コード例 #1
  * QTISM endTestSession method overriding.
  * It consists of including an additional processing when the test ends,
  * in order to send the LtiOutcome 
  * @see http://www.imsglobal.org/lis/ Outcome Management Service
  * @throws taoQtiTest_helpers_TestSessionException If the session is already ended or if an error occurs whil transmitting/processing the result.
 public function endTestSession()
     $sessionMemento = $this->getSessionMemento();
     common_Logger::i('Ending test session.');
     try {
         // Compute the LtiOutcome variable for LTI support.
         $this->setVariable(new OutcomeVariable('LtiOutcome', Cardinality::SINGLE, BaseType::FLOAT, new QtiFloat(0.0)));
         $outcomeProcessingEngine = new OutcomeProcessingEngine($this->buildLtiOutcomeProcessing(), $this);
         // if numberPresented returned 0, division by 0 -> null.
         $testUri = $this->getTest()->getUri();
         $var = $this->getVariable('LtiOutcome');
         $varIdentifier = $var->getIdentifier();
         common_Logger::t("Submitting test result '{$varIdentifier}' related to test '{$testUri}'.");
         $this->getResultTransmitter()->transmitTestVariable($var, $this->getSessionId(), $testUri);
     } catch (ProcessingException $e) {
         $msg = "An error occured while processing the 'LtiOutcome' outcome variable.";
         throw new taoQtiTest_helpers_TestSessionException($msg, taoQtiTest_helpers_TestSessionException::RESULT_SUBMISSION_ERROR, $e);
     } catch (taoQtiCommon_helpers_ResultTransmissionException $e) {
         $msg = "An error occured during test-level outcome results transmission.";
         throw new taoQtiTest_helpers_TestSessionException($msg, taoQtiTest_helpers_TestSessionException::RESULT_SUBMISSION_ERROR, $e);