public function onControllerMatched(FilterControllerEvent $event) { if ('loginPage' != $event->getRequest()->get('_route') && (bool) SettingsBag::get('maintenance_mode') === true) { if (!$this->container['securityAuthorizationChecker']->isGranted('ROLE_BACKEND_USER')) { $matchedCtrl = $event->getController()[0]; if ($matchedCtrl instanceof AppController) { throw new MaintenanceModeException($matchedCtrl); } else { throw new MaintenanceModeException(); } } } }
/** * Add a default translation locale for static routes and * node SEO data. * * * [parent assignations…] * * **_default_locale** * * meta * * siteName * * siteCopyright * * siteDescription */ public function prepareBaseAssignation() { parent::prepareBaseAssignation(); $translation = $this->getService('defaultTranslation'); $this->assignation['_default_locale'] = $translation->getLocale(); $this->assignation['meta'] = ['siteName' => SettingsBag::get('site_name'), 'siteCopyright' => SettingsBag::get('site_copyright'), 'siteDescription' => SettingsBag::get('seo_description')]; return $this; }
/** * Send an email to reset user password. * * @param UrlGenerator $urlGenerator * * @return boolean */ public function sendPasswordResetLink(UrlGenerator $urlGenerator) { $emailContact = SettingsBag::get('email_sender'); if (empty($emailContact)) { $emailContact = "*****@*****.**"; } $siteName = SettingsBag::get('site_name'); if (empty($siteName)) { $siteName = "Unnamed site"; } $assignation = ['resetLink' => $urlGenerator->generate('loginResetPage', ['token' => $this->user->getConfirmationToken()], true), 'user' => $this->user, 'site' => $siteName, 'mailContact' => $emailContact]; $emailBody = Kernel::getService('twig.environment')->render('users/reset_password_email.html.twig', $assignation); /* * inline CSS */ $htmldoc = new InlineStyle($emailBody); $htmldoc->applyStylesheet(file_get_contents(ROADIZ_ROOT . "/src/Roadiz/CMS/Resources/css/transactionalStyles.css")); // Create the message $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance(); // Give the message a subject $message->setSubject(Kernel::getService('translator')->trans('reset.password.request')); // Set the From address with an associative array $message->setFrom([$emailContact => $siteName]); // Set the To addresses with an associative array $message->setTo([$this->user->getEmail()]); // Give it a body $message->setBody($htmldoc->getHTML(), 'text/html'); // Send the message return Kernel::getService('mailer')->send($message); }
protected function commonSettingList(Request $request, $settingGroup = null) { $criteria = []; if (null !== $settingGroup) { $criteria = ['settingGroup' => $settingGroup]; } /* * Manage get request to filter list */ $listManager = $this->createEntityListManager('RZ\\Roadiz\\Core\\Entities\\Setting', $criteria, ['name' => 'ASC']); $listManager->handle(); $this->assignation['filters'] = $listManager->getAssignation(); $settings = $listManager->getEntities(); $this->assignation['settings'] = []; foreach ($settings as $setting) { $form = $this->buildShortEditForm($setting); $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isValid() && $form->getData()['id'] == $setting->getId()) { try { $this->editSetting($form->getData(), $setting); $msg = $this->getTranslator()->trans('setting.%name%.updated', ['%name%' => $setting->getName()]); $this->publishConfirmMessage($request, $msg); } catch (EntityAlreadyExistsException $e) { $this->publishErrorMessage($request, $e->getMessage()); } if (null !== $settingGroup) { return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('settingGroupsSettingsPage', ['settingGroupId' => $settingGroup->getId()])); } else { return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('settingsHomePage')); } } $document = null; if ($setting->getType() == NodeTypeField::DOCUMENTS_T) { $document = SettingsBag::getDocument($setting->getName()); } $this->assignation['settings'][] = ['setting' => $setting, 'form' => $form->createView(), 'document' => $document]; } return null; }
/** * Return available page translation information. * * Be careful, for static routes Roadiz will generate a localized * route identifier suffixed with "Locale" text. In case of "force_locale" * setting to true, Roadiz will always use suffixed route. * * ## example return value * * array (size=3) * 'en' => * array (size=4) * 'name' => string 'newsPage' * 'url' => string 'http://localhost/news/test' * 'locale' => string 'en' * 'active' => boolean false * 'translation' => string 'English' * 'fr' => * array (size=4) * 'name' => string 'newsPageLocale' * 'url' => string 'http://localhost/fr/news/test' * 'locale' => string 'fr' * 'active' => boolean true * 'translation' => string 'French' * 'es' => * array (size=4) * 'name' => string 'newsPageLocale' * 'url' => string 'http://localhost/es/news/test' * 'locale' => string 'es' * 'active' => boolean false * 'translation' => string 'Spanish' * * @param Request $request * @param boolean $absolute Generate absolute url or relative paths * * @return $this */ public function getTranslationMenuAssignation(Request $request, $absolute = false) { $attr = $request->attributes->all(); $query = $request->query->all(); $name = ""; $forceLocale = (bool) SettingsBag::get('force_locale'); if (in_array("node", array_keys($attr), true)) { $node = $attr["node"]; } else { $node = null; } if ($node === null && !empty($attr["_route"])) { $translations = Kernel::getService('em')->getRepository("RZ\\Roadiz\\Core\\Entities\\Translation")->findAllAvailable(); $attr["_route"] = RouteHandler::getBaseRoute($attr["_route"]); } elseif (null !== $node) { $translations = $node->getHandler()->getAvailableTranslations(); $translations = array_filter($translations, function (Translation $trans) { if ($trans->isAvailable()) { return true; } return false; }); $name = "node"; } else { return []; } $return = []; foreach ($translations as $translation) { $url = null; if ($node) { $urlGenerator = new NodesSourcesUrlGenerator($request, $node->getHandler()->getNodeSourceByTranslation($translation), $forceLocale); $url = $urlGenerator->getUrl($absolute); if (!empty($query)) { $url .= "?" . http_build_query($query); } } elseif (!empty($attr["_route"])) { /* * Use suffixed route if locales are forced or * if it’s not default translation. */ if (true === $forceLocale || !$translation->isDefaultTranslation()) { $name = $attr["_route"] . "Locale"; $attr["_route_params"]["_locale"] = $translation->getLocale(); } else { $name = $attr["_route"]; if (in_array("_locale", array_keys($attr["_route_params"]), true)) { unset($attr["_route_params"]["_locale"]); } } $url = Kernel::getService("urlGenerator")->generate($name, array_merge($attr["_route_params"], $query), $absolute); } if (null !== $url) { $return[$translation->getLocale()] = ['name' => $name, 'url' => $url, 'locale' => $translation->getLocale(), 'active' => $this->translation == $translation ? true : false, 'translation' => $translation->getName()]; } } return $return; }
public function register(Container $container) { $container['request'] = function ($c) { return Request::createFromGlobals(); }; $container['requestStack'] = function ($c) { $stack = new RequestStack(); $stack->push($c['request']); return $stack; }; $container['requestContext'] = function ($c) { $rc = new RequestContext(); $rc->fromRequest($c['request']); return $rc; }; $container['resolver'] = function ($c) { return new ControllerResolver(); }; $container['httpKernel'] = function ($c) { return new HttpKernel($c['dispatcher'], $c['resolver'], $c['requestStack']); }; $container['urlMatcher'] = function ($c) { if (RouteCollectionSubscriber::needToDumpUrlTools()) { return new UrlMatcher($c['routeCollection'], $c['requestContext']); } else { return new MixedUrlMatcher($c['requestContext'], $c['dynamicUrlMatcher'], (bool) $c['config']['install'], $c['stopwatch']); } }; $container['dynamicUrlMatcher'] = function ($c) { return new NodeUrlMatcher($c['requestContext'], $c['em'], $c['stopwatch']); }; $container['urlGeneratorClass'] = function ($c) { return '\\GlobalUrlGenerator'; }; $container['urlGenerator'] = function ($c) { if (RouteCollectionSubscriber::needToDumpUrlTools()) { return new UrlGenerator($c['routeCollection'], $c['requestContext'], $c['logger']); } else { $className = $c['urlGeneratorClass']; return new $className($c['requestContext']); } }; $container['httpUtils'] = function ($c) { return new HttpUtils($c['urlGenerator'], $c['urlMatcher']); }; $container['routeListener'] = function ($c) { return new TimedRouteListener($c['urlMatcher'], $c['requestContext'], null, $c['requestStack'], $c['stopwatch']); }; if (isset($container['config']['install']) && true === $container['config']['install']) { /* * Get Install routes */ $container['routeCollection'] = function ($c) { $installClassname = Kernel::INSTALL_CLASSNAME; $installClassname::setupDependencyInjection($c); return new InstallRouteCollection($installClassname); }; } else { /* * Get App routes */ $container['routeCollection'] = function ($c) { $c['stopwatch']->start('routeCollection'); $rCollection = new RoadizRouteCollection($c['backendClass'], $c['frontendThemes'], SettingsBag::get('static_domain_name')); $c['stopwatch']->stop('routeCollection'); return $rCollection; }; } return $container; }
/** * Prepare backend and frontend routes and logic. * * @return boolean */ public function initEvents() { if ($this->isDebug() || RouteCollectionSubscriber::needToDumpUrlTools()) { $this->container['dispatcher']->addSubscriber(new RouteCollectionSubscriber($this->container['routeCollection'], $this->container['stopwatch'])); } $this->container['dispatcher']->addSubscriber($this->container['routeListener']); /* * Events */ $this->container['dispatcher']->addListener(KernelEvents::REQUEST, [$this, 'onKernelRequest']); $this->container['dispatcher']->addListener(KernelEvents::REQUEST, [$this->container['firewall'], 'onKernelRequest']); $this->container['dispatcher']->addListener(KernelEvents::CONTROLLER, [new \RZ\Roadiz\Core\Events\ControllerMatchedEvent($this, $this->container['stopwatch']), 'onControllerMatched']); $this->container['dispatcher']->addSubscriber(new MaintenanceModeSubscriber($this->container)); /* * If debug, alter HTML responses to append Debug panel to view */ if (true === (bool) SettingsBag::get('display_debug_panel')) { $this->container['dispatcher']->addSubscriber($this->container['debugPanel']); } }
/** * Add a default translation locale for static routes and * node SEO data. * * * [parent assignations…] * * **_default_locale** * * meta * * siteName * * siteCopyright * * siteDescription */ public function prepareBaseAssignation() { parent::prepareBaseAssignation(); $translation = $this->getService('em')->getRepository('RZ\\Roadiz\\Core\\Entities\\Translation')->findDefault(); $this->assignation['_default_locale'] = $translation->getLocale(); $this->assignation['meta'] = ['siteName' => SettingsBag::get('site_name'), 'siteCopyright' => SettingsBag::get('site_copyright'), 'siteDescription' => SettingsBag::get('seo_description')]; return $this; }
/** * Get CSS font-face properties for current font. * * @param CsrfTokenManagerInterface $csrfTokenManager * * @return string CSS output */ public function getCSSFontFace(CsrfTokenManagerInterface $csrfTokenManager) { $assignation = ['font' => $this->font, 'site' => SettingsBag::get('site_name'), 'fontFolder' => '/' . Font::getFilesFolderName(), 'csrfTokenManager' => $csrfTokenManager]; return $this->getTwig()->render('fonts/fontfamily.css.twig', $assignation); }
public function register(Container $container) { $container['request'] = function ($c) { return Request::createFromGlobals(); }; $container['requestStack'] = function ($c) { $stack = new RequestStack(); $stack->push($c['request']); return $stack; }; $container['requestContext'] = function ($c) { $rc = new RequestContext(); $rc->fromRequest($c['request']); return $rc; }; $container['resolver'] = function ($c) { return new ControllerResolver(); }; $container['httpKernel'] = function ($c) { return new HttpKernel($c['dispatcher'], $c['resolver'], $c['requestStack']); }; $container['router'] = function ($c) { $router = new ChainRouter($c['logger']); $router->add($c['staticRouter']); $router->add($c['nodeRouter']); return $router; }; $container['staticRouter'] = function ($c) { return new StaticRouter($c['routeCollection'], ['cache_dir' => (bool) $c['config']['devMode'] ? null : ROADIZ_ROOT . '/cache/routing', 'debug' => (bool) $c['config']['devMode'], 'generator_cache_class' => 'StaticUrlGenerator', 'matcher_cache_class' => 'StaticUrlMatcher'], $c['requestContext'], $c['logger']); }; $container['nodeRouter'] = function ($c) { return new NodeRouter($c['em'], ['cache_dir' => (bool) $c['config']['devMode'] ? null : ROADIZ_ROOT . '/cache/routing', 'debug' => (bool) $c['config']['devMode'], 'generator_cache_class' => 'NodeUrlGenerator', 'matcher_cache_class' => 'NodeUrlMatcher'], $c['requestContext'], $c['logger'], $c['stopwatch']); }; $container['urlGenerator'] = function ($c) { return $c['staticRouter']->getGenerator(); }; $container['httpUtils'] = function ($c) { return new HttpUtils($c['router'], $c['router']); }; $container['routeListener'] = function ($c) { return new TimedRouteListener($c['router'], $c['requestContext'], null, $c['requestStack'], $c['stopwatch']); }; $container['routeCollection'] = function ($c) { if (isset($c['config']['install']) && true === $c['config']['install']) { /* * Get Install routes */ $installClassname = Kernel::INSTALL_CLASSNAME; $installClassname::setupDependencyInjection($c); return new InstallRouteCollection($installClassname); } else { /* * Get App routes */ $rCollection = new RoadizRouteCollection($c['backendClass'], $c['frontendThemes'], SettingsBag::get('static_domain_name'), $c['stopwatch']); return $rCollection; } }; return $container; }
private function embedDocument($data, $folderId = null) { $handlers = $this->getService('document.platforms'); if (isset($data['embedId']) && isset($data['embedPlatform']) && in_array($data['embedPlatform'], array_keys($handlers))) { $class = $handlers[$data['embedPlatform']]; $finder = new $class($data['embedId']); if ($finder instanceof YoutubeEmbedFinder) { $finder->setKey(SettingsBag::get('google_server_id')); } if ($finder instanceof SoundcloudEmbedFinder) { $finder->setKey(SettingsBag::get('soundcloud_client_id')); } if ($finder->exists()) { $document = $finder->createDocumentFromFeed($this->getContainer()); if (null !== $document && null !== $folderId && $folderId > 0) { $folder = $this->getService('em')->find('RZ\\Roadiz\\Core\\Entities\\Folder', (int) $folderId); $document->addFolder($folder); $folder->addDocument($document); $this->getService('em')->flush(); } return $document; } else { throw new \RuntimeException("embedId.does_not_exist", 1); } } else { throw new \RuntimeException("bad.request", 1); } }
/** * Get a FQDN base url for static resources. * * You should fill “static_domain_name” setting after your * static domain name. Do not forget to create a virtual host * for this domain to serve the same content as your primary domain. * * If “static_domain_name” is empty, this method returns baseUrl * * @return string */ public function getStaticBaseUrl() { $staticDomain = SettingsBag::get('static_domain_name'); if (!empty($staticDomain)) { return $this->convertUrlToStaticDomainUrl($this->getAbsoluteBaseUrl()); } else { return $this->getBasePath(); } }
/** * Prepare backend and frontend routes and logic. * * @return boolean */ public function initEvents() { /* * Events */ $this->container['dispatcher']->addSubscriber($this->container['routeListener']); $this->container['dispatcher']->addListener(KernelEvents::REQUEST, [$this, 'onKernelRequest'], 60); $this->container['dispatcher']->addListener(KernelEvents::REQUEST, [$this->container['firewall'], 'onKernelRequest']); $this->container['dispatcher']->addListener(KernelEvents::CONTROLLER, [new \RZ\Roadiz\Core\Events\ControllerMatchedEvent($this, $this->container['stopwatch']), 'onControllerMatched']); if (!$this->isInstallMode()) { $this->container['dispatcher']->addSubscriber(new ResponseHeaderSubscriber($this->container['securityAuthorizationChecker'], $this->container['securityTokenStorage'])); } $this->container['dispatcher']->addSubscriber(new MaintenanceModeSubscriber($this->container)); /* * If debug, alter HTML responses to append Debug panel to view */ if (true === (bool) SettingsBag::get('display_debug_panel')) { $this->container['dispatcher']->addSubscriber($this->container['debugPanel']); } }
/** * Prepare and handle a CustomForm Form then send a confirm email. * * * This method will return an assignation **array** if form is not validated. * * customForm * * fields * * form * * If form is validated, **RedirectResponse** will be returned. * * @param Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request * @param RZ\Roadiz\Core\Entities\CustomForm $customFormsEntity * @param Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactoryInterface $formFactory * @param Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em * @param \Twig_Environment $twigEnv * @param \Swift_Mailer $mailer * @param Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator $translator * @param Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse $redirection * @param Psr\Log\LoggerInterface|null $logger * @param boolean $forceExpanded * @param string|null $emailSender * * @return array|Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse */ public static function prepareAndHandleCustomFormAssignation(Request $request, CustomForm $customFormsEntity, FormFactoryInterface $formFactory, EntityManager $em, \Twig_Environment $twigEnv, \Swift_Mailer $mailer, Translator $translator, RedirectResponse $redirection, LoggerInterface $logger = null, $forceExpanded = false, $emailSender = null) { $assignation = []; $assignation['customForm'] = $customFormsEntity; $assignation['fields'] = $customFormsEntity->getFields(); $form = static::buildForm($request, $customFormsEntity, $formFactory, $forceExpanded); $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isValid()) { try { $data = $form->getData(); $data["ip"] = $request->getClientIp(); /* * add custom form answer */ $assignation["emailFields"] = static::addCustomFormAnswer($data, $customFormsEntity, $em); $msg = $translator->trans('customForm.%name%.send', ['%name%' => $customFormsEntity->getDisplayName()]); $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('confirm', $msg); if (null !== $logger) { $logger->info($msg); } $assignation['title'] = $translator->trans('new.answer.form.%site%', ['%site%' => $customFormsEntity->getDisplayName()]); if (null !== $emailSender && false !== filter_var($emailSender, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $assignation['mailContact'] = $emailSender; } else { $assignation['mailContact'] = SettingsBag::get('email_sender'); } /* * Send answer notification */ static::sendAnswer(['mailContact' => $assignation['mailContact'], 'fields' => $assignation["emailFields"], 'customForm' => $customFormsEntity, 'title' => $translator->trans('new.answer.form.%site%', ['%site%' => $customFormsEntity->getDisplayName()])], $customFormsEntity->getEmail(), $twigEnv, $mailer); return $redirection; } catch (EntityAlreadyExistsException $e) { $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $e->getMessage()); if (null !== $logger) { $logger->warning($e->getMessage()); } return $redirection; } } $assignation['form'] = $form->createView(); return $assignation; }
/** * @param Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request * * @return Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response */ public function cssAction(Request $request) { $this->assignation['mainColor'] = SettingsBag::get('main_color'); $this->assignation['nodeTypes'] = $this->getService('em')->getRepository('RZ\\Roadiz\\Core\\Entities\\NodeType')->findBy([]); return new Response($this->getTwig()->render('css/mainColor.css.twig', $this->assignation), Response::HTTP_OK, ['content-type' => 'text/css']); }
/** * Send contact form data by email. * * @return boolean */ protected function send() { if (empty($this->assignation)) { throw new \Exception("Can’t send a contact form without data.", 1); } $emailBody = $this->templating->render($this->emailTemplate, $this->assignation); /* * inline CSS */ $htmldoc = new InlineStyle($emailBody); $htmldoc->applyStylesheet(file_get_contents(ROADIZ_ROOT . $this->emailStylesheet)); if (null === $this->receiver) { $this->receiver = SettingsBag::get('email_sender'); } /* * Add subject */ if (null !== $this->subject) { $this->subject = trim(strip_tags($this->subject)); } else { $this->subject = $this->translator->trans('', ['%site%' => SettingsBag::get('site_name')]); } // Create the message $this->message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject($this->subject)->setTo([$this->receiver])->setBody($htmldoc->getHTML(), 'text/html'); if (null !== $this->sender) { // Set the From address with an associative array $this->message->setFrom([$this->sender]); } /* * Attach files */ foreach ($this->uploadedFiles as $uploadedFile) { $attachment = \Swift_Attachment::fromPath($uploadedFile->getRealPath())->setFilename($uploadedFile->getClientOriginalName()); $this->message->attach($attachment); } // Send the message return $this->mailer->send($this->message); }
/** * @param Pimple\Container $container [description] */ public function register(Container $container) { $container['twig.cacheFolder'] = function ($c) { return ROADIZ_ROOT . '/cache/twig_cache'; }; /* * Return every paths to search for twig templates. */ $container['twig.loaderFileSystem'] = function ($c) { $vendorDir = realpath(ROADIZ_ROOT . '/vendor'); // le chemin vers TwigBridge pour que Twig puisse localiser // le fichier form_div_layout.html.twig $vendorTwigBridgeDir = $vendorDir . '/symfony/twig-bridge'; return new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem([$vendorTwigBridgeDir . '/Resources/views/Form', ROADIZ_ROOT . '/src/Roadiz/CMS/Resources/views']); }; /* * Main twig environment */ $container['twig.environment'] = function ($c) { $twig = new \Twig_Environment($c['twig.loaderFileSystem'], ['debug' => $c['config']['devMode'], 'cache' => $c['twig.cacheFolder']]); $c['twig.formRenderer']->setEnvironment($twig); $twig->addExtension(new FormExtension(new TwigRenderer($c['twig.formRenderer'], $c['csrfTokenManager']))); $twig->addFilter($c['twig.markdownExtension']); $twig->addFilter($c['twig.inlineMarkdownExtension']); $twig->addFilter($c['twig.centralTruncateExtension']); /* * Extensions */ $twig->addExtension(new TranslationExtension($c['translator'])); $twig->addExtension(new \Twig_Extensions_Extension_Intl()); $twig->addExtension($c['twig.routingExtension']); $twig->addExtension(new \Twig_Extensions_Extension_Text()); $twig->addExtension(new BlockRenderExtension($c, Kernel::getInstance())); if (true !== $c['config']['install']) { $twig->addExtension(new NodesSourcesExtension($c['securityAuthorizationChecker'])); } $twig->addExtension(new DocumentExtension()); $twig->addExtension(new UrlExtension($c['request'], $c['nodesSourcesUrlCacheProvider'], (bool) \RZ\Roadiz\Core\Bags\SettingsBag::get('force_locale'))); $twig->addExtension(new RoadizTranslationExtension($c['request'])); if (null !== $c['twig.cacheExtension']) { $twig->addExtension($c['twig.cacheExtension']); } if (true === $c['config']['devMode']) { $twig->addExtension(new \Twig_Extension_Debug()); } return $twig; }; /* * Twig form renderer extension */ $container['twig.formRenderer'] = function ($c) { return new TwigRendererEngine(['form_div_layout.html.twig']); }; /* * Twig routing extension */ $container['twig.routingExtension'] = function ($c) { return new RoutingExtension($c['urlGenerator']); }; /* * Markdown extension */ $container['twig.markdownExtension'] = function ($c) { return new \Twig_SimpleFilter('markdown', function ($object) { return Parsedown::instance()->text($object); }, ['is_safe' => ['html']]); }; /* * InlineMarkdown extension */ $container['twig.inlineMarkdownExtension'] = function ($c) { return new \Twig_SimpleFilter('inlineMarkdown', function ($object) { return Parsedown::instance()->line($object); }, ['is_safe' => ['html']]); }; /* * Central Truncate extension */ $container['twig.centralTruncateExtension'] = function ($c) { return new \Twig_SimpleFilter('centralTruncate', function ($object, $length, $offset = 0, $ellipsis = "[…]") { if (strlen($object) > $length + strlen($ellipsis)) { $str1 = substr($object, 0, floor($length / 2) + floor($offset / 2)); $str2 = substr($object, floor($length / 2) * -1 + floor($offset / 2)); return $str1 . $ellipsis . $str2; } else { return $object; } }); }; /* * Twig cache extension * see */ $container['twig.cacheExtension'] = function ($c) { $resultCacheDriver = $c['em']->getConfiguration()->getResultCacheImpl(); if ($resultCacheDriver !== null) { $cacheProvider = new DoctrineCacheAdapter($resultCacheDriver); $cacheStrategy = new LifetimeCacheStrategy($cacheProvider); $cacheExtension = new CacheExtension($cacheStrategy); return $cacheExtension; } else { return null; } }; return $container; }
/** * Prepare base informations to be rendered in twig templates. * * ## Available contents * * - request: Main request object * - head * - ajax: `boolean` * - cmsVersion * - cmsVersionNumber * - cmsBuild * - devMode: `boolean` * - baseUrl * - filesUrl * - resourcesUrl * - ajaxToken * - fontToken * - universalAnalyticsId * - useCdn * - session * - messages * - id * - user * - securityAuthorizationChecker * * @return $this */ public function prepareBaseAssignation() { $this->assignation = ['request' => $this->getRequest(), 'head' => ['ajax' => $this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest(), 'cmsVersion' => Kernel::CMS_VERSION, 'cmsVersionNumber' => Kernel::$cmsVersion, 'cmsBuild' => Kernel::$cmsBuild, 'devMode' => (bool) $this->container['config']['devMode'], 'useCdn' => (bool) SettingsBag::get('use_cdn'), 'universalAnalyticsId' => SettingsBag::get('universal_analytics_id'), 'baseUrl' => $this->getRequest()->getAbsoluteBaseUrl(), 'filesUrl' => $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . '/' . Document::getFilesFolderName(), 'resourcesUrl' => $this->getStaticResourcesUrl(), 'ajaxToken' => $this->container['csrfTokenManager']->getToken(static::AJAX_TOKEN_INTENTION), 'fontToken' => $this->container['csrfTokenManager']->getToken(static::FONT_TOKEN_INTENTION)], 'session' => ['id' => $this->getRequest()->getSession()->getId(), 'user' => $this->getUser()]]; if ($this->container['securityAuthorizationChecker'] !== null) { $this->assignation['authorizationChecker'] = $this->container['securityAuthorizationChecker']; } return $this; }
/** * Get current node-source SEO data. * * @return array */ public function getSEO() { return ['title' => $this->nodeSource->getMetaTitle() != "" ? $this->nodeSource->getMetaTitle() : $this->nodeSource->getTitle() . ' – ' . SettingsBag::get('site_name'), 'description' => $this->nodeSource->getMetaDescription() != "" ? $this->nodeSource->getMetaDescription() : $this->nodeSource->getTitle() . ', ' . SettingsBag::get('seo_description'), 'keywords' => $this->nodeSource->getMetaKeywords()]; }
/** * Build form for theme and site informations. * * @param Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request * * @return Symfony\Component\Form\Forms */ protected function buildInformationsForm(Request $request) { $siteName = SettingsBag::get('site_name'); $metaDescription = SettingsBag::get('seo_description'); $emailSender = SettingsBag::get('email_sender'); $emailSenderName = SettingsBag::get('email_sender_name'); $timeZone = $this->getService('config')['timezone']; $timeZoneList = (include dirname(__FILE__) . '/Resources/import/timezones.php'); $defaults = ['site_name' => $siteName != '' ? $siteName : "My website", 'seo_description' => $metaDescription != '' ? $metaDescription : "My website is beautiful!", 'email_sender' => $emailSender != '' ? $emailSender : "", 'email_sender_name' => $emailSenderName != '' ? $emailSenderName : "", 'install_frontend' => true, 'timezone' => $timeZone != '' ? $timeZone : "Europe/Paris"]; $builder = $this->createFormBuilder($defaults)->add('site_name', 'text', ['required' => true, 'label' => $this->getTranslator()->trans('site_name'), 'constraints' => [new NotBlank()]])->add('email_sender', 'email', ['required' => true, 'label' => $this->getTranslator()->trans('email_sender'), 'constraints' => [new NotBlank()]])->add('email_sender_name', 'text', ['required' => true, 'label' => $this->getTranslator()->trans('email_sender_name'), 'constraints' => [new NotBlank()]])->add('seo_description', 'text', ['required' => false, 'label' => $this->getTranslator()->trans('meta_description')])->add('timezone', 'choice', ['choices' => $timeZoneList, 'label' => $this->getTranslator()->trans('timezone'), 'required' => true]); $themesType = new \RZ\Roadiz\CMS\Forms\ThemesType(); if ($themesType->getSize() > 0) { $builder->add('separator_1', new SeparatorType(), ['label' => $this->getTranslator()->trans('themes.frontend.description')])->add('install_theme', 'checkbox', ['required' => false, 'label' => $this->getTranslator()->trans('install_theme')])->add('className', $themesType, ['label' => $this->getTranslator()->trans('theme.selector'), 'required' => true, 'constraints' => [new \Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotNull(), new \Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Type('string')]]); } return $builder->getForm(); }
/** * Send a contact form by Email. * * @param array $assignation * @param string $receiver * @param string|null $subject * @param array $files * * @return boolean */ protected function sendContactForm($assignation, $receiver, $subject = null, $files = null) { $emailBody = $this->getService('twig.environment')->render('forms/contactForm.html.twig', $assignation); /* * inline CSS */ $htmldoc = new InlineStyle($emailBody); $htmldoc->applyStylesheet(file_get_contents(ROADIZ_ROOT . "/src/Roadiz/CMS/Resources/css/transactionalStyles.css")); if (null !== $subject) { $subject = trim(strip_tags($subject)); } else { $subject = $this->getTranslator()->trans('', ['%site%' => SettingsBag::get('site_name')]); } // Create the message $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject($subject)->setFrom([$assignation['email']])->setTo([$receiver])->setBody($htmldoc->getHTML(), 'text/html'); /* * Attach files */ foreach ($files as $uploadedFile) { $attachment = \Swift_Attachment::fromPath($uploadedFile->getRealPath())->setFilename($uploadedFile->getClientOriginalName()); $message->attach($attachment); } // Send the message return $this->getService('mailer')->send($message); }