage joining of conditions
     $sql = DB::get_conn()->getQueryBuilder()->buildWhereFragment($this->whereQuery, $parameters);
     return preg_replace('/^\\s*WHERE\\s*/i', '', $sql);
コード例 #3
  * Link this group set to a specific member.
  * Recursively selects all groups applied to this member, as well as any
  * parent groups of any applied groups
  * @param array|integer $id (optional) An ID or an array of IDs - if not provided, will use the current
  * ids as per getForeignID
  * @return array Condition In array(SQL => parameters format)
 public function foreignIDFilter($id = null)
     if ($id === null) {
         $id = $this->getForeignID();
     // Find directly applied groups
     $manyManyFilter = parent::foreignIDFilter($id);
     $query = new SQLSelect('"Group_Members"."GroupID"', '"Group_Members"', $manyManyFilter);
     $groupIDs = $query->execute()->column();
     // Get all ancestors, iteratively merging these into the master set
     $allGroupIDs = array();
     while ($groupIDs) {
         $allGroupIDs = array_merge($allGroupIDs, $groupIDs);
         $groupIDs = DataObject::get("SilverStripe\\Security\\Group")->byIDs($groupIDs)->column("ParentID");
         $groupIDs = array_filter($groupIDs);
     // Add a filter to this DataList
     if (!empty($allGroupIDs)) {
         $allGroupIDsPlaceholders = DB::placeholders($allGroupIDs);
         return array("\"Group\".\"ID\" IN ({$allGroupIDsPlaceholders})" => $allGroupIDs);
     } else {
         return array('"Group"."ID"' => 0);
コード例 #4
  * Sets the page length, page start and total items from a query object's
  * limit, offset and unlimited count. The query MUST have a limit clause.
  * @param SQLSelect $query
  * @return $this
 public function setPaginationFromQuery(SQLSelect $query)
     if ($limit = $query->getLimit()) {
     return $this;
コード例 #5
  * Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action.
  * See {@link extendedCan()} for a more versatile tri-state permission control.
  * @param string $perm The permission to be checked, such as 'View'.
  * @param Member $member The member whose permissions need checking.  Defaults to the currently logged
  * in user.
  * @param array $context Additional $context to pass to extendedCan()
  * @return boolean True if the the member is allowed to do the given action
 public function can($perm, $member = null, $context = array())
     if (!isset($member)) {
         $member = Member::currentUser();
     if (Permission::checkMember($member, "ADMIN")) {
         return true;
     if ($this->getSchema()->manyManyComponent(static::class, 'Can' . $perm)) {
         if ($this->ParentID && $this->SecurityType == 'Inherit') {
             if (!($p = $this->Parent)) {
                 return false;
             return $this->Parent->can($perm, $member);
         } else {
             $permissionCache = $this->uninherited('permissionCache');
             $memberID = $member ? $member->ID : 'none';
             if (!isset($permissionCache[$memberID][$perm])) {
                 if ($member->ID) {
                     $groups = $member->Groups();
                 $groupList = implode(', ', $groups->column("ID"));
                 // TODO Fix relation table hardcoding
                 $query = new SQLSelect("\"Page_Can{$perm}\".PageID", array("\"Page_Can{$perm}\""), "GroupID IN ({$groupList})");
                 $permissionCache[$memberID][$perm] = $query->execute()->column();
                 if ($perm == "View") {
                     // TODO Fix relation table hardcoding
                     $query = new SQLSelect("\"SiteTree\".\"ID\"", array("\"SiteTree\"", "LEFT JOIN \"Page_CanView\" ON \"Page_CanView\".\"PageID\" = \"SiteTree\".\"ID\""), "\"Page_CanView\".\"PageID\" IS NULL");
                     $unsecuredPages = $query->execute()->column();
                     if ($permissionCache[$memberID][$perm]) {
                         $permissionCache[$memberID][$perm] = array_merge($permissionCache[$memberID][$perm], $unsecuredPages);
                     } else {
                         $permissionCache[$memberID][$perm] = $unsecuredPages;
                 Config::inst()->update($this->class, 'permissionCache', $permissionCache);
             if ($permissionCache[$memberID][$perm]) {
                 return in_array($this->ID, $permissionCache[$memberID][$perm]);
     } else {
         return parent::can($perm, $member);
コード例 #6
  * Return the number of rows in this query if the limit were removed.  Useful in paged data sets.
  * @param string $column
  * @return int
 public function unlimitedRowCount($column = null)
     // we can't clear the select if we're relying on its output by a HAVING clause
     if (count($this->having)) {
         $records = $this->execute();
         return $records->numRecords();
     $clone = clone $this;
     $clone->limit = null;
     $clone->orderby = null;
     // Choose a default column
     if ($column == null) {
         if ($this->groupby) {
             // @todo Test case required here
             $countQuery = new SQLSelect();
             $countQuery->setFrom(array('(' . $clone->sql($innerParameters) . ') all_distinct'));
             $sql = $countQuery->sql($parameters);
             // $parameters should be empty
             $result = DB::prepared_query($sql, $innerParameters);
             return (int) $result->value();
         } else {
     } else {
     return (int) $clone->execute()->value();
コード例 #7
  * Find the extra field data for a single row of the relationship join
  * table, given the known child ID.
  * @param string $componentName The name of the component
  * @param int $itemID The ID of the child for the relationship
  * @return array Map of fieldName => fieldValue
 public function getExtraData($componentName, $itemID)
     $result = array();
     // Skip if no extrafields or unsaved record
     if (empty($this->extraFields) || empty($itemID)) {
         return $result;
     if (!is_numeric($itemID)) {
         user_error('ComponentSet::getExtraData() passed a non-numeric child ID', E_USER_ERROR);
     $cleanExtraFields = array();
     foreach ($this->extraFields as $fieldName => $dbFieldSpec) {
         $cleanExtraFields[] = "\"{$fieldName}\"";
     $query = new SQLSelect($cleanExtraFields, "\"{$this->joinTable}\"");
     $filter = $this->foreignIDWriteFilter($this->getForeignID());
     if ($filter) {
     } else {
         user_error("Can't call ManyManyList::getExtraData() until a foreign ID is set", E_USER_WARNING);
     $query->addWhere(array("\"{$this->joinTable}\".\"{$this->localKey}\"" => $itemID));
     $queryResult = $query->execute()->current();
     if ($queryResult) {
         foreach ($queryResult as $fieldName => $value) {
             $result[$fieldName] = $value;
     return $result;
コード例 #8
    public function testParameterisedLeftJoins()
        $query = new SQLSelect();
        $query->setSelect(array('"SQLSelectTest_DO"."Name"', '"SubSelect"."Count"'));
        $query->addLeftJoin('(SELECT "Title", COUNT(*) AS "Count" FROM "SQLSelectTestBase" GROUP BY "Title" HAVING "Title" NOT LIKE ?)', '"SQLSelectTest_DO"."Name" = "SubSelect"."Title"', 'SubSelect', 20, array('%MyName%'));
        $query->addWhere(array('"SQLSelectTest_DO"."Date" > ?' => '2012-08-08 12:00'));
        $this->assertSQLEquals('SELECT "SQLSelectTest_DO"."Name", "SubSelect"."Count"
			FROM "SQLSelectTest_DO" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "Title", COUNT(*) AS "Count" FROM "SQLSelectTestBase"
		   GROUP BY "Title" HAVING "Title" NOT LIKE ?) AS "SubSelect" ON "SQLSelectTest_DO"."Name" =
			WHERE ("SQLSelectTest_DO"."Date" > ?)', $query->sql($parameters));
        $this->assertEquals(array('%MyName%', '2012-08-08 12:00'), $parameters);
コード例 #9
  * Set foreign keys of has_many objects to 0 where those objects were
  * disowned as a result of a partial publish / unpublish.
  * I.e. this object and its owned objects were recently written to $targetStage,
  * but deleted objects were not.
  * Note that this operation does not create any new Versions
  * @param string $sourceStage Objects in this stage will not be unlinked.
  * @param string $targetStage Objects which exist in this stage but not $sourceStage
  * will be unlinked.
 public function unlinkDisownedObjects($sourceStage, $targetStage)
     $owner = $this->owner;
     // after publishing, objects which used to be owned need to be
     // dis-connected from this object (set ForeignKeyID = 0)
     $owns = $owner->config()->owns;
     $hasMany = $owner->config()->has_many;
     if (empty($owns) || empty($hasMany)) {
     $ownedHasMany = array_intersect($owns, array_keys($hasMany));
     foreach ($ownedHasMany as $relationship) {
         // Find metadata on relationship
         $joinClass = $owner->hasManyComponent($relationship);
         $joinField = $owner->getRemoteJoinField($relationship, 'has_many', $polymorphic);
         $idField = $polymorphic ? "{$joinField}ID" : $joinField;
         $joinTable = DataObject::getSchema()->tableForField($joinClass, $idField);
         // Generate update query which will unlink disowned objects
         $targetTable = $this->stageTable($joinTable, $targetStage);
         $disowned = new SQLUpdate("\"{$targetTable}\"");
         $disowned->assign("\"{$idField}\"", 0);
         $disowned->addWhere(array("\"{$targetTable}\".\"{$idField}\"" => $owner->ID));
         // Build exclusion list (items to owned objects we need to keep)
         $sourceTable = $this->stageTable($joinTable, $sourceStage);
         $owned = new SQLSelect("\"{$sourceTable}\".\"ID\"", "\"{$sourceTable}\"");
         $owned->addWhere(array("\"{$sourceTable}\".\"{$idField}\"" => $owner->ID));
         // Apply class condition if querying on polymorphic has_one
         if ($polymorphic) {
             $disowned->assign("\"{$joinField}Class\"", null);
             $disowned->addWhere(array("\"{$targetTable}\".\"{$joinField}Class\"" => get_class($owner)));
             $owned->addWhere(array("\"{$sourceTable}\".\"{$joinField}Class\"" => get_class($owner)));
         // Merge queries and perform unlink
         $ownedSQL = $owned->sql($ownedParams);
         $disowned->addWhere(array("\"{$targetTable}\".\"ID\" NOT IN ({$ownedSQL})" => $ownedParams));
         $owner->extend('updateDisownershipQuery', $disowned, $sourceStage, $targetStage, $relationship);
  * Invoked after getFinalisedQuery()
  * @param DataQuery $dataQuery
  * @param array $queriedColumns
  * @param SQLSelect $sqlQuery
 public function afterGetFinalisedQuery(DataQuery $dataQuery, $queriedColumns = [], SQLSelect $sqlQuery)
     // Inject final replacement after manipulation has been performed on the base dataquery
     $joinTableSQL = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Foreign.JoinTableSQL');
     if ($joinTableSQL) {
         $sqlQuery->replaceText('SELECT $$_SUBQUERY_$$', $joinTableSQL);
         $dataQuery->setQueryParam('Foreign.JoinTableSQL', null);
コード例 #11
  * Select the given field expressions.
  * @param $fieldExpression String The field to select (escaped SQL statement)
  * @param $alias String The alias of that field (escaped SQL statement)
 public function selectField($fieldExpression, $alias = null)
     $this->query->selectField($fieldExpression, $alias);