コード例 #1
ファイル: Core.php プロジェクト: samsonos/php_core
  * Start SamsonPHP framework.
  * @param string $default Default module identifier
  * @throws ViewPathNotFound
 public function start($default)
     // TODO: Change ExternalModule::init() signature
     // Fire core started event
     // TODO: Does not see why it should be here
     // Set main template path
     // Security layer
     $securityResult = true;
     // Fire core security event
     //        Event::fire('core.security', array(&$this, &$securityResult));
     /** @var mixed $result External route controller action result */
     $result = false;
     // If we have passed security application layer
     if ($securityResult) {
         // Fire core routing event - go to routing application layer
         Event::signal('core.routing', array(&$this, &$result, $default));
     // If no one has passed back routing callback
     if (!isset($result) || $result === false) {
         // Fire core e404 - routing failed event
         $result = Event::signal('core.e404', array(url()->module, url()->method));
     // Response
     $output = '';
     // If this is not asynchronous response and controller has been executed
     if (!$this->async && $result !== false) {
         // Store module data
         $data = $this->active->toView();
         // Render main template
         $output = $this->render($this->template_path, $data);
         // Fire after render event
         Event::fire('core.rendered', array(&$output));
     // Output results to client
     echo $output;
     // Fire ended event
     Event::fire('core.ended', array(&$output));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Core.php プロジェクト: getmanenko/php_core
  * Load module from path to core.
  * @param string $path       Path for module loading
  * @param array  $parameters Collection of loading parameters
  * @return $this|bool
 public function load($path, $parameters = array())
     // Check path
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         /** @var ResourceMap $resourceMap Gather all resources from path */
         $resourceMap = ResourceMap::get($path);
         if (isset($resourceMap->module[0])) {
             /** @var string $controllerPath Path to module controller file */
             $controllerPath = $resourceMap->module[1];
             /** @var string $moduleClass Name of module controller class to load */
             $moduleClass = $resourceMap->module[0];
             // Require module controller class into PHP
             if (file_exists($controllerPath)) {
                 require_once $controllerPath;
             // TODO: this should be done via composer autoload file field
             // Iterate all function-style controllers and require them
             foreach ($resourceMap->controllers as $controller) {
                 require_once $controller;
             /** @var ExternalModule $connector Create module controller instance */
             $connector = new $moduleClass($path, $resourceMap, $this);
             // Set composer parameters
             $connector->composerParameters = $parameters;
             // Get module identifier
             $moduleID = $connector->id();
             // Fire core module load event
             Event::fire('core.module_loaded', array($moduleID, &$connector));
             // Signal core module configure event
             Event::signal('core.module.configure', array(&$connector, $moduleID));
             // TODO: Think how to decouple this
             // Call module preparation handler
             if (!$connector->prepare()) {
                 // Handle module failed preparing
             // Trying to find parent class for connecting to it to use View/Controller inheritance
             $parentClass = get_parent_class($connector);
             if (!in_array($parentClass, array('samson\\core\\ExternalModule', 'samson\\core\\CompressableExternalModule'))) {
                 // Переберем загруженные в систему модули
                 foreach ($this->module_stack as &$m) {
                     // Если в систему был загружен модуль с родительским классом
                     if (get_class($m) == $parentClass) {
                         $connector->parent =& $m;
                         //elapsed('Parent connection for '.$moduleClass.'('.$connector->uid.') with '.$parent_class.'('.$m->uid.')');
         } elseif (is_array($parameters) && isset($parameters['samsonphp_package_compressable']) && $parameters['samsonphp_package_compressable'] == 1) {
             /** @var \samson\core\ExternalModule $connector Create module controller instance */
             $connector = new VirtualModule($path, $resourceMap, $this, str_replace('/', '', $parameters['module_id']));
             // Set composer parameters
             $connector->composerParameters = $parameters;
         } else {
             // Signal error
             return e('Cannot load module from: "##"', E_SAMSON_FATAL_ERROR, $path);
     } else {
         return e('Cannot load module from[##]', E_SAMSON_FATAL_ERROR, $path);
     // Chaining
     return $this;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CoreLoader.php プロジェクト: samsonos/php_core
  * Prepare modules
  * @param array $modules
  * @param $container
 protected function prepareModules(array $modules, $container)
     foreach ($modules as $module) {
         $identifier = $module->name;
         if ($module->className) {
             // Fix samson.php files
             if (!class_exists($module->className)) {
                 require_once $module->pathName;
             $instance = $container->get($module->className);
         } else {
         // Set composer parameters
         $instance->composerParameters = $module->composerParameters;
         // TODO: Change event signature to single approach
         // Fire core module load event
         Event::fire('core.module_loaded', [$identifier, &$instance]);
         // Signal core module configure event
         Event::signal('core.module.configure', [&$instance, $identifier]);
         if ($instance instanceof PreparableInterface) {
             // Call module preparation handler
             if (!$instance->prepare()) {
                 //                    throw new \Exception($identifier.' - Module preparation stage failed');
         $instance->parent = $this->getClassParentModule($container, get_parent_class($instance));
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: samsonos/cms
    define('__SAMSON_BASE__', '/' . basename(__SAMSON_CWD__) . '/');
/** Set default locale to - Russian */
if (!defined('DEFAULT_LOCALE')) {
    define('DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'ru');
/** Require composer autoloader */
if (!class_exists('samson\\core\\Core')) {
    require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
/** Automatic parent web-application configuration read */
if (file_exists('../../../app/config')) {
    /** Special constant to disable local ActiveRecord configuration */
    define('EXTERNAL_CONFIG', true);
    // Signal core configure event
    \samsonphp\event\Event::signal('core.configure', array('../../../' . __SAMSON_CONFIG_PATH, __SAMSON_PUBLIC_PATH . __SAMSON_BASE__));
// Set supported locales
setlocales('en', 'ua', 'ru');
// Start SamsonPHP application
s()->composer()->subscribe('core.e404', 'default_e404')->subscribe('core.routing', array(url(), 'router'));
/** Automatic external SamsonCMS Application searching  */
if (file_exists('../../../src/')) {
    // Get reource map to find all modules in src folder
    foreach (\samson\core\ResourceMap::get('../../../src/')->modules as $module) {
        // We are only interested in SamsonCMS application ancestors
        if (in_array('samson\\cms\\App', class_parents($module[2])) !== false) {
            // Remove possible '/src/' path from module path
            if (($pos = strripos($module[1], '/src/')) !== false) {
                $module[1] = substr($module[1], 0, $pos);
コード例 #5
ファイル: EventTest.php プロジェクト: samsonphp/event
 public function testUnsubscribe()
     // Add two subscribers
     $identifier = \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('test.unsubscribe', array($this, 'eventDynamicCallback'));
     $param = 'test';
     $result = \samsonphp\event\Event::signal('test.unsubscribe', array(&$param));
     // Perform test - only first subscriber must be executed
     $this->assertEquals(2, $result);
     \samsonphp\event\Event::unsubscribe('test.unsubscribe', $identifier);
     $result = \samsonphp\event\Event::signal('test.unsubscribe', array(&$param));
     $this->assertEquals(null, $result);