/** * Fieldset * @return \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset */ public function Fieldset() { $Fieldset = new Fieldset(__('Calendar view')); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('DB_DISPLAY_MODE'), array('label' => __('Calendar: mode'), 'tooltip' => __('Default mode for the calendar'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('DB_SHOW_DATASET_LABELS'), array('label' => __('Calendar: show labels for dataset'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('DB_SHOW_CREATELINK_FOR_DAYS'), array('label' => __('Calendar: create button'), 'tooltip' => __('Add a link for every day to create a new activity.'))); return $Fieldset; }
/** * Fieldset * @return \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset */ public function Fieldset() { $Fieldset = new Fieldset(__('Design')); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('DESIGN_BG_FILE'), array('label' => __('Background image'))); return $Fieldset; }
/** * Fieldset * @return \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset */ public function Fieldset() { $Fieldset = new Fieldset(__('Miscellaneous')); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE'), array('label' => __('Search: results per page'), 'tooltip' => __('Number of results displayed on each page.'))); return $Fieldset; }
/** * Add handles for sorting to fieldset * @param \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset $Fieldset */ private function addHandlesForSortingTo(Fieldset &$Fieldset) { $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TRAINING_SORT_SPORTS'), array('label' => __('Sort: sport types'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TRAINING_SORT_TYPES'), array('label' => __('Sort: activity types'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TRAINING_SORT_SHOES'), array('label' => __('Sort: shoes'))); }
/** * Add handles for elevation to fieldset * @param \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset $Fieldset */ private function addHandlesForElevationTo(Fieldset &$Fieldset) { $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('ELEVATION_METHOD'), array('label' => __('Elevation: smoothing'), 'tooltip' => __('Choose the algorithm to smooth the elevation data'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('ELEVATION_TRESHOLD'), array('label' => __('Elevation: threshold'), 'tooltip' => __('Threshold for the smoothing algorithm'))); }
/** * Fieldset * @return \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset */ public function Fieldset() { $Fieldset = new Fieldset(__('TRIMP')); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('ATL_DAYS'), array('label' => __('Days for ATL'), 'tooltip' => __('Number of days for ATL time constant'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('CTL_DAYS'), array('label' => __('Days for CTL'), 'tooltip' => __('Number of days for CTL time constant'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TRIMP_MODEL_IN_PERCENT'), array('label' => __('Show ATL/CTL in percent of your maximum'), 'tooltip' => __('By default ATL/CTL are scaled based on your historical maximum. ' . 'This can lead to wrong assumptions if you were overtrained. ' . 'Deactivate this option in that case.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TSB_IN_PERCENT'), array('label' => __('Show TSB in percent of ATL/CTL'), 'tooltip' => __('The scale of TSB values depends on your ATL/CTL. ' . 'You can display TSB as percentage of your current ATL/CTL to keep consistency.'))); return $Fieldset; }
/** * Fieldset * @return \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset */ public function Fieldset() { $Fieldset = new Fieldset(__('Basic endurance')); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('BE_MIN_KM_FOR_LONGJOG'), array('label' => __('Minimal distance for longjogs'), 'tooltip' => __('Every run above this distance will be rated.'), 'unit' => FormularUnit::$KM)); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('BE_DAYS_FOR_LONGJOGS'), array('label' => __('Days for longjogs'), 'tooltip' => __('Number of days to look at for longjog goal.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('BE_DAYS_FOR_WEEK_KM'), array('label' => __('Days for week kilometer'), 'tooltip' => __('Number of days to look at for weekly kilometer goal.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('BE_DAYS_FOR_WEEK_KM_MIN'), array('label' => __('Days for week kilometer (minimum)'), 'tooltip' => __('This value will be used if not enough data is available.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('BE_PERCENTAGE_WEEK_KM'), array('label' => __('Factor for week kilometers'), 'tooltip' => __('Percentage as value between 0.00 and 1.00.'))); return $Fieldset; }
/** * Fieldset * @return \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset */ public function Fieldset() { $Fieldset = new Fieldset(__('General settings')); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('GENDER'), array('label' => __('Gender'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('HEART_RATE_UNIT'), array('label' => __('Heart rate unit'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('MAINSPORT'), array('label' => __('Main sport'))); return $Fieldset; }
/** * Fieldset * @return \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset */ public function Fieldset() { $Fieldset = new Fieldset(__('General settings')); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('GENDER'), array('label' => __('Gender'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('WEEK_START'), array('label' => __('Beginning of the week'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('DISTANCE_UNIT_SYSTEM'), array('label' => __('Unit system for distances'), 'tooltip' => __('Changing the unit system for distances does not change pace units. You have to adjust them in sports configuration.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('WEIGHT_UNIT'), array('label' => __('Weight unit'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TEMPERATURE_UNIT'), array('label' => __('Temperature unit'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('HEART_RATE_UNIT'), array('label' => __('Heart rate unit'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('MAINSPORT'), array('label' => __('Main sport'))); return $Fieldset; }
/** * Fieldset * @return \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset */ public function Fieldset() { $Fieldset = new Fieldset(__('VDOT')); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('VDOT_HF_METHOD'), array('label' => __('Estimation formula'), 'tooltip' => __('Formula to estimate the vdot value. The old method is only listed for compatibility reasons.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('VDOT_DAYS'), array('label' => __('Time constant length for VDOT'), 'tooltip' => __('Time constant length for VDOT rolling average'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('VDOT_USE_CORRECTION'), array('label' => __('Use correction factor'), 'tooltip' => __('Use a correction factor based on your best competition. (recommended)'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('VDOT_MANUAL_CORRECTOR'), array('label' => __('Manual correction factor'), 'tooltip' => __('Manual correction factor (e.g. 0.9), if the automatic factor does not fit. Can be left empty.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('VDOT_MANUAL_VALUE'), array('label' => __('Use fixed VDOT value'), 'tooltip' => __('Fixed VDOT value (e.g. 55), if the estimation does not fit. Can be left empty.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('VDOT_USE_CORRECTION_FOR_ELEVATION'), array('label' => __('Adapt for elevation'), 'tooltip' => __('The distance can be corrected by a formula from Peter Greif to adapt for elevation.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('VDOT_CORRECTION_POSITIVE_ELEVATION'), array('label' => __('Correction per positive elevation'), 'tooltip' => __('Add for each meter upwards X meter to the distance. (Only for the VDOT calculation)'), 'unit' => FormularUnit::$M)); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('VDOT_CORRECTION_NEGATIVE_ELEVATION'), array('label' => __('Correction per negative elevation'), 'tooltip' => __('Add for each meter downwards X meter to the distance. (Only for the VDOT calculation)'), 'unit' => FormularUnit::$M)); return $Fieldset; }
/** * Fieldset * @return \Runalyze\Configuration\Fieldset */ public function Fieldset() { $Fieldset = new Fieldset(__('Privacy')); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TRAINING_MAKE_PUBLIC'), array('label' => __('Publish activities'), 'tooltip' => __('Automatically mark every activity after its creation as public.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TRAINING_LIST_PUBLIC'), array('label' => __('Public list: active'), 'tooltip' => __('If activated: Everyone can see a list of all your (public) activities.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TRAINING_LIST_ALL'), array('label' => __('Public list: private workouts'), 'tooltip' => __('If activated: Display a summary for each private activity in the public activity list.'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TRAINING_LIST_STATISTICS'), array('label' => __('Public list: general statistics'), 'tooltip' => __('Show some general statistics above the activity list'))); $Fieldset->addHandle($this->handle('TRAINING_MAP_PUBLIC_MODE'), array('label' => __('Public view: show map'), 'tooltip' => __('You can hide the map for the public view'))); return $Fieldset; }