コード例 #1
ファイル: TypedSpecTest.php プロジェクト: sellerlabs/nucleus
 public function testCheckWithFailedConstraints()
     $spec = TypedSpec::define()->withFieldType('first_name', Boa::string())->withFieldConstraints('first_name', new StringLengthConstraint(4))->withFieldType('age', Boa::integer());
     $result = $spec->check(['first_name' => 'Ed', 'age' => 23]);
     $this->assertEquals(['first_name'], array_keys($result->getFailed()));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Flick.php プロジェクト: sellerlabs/nucleus
  * Construct an instance of a Flick.
  * @param array|ArrayAccess|Traversable $functions
  * @param string $default
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws LackOfCoffeeException
 public function __construct($functions, $default = 'default')
     Arguments::define(Boa::lst(), Boa::either(Boa::string(), Boa::integer()))->check($functions, $default);
     $this->functions = $functions;
     $this->default = $default;
コード例 #3
 public function testRenderFieldWithPrimitives()
     $spec = (new FormSpec())->withFieldType('first_name', Boa::string())->withFieldType('last_name', Boa::string())->withFieldDefault('first_name', 'Bob')->withFieldType('age', Boa::integer())->withFieldType('focus', Boa::boolean())->withFieldType('awesome', Boa::boolean())->withFieldDefault('awesome', true)->withFieldType('price', Boa::float());
     $presenter = new FormSpecPresenter($spec);
     $this->assertEquals((new Input(['id' => 'first_name', 'class' => 'form-control', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'Bob']))->render(), $presenter->renderField('first_name')->render());
     $this->assertEquals((new Input(['id' => 'last_name', 'class' => 'form-control', 'type' => 'text']))->render(), $presenter->renderField('last_name')->render());
     $this->assertEquals((new Input(['id' => 'age', 'class' => 'form-control', 'type' => 'number']))->render(), $presenter->renderField('age')->render());
     $this->assertEquals((new Input(['id' => 'focus', 'class' => 'form-control', 'type' => 'checkbox']))->render(), $presenter->renderField('focus')->render());
     $this->assertEquals((new Input(['id' => 'awesome', 'class' => 'form-control', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'checked' => null]))->render(), $presenter->renderField('awesome')->render());
     $this->assertEquals((new Input(['id' => 'price', 'class' => 'form-control', 'type' => 'number']))->render(), $presenter->renderField('price')->render());
コード例 #4
  * Construct an instance of a StringLengthConstraint.
  * @param int $min
  * @param int $max
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($min = 0, $max = -1)
     Arguments::define(Boa::integer(), Boa::integer())->check($min, $max);
     if ($min < 0) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('The minimum length is expected to be >= 0.');
     if ($max != -1 && $max < $min || $max < -1) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('
             The maximum length is expected to be: (== -1 || >= minimum) &&' . ' >= -1.');
     $this->min = $min;
     $this->max = $max;
コード例 #5
ファイル: SpecTest.php プロジェクト: sellerlabs/nucleus
 public function testCheckNested()
     $instance = Spec::define(['name' => Boa::string(), 'count' => Boa::integer(), 'address' => Spec::define(['street' => Spec::define(['first_line' => Boa::string(), 'second_line' => Boa::either(Boa::string(), Boa::integer())], [], ['first_line']), 'state' => [Boa::string(), new StringLengthConstraint(2, 2)], 'zip' => Boa::integer()], [], ['street', 'zip'])]);
     $resultOne = $instance->check(['name' => 'Doge', 'count' => 7, 'address' => []]);
     $resultTwo = $instance->check(['name' => 'Doge', 'count' => 7, 'address' => ['street' => [], 'state' => 90]]);
     $failed = $resultTwo->getFailed();
     $missing = $resultTwo->getMissing();
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('address.state', $failed);
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('address.street.first_line', $missing));
     $resultThree = $instance->check(['name' => 'Doge', 'count' => 7, 'address' => ['street' => ['first_line' => '1337 Hacker Way'], 'state' => 'GA', 'zip' => 13370]]);
コード例 #6
ファイル: SpecGraphTest.php プロジェクト: sellerlabs/nucleus
 public function testComplexSpec()
     $graph = new SpecGraph();
     $graph->add('input', [], Spec::define(['sleepy' => Boa::boolean(), 'tennis_balls' => Boa::integer(), 'message' => Boa::either(Boa::string(), Boa::integer())], [], ['message']));
     $graph->add('allowedMessage', ['input'], Spec::define(['message' => [Boa::in(['hi', 'how are you?', 'you dumb']), Boa::in(['hi', 'how are you?', 'you are smart'])]], [], ['message']));
     $graph->add('validBallCount', ['input'], Spec::define(['tennis_balls' => Boa::between(1, 10)]));
     $graph->add('additionalBallProps', ['validBallCount'], Spec::define(['ball_color' => [Boa::string(), Boa::in(['blue', 'red', 'yellow'])]], [], ['ball_color']));
     $result = $graph->check(['sleepy' => true, 'tennis_balls' => 3, 'message' => 'hi', 'ball_color' => 'blue']);
     $result2 = $graph->check(['sleepy' => 1, 'tennis_balls' => 3]);
     $this->assertEqualsMatrix([[true, $result2->failed()], [1, count($result2->getFailed())], [['message'], $result2->getMissing()]]);
     $result3 = $graph->check(['sleepy' => true, 'tennis_balls' => -30, 'message' => 'hello']);
     $this->assertEqualsMatrix([[true, $result3->failed()], [2, count($result3->getFailed())], [[], $result3->getMissing()]]);
     $result4 = $graph->check(['sleepy' => true, 'tennis_balls' => 3, 'message' => 'how are you?']);
     $this->assertEqualsMatrix([[true, $result4->failed()], [0, count($result4->getFailed())], [['ball_color'], $result4->getMissing()]]);
     $result5 = $graph->check(['sleepy' => true, 'tennis_balls' => 3, 'message' => 'how are you?', 'ball_color' => 'liquid_gold']);
     $this->assertEqualsMatrix([[true, $result5->failed()], [1, count($result5->getFailed())], [[], $result5->getMissing()]]);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Arr.php プロジェクト: sellerlabs/nucleus
  * Get a copy of the provided array excluding the specified values.
  * @param array $input
  * @param array $excluded
  * @return array
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public static function exceptValues(array $input, $excluded = [])
     Arguments::define(Boa::arrOf(Boa::either(Boa::string(), Boa::integer())))->check($excluded);
     return Std::filter(function ($value, $_) use($excluded) {
         return !in_array($value, $excluded);
     }, $input);
コード例 #8
  * The inverse operation of calling toResponse.
  * This function will attempt to parse a Response object into an
  * ApiResponse object, which can be useful for introspection and testing.
  * @param Response $response
  * @throws CoreException
  * @return static
 public static function fromResponse(Response $response)
     $body = Json::decode($response->getContent());
     $result = Spec::define(['messages' => Boa::arrOf(Boa::string()), 'status' => Boa::in(static::getValidStatuses()), 'code' => Boa::integer()])->check($body);
     if ($result->failed()) {
         throw new CoreException('Unable to parse an ApiResponse out of the content of a' . ' Response object. Make sure that the Response object was' . ' actually generated by an ApiResponse or a compatible' . ' implementation.');
     return new static(Arr::except($body, static::getReservedKeys()), $body['status'], $body['messages']);
コード例 #9
  * @inheritDoc
 public function getSpec()
     return Spec::define(['days' => Boa::integer(), 'repeat_in' => Boa::integer(), 'expire_after' => Boa::integer()], ['days' => 30, 'repeat_in' => -1, 'expire_after' => 1440]);
コード例 #10
  * Generate an authorization code for the Research API server.
  * @param null|integer $timestamp
  * @return string
 public function generateCode($timestamp = null)
     Arguments::contain(Boa::either(Boa::null(), Boa::integer()))->check($timestamp);
     $timestamp = Std::coalesce($timestamp, time() + 3600 * 3);
     $signature = md5(implode('', [$timestamp, $this->clientId, $this->secret]));
     return vsprintf('%s|%s|%s', [$timestamp, $this->clientId, $signature]);
コード例 #11
  * @return PrimitiveTypeConstraint
 public function getKeyType()
     return Boa::integer();
コード例 #12
ファイル: Std.php プロジェクト: sellerlabs/nucleus
  * Attempt call the provided function a number of times until it no longer
  * throws an exception.
  * @param callable $function
  * @param int $attempts
  * @return mixed|null
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public static function retry(callable $function, $attempts)
     Arguments::define(Boa::func(), Boa::integer())->check($function, $attempts);
     for ($ii = 0; $ii < $attempts; $ii++) {
         try {
             $result = static::call($function, $ii);
             return $result;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     return null;
コード例 #13
  * Get a model by its id.
  * @param int $id
  * @param array $columns
  * @param array $with
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws LackOfCoffeeException
  * @return Model
 public function getById($id, array $columns = ['*'], array $with = [])
     Arguments::define(Boa::integer(), Boa::arrOf(Boa::string()), Boa::arrOf(Boa::string()))->check($id, $columns, $with);
     $query = $this->makeModelInstance()->query()->where('id', $id);
     $this->applyWith($query, $with);
     return $query->firstOrFail($columns);