コード例 #1
  * Get Service Request by ID.
  * If SR is cached, get from cache directly,
  * otherwise, fetch SR from EBS by sending a cURL request.
  * Save the SR in the in-process cache to avoid sending multiple requests to EBS.
  * Save the SR in the session for incident creation usage.
  * @param int $srID Service Request ID
  * @return RNCPHP\RNObject Get SR result
 function getSRDetailByID($srID)
     if ($srID === null) {
         return $this->getResponseObject(null, null, 'Error occurs when getSRbyID :: invalid sr_id');
     // check if the SR has been cached in the in-process cache
     // If cached, save it in the session and return the SR
     $cacheKey = 'sr_' . $srID;
     $srDetail = \RightNow\Utils\Framework::checkCache($cacheKey);
     if ($srDetail) {
         return $this->getResponseObject($srDetail, 'is_array');
     // if not cachaed, send request to EBS server to get the SR,
     // and save in session and cache
     $extObj = 'service_request_detail';
     $extAction = 'read';
     $requestParams = array('srID' => $srID);
     $requestEntries = null;
     $errorFields = array('FAULTSTRING', 'X_MSG_DATA');
     // send curl request
     $getSRResult = $this->CI->model('custom/EbsApi')->sendSoapRequest($this->extConfigVerb, $extObj, $extAction, null, $this->contact, $requestParams, $requestEntries, $responseFields, $errorFields);
     // check the result. if success, save SR in the in-process cache and the session
     if ($getSRResult->error === null) {
         \RightNow\Utils\Framework::setCache($cacheKey, $getSRResult->result, true);
         $sessionKey = $cacheKey;
         $this->CI->session->setSessionData(array($sessionKey => $getSRResult->result));
     return $getSRResult;
コード例 #2
  * Get Service Request by ID
  * If SR is cached, get from cache directly,
  * otherwise, fetch SR from Siebel by sending a curl request.
  * Save the SR in the in-process cache to avoid send multiple requests to Siebel.
  * Save the SR in the session for incident creation usage.
  * @param int $srID Service Request ID
  * @return RNCPHP\RNObject Get SR result
 function getSRDetailByID($srID)
     if ($srID === null) {
         return $this->getResponseObject(null, null, 'Error occurs when getSRbyID :: invalid sr_id');
     // check if the SR has been cached in the in-process cache
     // If cached, save it in the session and return the SR.
     $cacheKey = 'sr_' . $srID;
     $srDetail = \RightNow\Utils\Framework::checkCache($cacheKey);
     if ($srDetail) {
         return $this->getResponseObject($srDetail, 'is_array');
     // if not cachaed, send request to Siebel server to get the SR,
     // and save in the session and cache
     $extObj = 'service_request_detail';
     $extAction = 'read';
     $requestParams = array('srID' => $srID);
     $requestFieldData = array('Id', 'Created', 'Abstract', 'ContactId', 'CustomerProductId', 'DefaultStatus', 'Description', 'OwnedById', 'Owner', 'Product', 'ProductId', 'SRNumber', 'SRType', 'SerialNumber', 'Severity', 'Status', 'Type', 'IntegrationId');
     $responseFields = $requestFieldData;
     $errorFields = array('FAULTSTRING', 'X_MSG_DATA');
     // send curl request
     $getSRResult = $this->CI->model('custom/SiebelApi')->sendSoapRequest($this->extConfigVerb, $extObj, $extAction, null, $this->contact, $requestParams, $requestFieldData, $responseFields, $errorFields);
     // check the result. if success, save SR in the in-process cache and the session
     if ($getSRResult->error === null) {
         \RightNow\Utils\Framework::setCache($cacheKey, $getSRResult->result, true);
         $sessionKey = $cacheKey;
         $this->CI->session->setSessionData(array($sessionKey => $getSRResult->result));
     return $getSRResult;