コード例 #1
 public function load(ObjectManager $em)
     if (self::$go === false) {
     $albums = array("jsiciarek" => array("The Fly", "The Sea", "My Adventure", "Hot & Cold", "Stars Fell on Alabama", "Who Let the Dogs Out?"), "colak" => array("Lemon Dance", "Strange Butterfly", "Cooking and Fun"));
     $o = 0;
     foreach ($albums as $u => $alb) {
         $user = $this->getReference($u);
         $creator = new E\Creator();
         foreach ($alb as $a) {
             $title = sprintf("%s", $a);
             $description = sprintf("Description of the %s Album created by %s %s.", $a, $creator->getFirstName(), $creator->getLastName());
             $obj = new E\Album();
コード例 #2
  * @Route("/create-new-album.json", name = "_photogallery_api_create_new_album")
 public function createNewAlbumAction(Request $request)
     $frame = array();
     try {
         $id = intval($request->get("id"));
         $title = $request->get("title");
         $description = $request->get("description");
         $title = trim($title);
         $description = trim($description);
         $title = empty($title) ? "New Album" : $title;
         $description = empty($description) ? null : $description;
         $images_visible = $request->get("hidden", "off") !== "on";
         $is_visible = $request->get("publish", "off") === "on";
         $qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
         $qb->select("max(a.sequence_number)")->from("SiciarekPhotoGalleryBundle:Album", "a");
         $query = $qb->getQuery();
         $sequence_number = $query->getSingleScalarResult();
         $album = new Album();
         $album->setSequenceNumber($sequence_number + 1);
         if ($id > 0) {
             $album = $this->em->getRepository("SiciarekPhotoGalleryBundle:Album")->find($id);
         $creator = $this->getCreator();
         $files = Request::createFromGlobals()->files->get("photos");
         $this->createImages($files, $album, $images_visible);
         $frame = $this->frames["info"];
         $frame["data"] = array("type" => "album", "id" => $album->getId(), "slug" => $album->getSlug());
         $frame["msg"] = sprintf("Album has been %s successfully", $id > 0 ? "updated" : "created");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $frame = $this->frames["error"];
         $frame["msg"] = $e->getMessage();
         $frame["data"] = $e->getTraceAsString();
     return $this->jsonResponse($frame);