コード例 #1
 public function notify(\Exception $exception)
     if (!$exception instanceof ServiceNotFoundException) {
     $serviceId = $exception->getId();
     $guessedFqcn = $this->guessFqcn($serviceId);
     $definition = new Definition();
     $containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
     $containerBuilder->addDefinitions([$serviceId => $definition]);
     $dumper = new YamlDumper($containerBuilder);
     $result = $dumper->dump();
     $message = sprintf('Service `%s` missing. Define it in your services.yml:', $serviceId);
     $this->output->writeln('--- ' . $message . PHP_EOL);
     $this->output->write($result, true);
     $errorMessages = ['Service ' . $serviceId . ' was not found.'];
     $formatter = new FormatterHelper();
     $formattedBlock = $formatter->formatBlock($errorMessages, 'error', true);
     $question = sprintf('<question>Do you want to create a specification for %s? (Y/n)</question>', $guessedFqcn);
     $dialog = new DialogHelper();
     if ($dialog->askConfirmation($this->output, $question, true)) {
コード例 #2
 protected function updateRouting(DialogHelper $dialog, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $bundle, $format)
     $auto = true;
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $auto = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Confirm automatic update of the Routing', 'yes', '?'), true);
     $output->write('Importing the bundle routing resource: ');
     $routing = new RoutingManipulator($this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.root_dir') . '/config/routing.yml');
     try {
         $ret = $auto ? $routing->addResource($bundle, 'admingenerator') : false;
         if (!$ret) {
             $help = sprintf("        <comment>resource: \"@%s/Controller/%s/\"</comment>\n        <comment>type:     admingenerator</comment>\n", $bundle, ucfirst($input->getOption('prefix')));
             $help .= "        <comment>prefix:   /</comment>\n";
             return array('- Import the bundle\'s routing resource in the app main routing file:', '', sprintf('    <comment>%s:</comment>', $bundle), $help, '');
     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
         return array(sprintf('Bundle <comment>%s</comment> is already imported.', $bundle), '');
コード例 #3
  * @param DialogHelper    $dialog      The dialog helper
  * @param InputInterface  $input       The command input
  * @param OutputInterface $output      The command output
  * @param Bundle          $bundle      The bundle
  * @param string          $entityClass The classname of the entity
  * @return void
 protected function updateRouting(DialogHelper $dialog, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Bundle $bundle, $entityClass)
     $auto = true;
     $multilang = false;
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $multilang = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Is it a multilanguage site', 'yes', '?'), true);
         $auto = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Do you want to update the routing automatically', 'yes', '?'), true);
     $prefix = $multilang ? '/{_locale}' : '';
     $code = sprintf("%s:\n", strtolower($bundle->getName()) . '_' . strtolower($entityClass) . '_admin_list');
     $code .= sprintf("    resource: @%s/Controller/%sAdminListController.php\n", $bundle->getName(), $entityClass);
     $code .= "    type:     annotation\n";
     $code .= sprintf("    prefix:   %s/admin/%s/\n", $prefix, strtolower($entityClass));
     if ($multilang) {
         $code .= "    requirements:\n";
         $code .= "         _locale: %requiredlocales%\n";
     if ($auto) {
         $file = $bundle->getPath() . '/Resources/config/routing.yml';
         $content = '';
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $content = file_get_contents($file);
         } elseif (!is_dir($dir = dirname($file))) {
             mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
         $content .= "\n";
         $content .= $code;
         if (false === file_put_contents($file, $content)) {
             $output->writeln($dialog->getHelperSet()->get('formatter')->formatBlock("Failed adding the content automatically", 'error'));
         } else {
     $output->writeln('Add the following to your routing.yml');
コード例 #4
 protected function generateAdmin(DialogHelper $dialog, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, BundleInterface $bundle, $metadata, $entity, $filename)
     $auto = true;
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $auto = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Confirm automatic generation of the Admin service', 'yes', '?'), true);
     if ($auto) {
         $group = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', Container::underscore(substr($bundle->getName(), 0, -6))));
         $label = $entity;
         $translationDomain = 'Sonata';
         $group = $dialog->ask($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Group for the admin service', $group), $group);
         $label = $dialog->ask($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Label for the admin service', $label), $label);
         $translationDomain = $dialog->ask($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Translation domain for the admin service', $translationDomain), $translationDomain);
         $output->write('Creating the service: ');
         $this->getContainer()->get('filesystem')->mkdir($bundle->getPath() . '/Resources/config/');
         $admin = new AdminManipulator($bundle->getPath() . '/Resources/config/' . $filename);
         try {
             $ret = $auto ? $admin->addResource($bundle, $entity, $group, $label, $translationDomain) : false;
         } catch (\RuntimeException $exc) {
             $ret = false;
         if ($ret) {
             $output->write('Creating the Admin class: ');
             $generator = $this->getGenerator($bundle);
             $generator->generateAdminClass($metadata[0], $input->getOption('overwrite'));
    $lines = [];
    $tableHelper = new TableHelper();
    $tableHelper->setHeaders(['identifier', 'groups']);
    foreach ($products as $product) {
        $line = [];
        $line['identifier'] = (string) $product->getIdentifier();
        $line['groups'] = [];
        foreach ($product->getGroups() as $group) {
            $line['groups'][] = $group->getCode();
        $lines[] = $line;
        $tableHelper->addRow([$line['identifier'], implode(', ', $line['groups'])]);
    $dialogHelper = new DialogHelper();
    if ($dialogHelper->askConfirmation($output, 'Would you like to generate a csv file to fix all those products ? (Y,n) ')) {
        $tmpFolder = sys_get_temp_dir();
        $filePath = $tmpFolder . '/invalid_product.csv';
        if (!is_writable($tmpFolder)) {
            throw new \Exception(sprintf('The filepath %s is not writable', $filePath));
        $csv = sprintf("%s;groups\n", $identifierCode);
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            $csv .= sprintf("%s;%s\n", $line['identifier'], implode(',', $line['groups']));
        file_put_contents($filePath, $csv);
        $output->writeln(sprintf('Generated CSV product import : %s', $filePath));
} else {
    $output->writeln('Everything seems fine, no product in multiple variant groups');
コード例 #6
 protected function updateRouting(DialogHelper $dialog, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, BundleInterface $bundle, $format, $entity, $prefix)
     $auto = true;
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $auto = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Confirm automatic update of the Routing', 'yes', '?'), true);
     $output->write('Importing the CRUD routes: ');
     $this->getContainer()->get('filesystem')->mkdir($bundle->getPath() . '/Resources/config/');
     $routing = new RoutingManipulator($bundle->getPath() . '/Resources/config/routing.yml');
     try {
         $ret = $auto ? $routing->addResource($bundle->getName(), $format, '/' . $prefix, 'routing/' . strtolower(str_replace('\\', '_', $entity))) : false;
     } catch (\RuntimeException $exc) {
         $ret = false;
     if (!$ret) {
         $help = sprintf("        <comment>resource: \"@%s/Resources/config/routing/%s.%s\"</comment>\n", $bundle->getName(), strtolower(str_replace('\\', '_', $entity)), $format);
         $help .= sprintf("        <comment>prefix:   /%s</comment>\n", $prefix);
         return array('- Import the bundle\'s routing resource in the bundle routing file', sprintf('  (%s).', $bundle->getPath() . '/Resources/config/routing.yml'), '', sprintf('    <comment>%s:</comment>', $bundle->getName() . ('' !== $prefix ? '_' . str_replace('/', '_', $prefix) : '')), $help, '');
コード例 #7
  * Update the main routing file by including our two custom routing files.
  * @param DialogHelper $dialog
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @param $bundle
  * @param $format
  * @param $app
  * @return array
 protected function _updateRouting(DialogHelper $dialog, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $bundle, $format, $app)
     $auto = true;
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $auto = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Confirm automatic update of the Routing for the ' . $app . ' app', 'yes', '?'), true);
     $prefix = null;
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $prefix = $dialog->ask($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Prefix for the ' . $app . ' app ' . ($app == 'backend' ? '(ex: /admin/news)' : '(leave blank for none)'), null), null);
     $output->write('Importing the bundle routing resource: ');
     $routing = new RoutingManipulator($this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.root_dir') . '/config/routing.yml');
     try {
         $ret = $auto ? $routing->addResource($bundle, $format, $prefix, 'routing_' . $app, $app) : false;
         if (!$ret) {
             if ('annotation' === $format) {
                 $help = sprintf("        <comment>resource: \"@%s/Controller/\"</comment>\n        <comment>type:     annotation</comment>\n", $bundle);
             } else {
                 $help = sprintf("        <comment>resource: \"@%s/Resources/config/routing_%s.%s\"</comment>\n", $app, $bundle, $format);
             if ($prefix) {
                 $help .= sprintf("        <comment>prefix:   %s</comment>\n", $prefix);
             return array('- Import the bundle\'s routing resource in the app main routing file:', '', sprintf('    <comment>%s:</comment>', $bundle), $help, '');
     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
         return array(sprintf('Bundle <comment>%s</comment> is already imported.', $bundle), '');