protected function run1($stage) { if (!$this->hasTagRole()) { $this->console->out("Adding Role tag..."); $tagRole = TagEntity::findPk(TagEntity::TAG_ID_ROLE) ?: new TagEntity(); $tagRole->tagId = TagEntity::TAG_ID_ROLE; $tagRole->name = 'Role'; $tagRole->save(); } if (!$this->hasTagRoleBehavior()) { $this->console->out("Adding Role behavior tag..."); $tagRoleBehavior = TagEntity::findPk(TagEntity::TAG_ID_ROLE_BEHAVIOR) ?: new TagEntity(); $tagRoleBehavior->tagId = TagEntity::TAG_ID_ROLE_BEHAVIOR; $tagRoleBehavior->name = 'Role behavior'; $tagRoleBehavior->save(); } if (!$this->hasTagFarmOwner()) { $this->console->out("Adding Farm owner tag..."); $tagFarmOwner = TagEntity::findPk(TagEntity::TAG_ID_FARM_OWNER) ?: new TagEntity(); $tagFarmOwner->tagId = TagEntity::TAG_ID_FARM_OWNER; $tagFarmOwner->name = 'Farm owner'; $tagFarmOwner->save(); } }
protected function run1($stage) { if (!$this->hasTable('farm_usage_d')) { $this->console->out("Creating farm_usage_d table..."); $this->db->Execute("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `farm_usage_d` (\n `account_id` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT ' ref',\n `farm_role_id` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT ' ref',\n `instance_type` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Type of the instance',\n `cc_id` BINARY(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'scalr.ccs.cc_id ref',\n `project_id` BINARY(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'scalr.projects.project_id ref',\n `date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT 'UTC Date',\n `platform` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'cloud platform',\n `cloud_location` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'cloud location',\n `env_id` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT ' ref',\n `farm_id` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT ' ref',\n `role_id` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT ' ref',\n `cost` DECIMAL(12,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.000000 COMMENT 'total usage',\n `min_instances` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'min instances count',\n `max_instances` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'max instances count',\n `instance_hours` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'total instance hours',\n `working_hours` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'hours when farm is running',\n PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`, `farm_role_id`, `instance_type`, `cc_id`, `project_id`, `date`),\n INDEX `idx_farm_role_id` (`farm_role_id` ASC),\n INDEX `idx_instance_type` (`instance_type` ASC),\n INDEX `idx_date` (`date` ASC),\n INDEX `idx_farm_id` (`farm_id` ASC),\n INDEX `idx_env_id` (`env_id` ASC),\n INDEX `idx_cloud_location` (`cloud_location` ASC),\n INDEX `idx_platform` (`platform` ASC),\n INDEX `idx_role_id` (`role_id` ASC),\n INDEX `idx_project_id` (`project_id` ASC))\n ENGINE = InnoDB\n COMMENT = 'Farm daily usage' PARTITION BY HASH(account_id) PARTITIONS 100\n "); } if ($this->idxNameNoSubpart) { $this->console->out("Modifying index idx_name of prices table..."); $this->db->Execute("\n ALTER TABLE `prices`\n DROP INDEX `idx_name` ,\n ADD INDEX `idx_name` USING BTREE (`name`(3) ASC)\n "); } if (!$this->envIdAfterCost) { $this->console->out("Moving env_id column just after cost column for usage_d table..."); $this->db->Execute("\n ALTER TABLE `usage_d`\n CHANGE COLUMN `env_id` `env_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0\n COMMENT 'ID of the environment' AFTER `cost`\n "); } if (!$this->hasTableColumn('usage_h', 'role_id')) { $this->console->out("Adding role_id column to usage_h table..."); $this->db->Execute("\n ALTER TABLE `usage_h`\n ADD COLUMN `role_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' ref' AFTER `farm_role_id`,\n ADD INDEX `idx_role` (`role_id` ASC)\n "); } if (!$this->hasTagRole()) { $this->console->out("Adding Role tag..."); $tagRole = TagEntity::findPk(TagEntity::TAG_ID_ROLE) ?: new TagEntity(); $tagRole->tagId = TagEntity::TAG_ID_ROLE; $tagRole->name = 'Role'; $tagRole->save(); } if (!$this->hasTagRoleBehavior()) { $this->console->out("Adding Role behavior tag..."); $tagRoleBehavior = TagEntity::findPk(TagEntity::TAG_ID_ROLE_BEHAVIOR) ?: new TagEntity(); $tagRoleBehavior->tagId = TagEntity::TAG_ID_ROLE_BEHAVIOR; $tagRoleBehavior->name = 'Role behavior'; $tagRoleBehavior->save(); } }