コード例 #1
ファイル: Ec2Api.php プロジェクト: scalr/scalr
  * RevokeSecurityGroupEgress action
  * Removes one or more egress rules from a security group for EC2-VPC.
  * The values that you specify in the revoke request (for example, ports)
  * must match the existing rule's values for the rule to be revoked.
  * Each rule consists of the protocol and the CIDR range or destination security group.
  * For the TCP and UDP protocols, you must also specify the destination port or range of ports.
  * For the ICMP protocol, you must also specify the ICMP type and code.
  * Rule changes are propagated to instances within the security group as quickly as possible.
  * However, a small delay might occur.
  * @param   IpPermissionList $ipPermissions Ip permission list object
  * @param   string           $groupId       optional The ID of the security group to modify.
  * @return  bool             Returns true on success
  * @throws  ClientException
  * @throws  Ec2Exception
 public function revokeSecurityGroupEgress(IpPermissionList $ipPermissions, $groupId)
     $result = false;
     $options = $ipPermissions->getQueryArrayBare('IpPermissions');
     $options['GroupId'] = (string) $groupId;
     $action = ucfirst(__FUNCTION__);
     $response = $this->client->call($action, $options);
     if ($response->getError() === false) {
         $sxml = simplexml_load_string($response->getRawContent());
         if ((string) $sxml->return != 'true') {
             throw new Ec2Exception(sprintf('Amazon Ec2 could not %s GroupId:"%s". It returned "%s"', $action, $options['GroupId'], $sxml->return));
         $result = true;
     return $result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Ec2Test.php プロジェクト: rickb838/scalr
  * @test
  * @depends testFunctionalEc2
 public function testFunctionalVpc()
     $aws = $this->getContainer()->aws(AwsTestCase::REGION);
     $nameTag = new ResourceTagSetData(self::TAG_NAME_KEY, self::getTestName(self::NAME_TAG_VALUE));
     $ret = $aws->ec2->describeAccountAttributes(array('supported-platforms', 'default-vpc'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\AccountAttributeSetList'), $ret);
     //Removes previously created route tables if they exist.
     $rtList = $aws->ec2->routeTable->describe(null, array(array('name' => RouteTableFilterNameType::tagName(), 'value' => self::getTestName(self::NAME_TAG_VALUE))));
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\RouteTableList'), $rtList);
     foreach ($rtList as $rt) {
         /* @var $rt RouteTableData */
         foreach ($rt->routeSet as $route) {
             /* @var $route RouteData */
             try {
             } catch (ClientException $e) {
         foreach ($rt->associationSet as $rtassoc) {
             try {
             } catch (ClientException $e) {
     //Removes previously created Network Interfaces if they have not been removed during past test executions.
     $eniList = $aws->ec2->networkInterface->describe(null, array(array('name' => NetworkInterfaceFilterNameType::tag(self::TAG_NAME_KEY), 'value' => self::getTestName(self::NAME_TAG_VALUE))));
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\NetworkInterfaceList'), $eniList);
     foreach ($eniList as $v) {
     $subnetList = $aws->ec2->subnet->describe(null, array(array('name' => SubnetFilterNameType::tag(self::TAG_NAME_KEY), 'value' => self::getTestName(self::NAME_TAG_VALUE))));
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\SubnetList'), $subnetList);
     foreach ($subnetList as $subnet) {
         /* @var $subnet SubnetData */
     //Removes previously created Internet Gateways which has not been removed during previous test run.
     $igwList = $aws->ec2->internetGateway->describe(null, array(array('name' => InternetGatewayFilterNameType::tag(self::TAG_NAME_KEY), 'value' => self::getTestName(self::NAME_TAG_VALUE))));
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\InternetGatewayList'), $igwList);
     foreach ($igwList as $igw) {
         /* @var $igw InternetGatewayData */
         if (count($igw->attachmentSet)) {
             //Detaches previously attachet VPC
             for ($t = time(); time() - $t < 100 && !empty($igw->attachmentSet[0]) && $igw->attachmentSet[0]->state == InternetGatewayAttachmentData::STATE_DETACHING; sleep(3)) {
                 $igw = $igw->refresh();
         //Deletes previously created internet gateways
     //We should be assured that group which is used for the test does not exists
     $list = $aws->ec2->securityGroup->describe(null, null, new SecurityGroupFilterData(SecurityGroupFilterNameType::groupName(), self::getTestName(self::NAME_SECURITY_GROUP_VPC)));
     if (count($list) > 0) {
         foreach ($list as $v) {
     //Describes VPC
     $vpcList = $aws->ec2->vpc->describe(null, array(array('name' => VpcFilterNameType::tag(self::TAG_NAME_KEY), 'value' => self::getTestName(self::NAME_TAG_VALUE))));
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\VpcList'), $vpcList);
     //We should remove VPC which has not been removed by some reason.
     foreach ($vpcList as $vpc) {
     //Creates VPC
     $vpc = $aws->ec2->vpc->create('');
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\VpcData'), $vpc);
     for ($t = time(); time() - $t < 600 && $vpc->state !== VpcData::STATE_AVAILABLE;) {
         $vpc = $vpc->refresh();
     $this->assertTrue($vpc->state == VpcData::STATE_AVAILABLE);
     $ret = $vpc->createTags($nameTag);
     //Creates an VPC Security group
     $securityGroupId = $aws->ec2->securityGroup->create(self::getTestName(self::NAME_SECURITY_GROUP_VPC), self::getTestName(self::NAME_SECURITY_GROUP_VPC) . ' description', $vpc->vpcId);
     $sg = $aws->ec2->securityGroup->describe(null, $securityGroupId)->get(0);
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\SecurityGroupData'), $sg);
     //Authorizes security group Egress
     //Example, how to construct the list with arrays
     $ipperm3array = array(array('ipProtocol' => 'tcp', 'fromPort' => 80, 'toPort' => 80, 'ipRanges' => array(array('cidrIp' => ''), array('cidrIp' => ''))));
     $ipperm3 = new IpPermissionList($ipperm3array);
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\IpPermissionData'), $ipperm3->get(0));
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\IpRangeList'), $ipperm3->get(0)->ipRanges);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $ipperm3->get(0)->ipRanges->count());
     $this->assertEquals('', $ipperm3->get(0)->ipRanges->get(0)->cidrIp);
     $this->assertEquals('', $ipperm3->get(0)->ipRanges->get(1)->cidrIp);
     //The same can be produced in the another way
     $ipperm4 = new IpPermissionList(new IpPermissionData('tcp', 80, 80, array(new IpRangeData(''), new IpRangeData(''))));
     //Checks the equality
     $this->assertEquals($ipperm3->toArray(), $ipperm4->toArray());
     //Authorizes IP Permission Egress
     $ret = $sg->authorizeEgress($ipperm3);
     //Checks if specified IP Permission is successfully set
     $this->assertContains('', $sg->ipPermissionsEgress->getQueryArrayBare());
     //Revokes IP Permission Egress
     //You may pass an array directly to the method
     $ret = $sg->revokeEgress($ipperm3array);
     //Checks if IP Permission is successfully revoked.
     $this->assertNotContains('', $sg->ipPermissionsEgress->getQueryArrayBare());
     $this->assertNotContains('', $sg->ipPermissionsEgress->getQueryArrayBare());
     //Creates subneet for the networkInterface
     $subnet = $aws->ec2->subnet->create($vpc->vpcId, '');
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\SubnetData'), $subnet);
     for ($t = time(); time() - $t < 600 && $subnet->state !== SubnetData::STATE_AVAILABLE;) {
         $subnet = $subnet->refresh();
     $this->assertTrue($subnet->state == SubnetData::STATE_AVAILABLE);
     $ret = $subnet->createTags($nameTag);
     //Creates network interface
     $eni = $aws->ec2->networkInterface->create($subnet->subnetId);
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\NetworkInterfaceData'), $eni);
     $ret = $eni->createTags($nameTag);
     //DescribeAttribute test
     foreach (NetworkInterfaceAttributeType::getAllowedValues() as $attr) {
         $expected = $eni->{$attr};
         $v = $eni->describeAttribute($attr);
         $this->assertEquals($expected, $v);
         if (is_object($v)) {
             //It's true only if entityManager is enabled
             $this->assertSame($eni->{$attr}, $v);
     //ModifyAttribute test
     $ret = $eni->modifyAttribute(NetworkInterfaceAttributeType::sourceDestCheck(), true);
     //ResetAttrubute test
     $ret = $eni->resetAttribute(NetworkInterfaceAttributeType::sourceDestCheck());
     //Creates Internet Gateway
     $igw = $aws->ec2->internetGateway->create();
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\InternetGatewayData'), $igw);
     //Attaches Internet Gateway to VPC
     $ret = $igw->attach($vpc->vpcId);
     $t = time();
     do {
         $igw = $igw->refresh();
         //Verifies that external index for attachmentSet is set properly.
         $this->assertEquals($igw->internetGatewayId, $igw->attachmentSet[0]->getInternetGatewayId());
     } while (time() - $t < 100 && $igw->attachmentSet[0]->state != InternetGatewayAttachmentData::STATE_ATTACHED);
     $this->assertTrue($igw->attachmentSet[0]->state == InternetGatewayAttachmentData::STATE_AVAILABLE);
     //Detaches Internet Gateway from VPC
     $ret = $igw->detach($vpc->vpcId);
     for ($t = time(); time() - $t < 100 && count($igw->attachmentSet) && $igw->attachmentSet[0]->state == InternetGatewayAttachmentData::STATE_DETACHING; sleep(3)) {
         $igw = $igw->refresh();
     $this->assertTrue($igw->attachmentSet[0]->state !== InternetGatewayAttachmentData::STATE_DETACHING);
     //Creates RouteTable
     $rt = $vpc->createRouteTable();
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\RouteTableData'), $rt);
     $this->assertEquals($vpc->vpcId, $rt->vpcId);
     $ret = $rt->createTags($nameTag);
     //Associates route table with the subnet
     $associationId = $rt->associate($subnet->subnetId);
     $rt = $rt->refresh();
     $this->assertTrue(count($rt->associationSet) > 0);
     $c = array();
     foreach ($rt->associationSet as $rtassoc) {
         /* @var $rtassoc RouteTableAssociationData */
         $c[] = $rtassoc->routeTableAssociationId;
     $this->assertContains($associationId, $c);
     //Adds Route to Route Table
     $destinationCidrBlock = '';
     $ret = $rt->createRoute($destinationCidrBlock, null, null, $eni->networkInterfaceId);
     $rt = $rt->refresh();
     $this->assertTrue(count($rt->routeSet) > 0);
     $c = array();
     foreach ($rt->routeSet as $route) {
         /* @var $route RouteData */
         $c[$route->destinationCidrBlock] = $route;
     $this->assertArrayHasKey($destinationCidrBlock, $c);
     $route = $c[$destinationCidrBlock];
     //Deletes Route
     $ret = $route->delete();
     $rt = $rt->refresh();
     //Disassociates route table with the subnet
     foreach ($rt->associationSet as $rtassoc) {
         if ($rtassoc->routeTableAssociationId == $associationId) {
             $ret = $rtassoc->disassociate();
     //RunInstance test
     $request = new RunInstancesRequestData(self::INSTANCE_IMAGE_ID, 1, 1);
     $request->instanceType = self::INSTANCE_TYPE;
     //Placement groups may not be used with instances of type 'm1.small'.
     $request->setPlacement(new PlacementResponseData($subnet->availabilityZone));
     // test Assosiate Public Ip
     $instanceList = new Ec2\DataType\InstanceNetworkInterfaceSetRequestList();
     $instanceData = new Ec2\DataType\InstanceNetworkInterfaceSetRequestData();
     $instanceData->deviceIndex = 0;
     $instanceData->associatePublicIpAddress = true;
     $instanceData->subnetId = $subnet->subnetId;
     $request->userData = base64_encode("test=26;");
     $rd = $aws->ec2->instance->run($request);
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\ReservationData'), $rd);
     //Terminates the instance
     $ind = $rd->instancesSet[0];
     $st = $ind->terminate();
     $this->assertInstanceOf($this->getEc2ClassName('DataType\\InstanceStateChangeList'), $st);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($st));
     $this->assertEquals($rd->instancesSet[0]->instanceId, $st[0]->getInstanceId());
     for ($t = time(); time() - $t < 200 && $ind && $ind->instanceState->name != InstanceStateData::NAME_TERMINATED; sleep(5)) {
         $ind = $ind->refresh();
     $this->assertTrue(!$ind || $ind->instanceState->name == InstanceStateData::NAME_TERMINATED);
     if (isset($ind)) {
     //Removes Route Table
     $ret = $rt->delete();
     //Removes Internet Gateway
     $ret = $igw->delete();
     //Removes Network Interface
     $ret = $eni->delete();
     //Removes Subnet
     $ret = $subnet->delete();
     //Removes securigy group
     $ret = $sg->delete();
     //Removes VPC
     $ret = $vpc->delete();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Ec2Api.php プロジェクト: mheydt/scalr
  * RevokeSecurityGroupIngress action
  * This action applies to both EC2 security groups and VPC security groups.
  * This action removes one or more ingress rules from a security group. The values that you specify in the
  * revoke request (e.g., ports, etc.) must match the existing rule's values for the rule to be removed.
  * Each rule consists of the protocol and the CIDR range or source security group. For the TCP and UDP
  * protocols, you must also specify the destination port or range of ports. For the ICMP protocol, you must
  * also specify the ICMP type and code.
  * Rule changes are propagated to instances within the security group as quickly as possible. However,
  * depending on the number of instances, a small delay might occur
  * @param   IpPermissionList $ipPermissions Ip permission list object
  * @param   string           $groupId       optional The ID of the EC2 or VPC security group to modify.
  *                                                   The group must belong to your account.
  * @param   string           $groupName     optional The name of the EC2 security group to modify.
  *                                                   It can be used instead of group ID for EC2 security groups.
  * @return  bool             Returns true on success
  * @throws  ClientException
  * @throws  Ec2Exception
  * @throws  \InvalidArgumentException
 public function revokeSecurityGroupIngress(IpPermissionList $ipPermissions, $groupId = null, $groupName = null)
     $result = false;
     $options = $ipPermissions->getQueryArrayBare('IpPermissions');
     if ($groupName === null && $groupId === null || $groupName !== null && $groupId !== null) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Either groupName or groupId is required for the %s. ' . 'Also you cannot specify both in the same call.', __METHOD__));
     if ($groupId !== null) {
         $options['GroupId'] = (string) $groupId;
     } else {
         if ($groupName !== null) {
             $options['GroupName'] = (string) $groupName;
     $response = $this->client->call(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), $options);
     if ($response->getError() === false) {
         $sxml = simplexml_load_string($response->getRawContent());
         if ((string) $sxml->return != 'true') {
             throw new Ec2Exception(sprintf('Amazon Ec2 could not revoke ingress rules to a security group "%s". It returned "%s"', $options['GroupId'] ?: $options['GroupName'], $sxml->return));
         $result = true;
     return $result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Groups.php プロジェクト: recipe/scalr
 private function updateRules($platform, $cloudLocation, $securityGroupId, $rules, $method)
     $cloudInstance = $this->getCloudInstance($platform, $cloudLocation);
     $ipPermissionList = new IpPermissionList();
     foreach ($rules['rules'] as $rule) {
         $ipPermissionList->append(new IpPermissionData($rule['ipProtocol'], $rule['fromPort'], $rule['toPort'], new IpRangeList(new IpRangeData($rule['cidrIp'])), null));
     foreach ($rules['sgRules'] as $rule) {
         $chunks = explode("/", $rule['sg']);
         $userId = $chunks[0];
         $name = $chunks[1];
         $ipPermissionList->append(new IpPermissionData($rule['ipProtocol'], $rule['fromPort'], $rule['toPort'], null, new UserIdGroupPairList(new UserIdGroupPairData($userId, null, $name))));
     if ($method == 'add') {
         $cloudInstance->ec2->securityGroup->authorizeIngress($ipPermissionList, $securityGroupId);
     } else {
         $cloudInstance->ec2->securityGroup->revokeIngress($ipPermissionList, $securityGroupId);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Groups.php プロジェクト: rickb838/scalr
 private function saveGroupRulesEc2($platform, $cloudLocation, $securityGroupId, $rules, $action)
     $sgService = $this->getPlatformService($platform, $cloudLocation);
     $ipPermissionList = new IpPermissionList();
     foreach ($rules['rules'] as $rule) {
         $ipPermissionList->append(new IpPermissionData($rule['ipProtocol'], $rule['fromPort'], $rule['toPort'], new IpRangeList(new IpRangeData($rule['cidrIp'])), null));
     foreach ($rules['sgRules'] as $rule) {
         $chunks = explode("/", $rule['sg']);
         $userId = $chunks[0];
         $name = $chunks[1];
         $sgId = null;
         if (substr($name, 0, 3) == 'sg-') {
             $sgId = $name;
             $name = null;
         $ipPermissionList->append(new IpPermissionData($rule['ipProtocol'], $rule['fromPort'], $rule['toPort'], null, new UserIdGroupPairList(new UserIdGroupPairData($userId, $sgId, $name))));
     if ($action == 'add') {
         $sgService->authorizeIngress($ipPermissionList, $securityGroupId);
     } else {
         $sgService->revokeIngress($ipPermissionList, $securityGroupId);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Groups.php プロジェクト: mheydt/scalr
 private function saveGroupRulesEc2($platform, $cloudLocation, $groupData, $rules, $action)
     $securityGroupId = $groupData['id'];
     $sgService = $this->getPlatformService($platform, $cloudLocation);
     $ipPermissionListIngress = new IpPermissionList();
     $ipPermissionListEgress = new IpPermissionList();
     foreach ($rules['rules'] as $rule) {
         $item = new IpPermissionData($rule['ipProtocol'] == 'ANY' ? '-1' : $rule['ipProtocol'], $rule['fromPort'], $rule['toPort'], new IpRangeList(new IpRangeData($rule['cidrIp'])), null);
         if ($rule['type'] == self::OUTBOUND_RULE) {
         } else {
     foreach ($rules['sgRules'] as $rule) {
         $chunks = explode("/", $rule['sg']);
         $userId = $chunks[0];
         $name = $chunks[1];
         $sgId = null;
         if (substr($name, 0, 3) == 'sg-') {
             $sgId = $name;
             $name = null;
         $item = new IpPermissionData($rule['ipProtocol'] == 'ANY' ? '-1' : $rule['ipProtocol'], $rule['fromPort'], $rule['toPort'], null, new UserIdGroupPairList(new UserIdGroupPairData($userId, $sgId, $name)));
         if ($rule['type'] == self::OUTBOUND_RULE) {
         } else {
     if ($action == 'add') {
         if (count($ipPermissionListIngress)) {
             $sgService->authorizeIngress($ipPermissionListIngress, $securityGroupId);
         if (count($ipPermissionListEgress)) {
             $sgService->authorizeEgress($ipPermissionListEgress, $securityGroupId);
     } else {
         if (count($ipPermissionListIngress)) {
             $sgService->revokeIngress($ipPermissionListIngress, $securityGroupId);
         if (count($ipPermissionListEgress)) {
             $sgService->revokeEgress($ipPermissionListEgress, $securityGroupId);