public static function generateAccessToken($clientID) { $refresh = new Token(); $refresh->code = static::generateEntropy(); $refresh->type = 2; $refresh->client_id = $clientID; $refresh->expiry = time() + Config::get("oauth2-sp::oauth2.access_lifetime"); $refresh->save(); $r = new Token(); $r->code = static::generateEntropy(); $r->type = 1; $r->client_id = $clientID; $r->refresh = $refresh->code; $r->expiry = time() + Config::get("oauth2-sp::oauth2.access_lifetime"); $r->save(); return $r; }
public function grantAccessToken($params = array()) { if (empty($params['grant_type'])) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } if (!isset($params['scope'])) { $params['scope'] = ""; } /* if (!in_array($params['scope'], OAuth2\Models\Scope::listScopes())) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json",array("","400:invalid_request")); } */ // Find the user $userData = $this->getClientCredentials(); if (!$userData) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_client")); } // Poll the user auth system to see if the client is there $client = Event::until("oauth2.login." . $userData[0], array($userData[1], $userData[2])); if (empty($client) || !$client instanceof OAuth2\Models\Client) { if (!empty($client) && $client instanceof Response) { return $client; } else { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_client")); } } $requestedScopes = array(); $scopes = explode(" ", $params['scope']); foreach ($scopes as $v) { $scopeName = urldecode($v); if (!empty($scopeName)) { $s = OAuth2\Models\Scope::where("name", "=", $scopeName)->first(); if (!$s) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_scope")); } $requestedScopes[] = $s; } } $clientScopes = $client->scopes()->get(); foreach ($requestedScopes as $v) { if (!empty($v)) { foreach ($clientScopes as $clientScope) { if ($v->id == $clientScope->id) { continue 2; } } return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_scope")); } } // We have a valid client and request. Do the granting switch ($params['grant_type']) { case "authorization_code": if (empty($params['code']) || empty($params['redirect_uri'])) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } $token = OAuth2\Models\Token::where("code", "=", $params['code'])->where("type", "=", 3)->where("client_id", "=", $client->id)->first(); if (!$token) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_grant")); } if (empty($params['redirect_uri'])) { $params['redirect_uri'] = $client->redirect; } if (substr($params['redirect_uri'], 0, strlen($client->redirect)) !== $client->redirect) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } if ($token->hasExpired()) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:expired_token")); } switch (Config::get("oauth2-sp::oauth2.mode", "flexible")) { case "strict": $tokenScopes = 0; $totalScopes = 0; foreach ($token->scopes()->get() as $v) { $totalScopes++; foreach ($requestedScopes as $vR) { if ($v->id == $vR->id) { $tokenScopes++; continue 2; } } // DAFUQ! Someone tried to cheat with the tokens! return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } if ($tokenScopes != $totalScopes) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } break; case "dynamic": $tokenScopes = 0; $totalScopes = 0; foreach ($token->scopes()->get() as $v) { $totalScopes++; foreach ($requestedScopes as $vR) { if ($v->id == $vR->id) { $tokenScopes++; continue 2; } } // DAFUQ! Someone tried to cheat with the tokens! return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } break; default: // The scope the person gave is basically irrelevant $requestedScopes = array(); foreach ($token->scopes()->get() as $v) { $requestedScopes[] = $v; } } $token->delete(); break; case "password": // Implicitely done already through oauth2.login event call. if (empty($userData[2])) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } break; case "assertion": // Not implemented yet return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); break; case "refresh_token": if (empty($params['refresh_token'])) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } $token = OAuth2\Models\Token::where("code", "=", $params['refresh_token'])->where("type", "=", 2)->where("client_id", "=", $client->id)->first(); if (!$token) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } $oldToken = OAuth2\Models\Token::where("refresh", "=", $token->code)->first(); // Increase the expiry of the old token switch (Config::get("oauth2-sp::oauth2.mode", "flexible")) { case "strict": $tokenScopes = 0; $totalScopes = 0; foreach ($oldToken->scopes()->get() as $v) { $totalScopes++; foreach ($requestedScopes as $vR) { if ($v->id == $vR->id) { $tokenScopes++; continue 2; } } // DAFUQ! Someone tried to cheat with the tokens! return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } if ($tokenScopes != $totalScopes) { return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } $oldToken->scopes()->delete(); foreach ($requestedScopes as $rS) { $oldToken->scopes()->attach($rS->id); } $oldToken->expiry = time() + 86400; $oldToken->save(); return $oldToken->printToken(); break; case "dynamic": $tokenScopes = 0; $totalScopes = 0; foreach ($oldToken->scopes()->get() as $v) { $totalScopes++; foreach ($requestedScopes as $vR) { if ($v->id == $vR->id) { $tokenScopes++; continue 2; } } // DAFUQ! Someone tried to cheat with the tokens! return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } $oldToken->scopes()->delete(); foreach ($requestedScopes as $rS) { $oldToken->scopes()->attach($rS->id); } $oldToken->expiry = time() + 86400; $oldToken->save(); return $oldToken->printToken(); break; default: $oldToken->expiry = time() + 86400; $oldToken->save(); return $oldToken->printToken(); } break; case "none": return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); break; default: return Event::until("oauth2.error.json", array("", "400:invalid_request")); } // We have dealt with all the errors. Generate & return token... $t = OAuth2\Models\Token::generateAccessToken($client->id, $params['scope']); foreach ($requestedScopes as $rS) { $t->scopes()->attach($rS->id); } if (Config::get("oauth2-sp::oauth2.always_redirect")) { // @pratikshya's feature request from // Set the config string to true to always redirect rather than to print // This is contrary to RFC, so disabled by default! return Event::until("oauth2.redirect: token", array($params['redirect_uri'], $params, $t)); } return $t->printToken(); }