public function getCkeditor($parentId = null) { \Debugbar::disable(); if (is_null($parentId)) { $model = Folder::orderBy('sort')->first(); $parentId = $model->id; } $folderTree = Filer::folderTree(); // make a parser instance $parser = App::make('Sharenjoy\\Cmsharenjoy\\Utilities\\Parser'); $folderTreeBuilder = $parser->treeBuilder($folderTree, '<li class="dd-item" data-id="{id}"><a href="' . $this->objectUrl . '/ckeditor/{id}"><div class="dd-handle"><i class="fa fa-folder-o"></i> {name}</div></a> {children} </li>', 'ul class="dd-list"'); $fileResult = $this->foldercontents($parentId); if (!$fileResult['status']) { Message::error($fileResult['message']); } $maxSize = Filer::getMaxSizeAllowed() > Filer::getMaxSizePossible() ? Filer::getMaxSizePossible() : Filer::getMaxSizeAllowed(); // Convert bytes to mega $maxSize = $maxSize / 1048576; return $this->layout()->with('parentId', $parentId)->with('fileResult', $fileResult)->with('folderTree', $folderTreeBuilder)->with('uploadMaxFilesize', $maxSize); }
/** * Files listing * * Creates a list of files * * Used by the Files plugin * * @return array */ public function getListing($folder_id, $tags, $limit, $offset, $type, $fetch, $order_by, $order_ord) { if (!empty($folder_id) && (empty($type) || in_array($type, array('a', 'v', 'd', 'i', 'o')))) { if (is_numeric($folder_id)) { $folder = Folder::find($folder_id); } elseif (is_string($folder_id)) { $folder = Folder::findByPath($folder_id); } } $subfolders = array(); if (isset($folder) && $folder && in_array($fetch, array('root', 'subfolder'))) { // we're getting the files for an entire tree $fetch_id = $fetch === 'root' ? $folder->root_id : $folder->id; $subfolders = Files::folderTreeRecursive($fetch_id); } elseif (!isset($folder)) { // no restrictions by folder so we'll just be getting files by their tags. Set up the join return array(); } if (!empty($subfolders)) { $ids = array_merge(array((int) $folder->id), array_keys($subfolders)); File::whereIn('folder_id', $ids); } else { // just the files for one folder File::where('folder_id', $folder->id); } $type && File::where('type', $type); $limit && File::take($limit); $offset && File::skip($offset); if (!$order_ord) { $order_ord = 'asc'; } $order_by && File::orderBy($order_by, $order_ord); if ($tags) { $files = Files::getTaggedFiles($tags); } else { $files = File::get(); } return $files; }