getContinentsAndCountries() public static method

.. } }, "150": { "name": "Europe", "children": { "AL": {"name": "Albania"}, "AD": {"name": "Andorra"}, ... } } ... } ``` The arrays are sorted by territory name.
public static getContinentsAndCountries ( string $locale = '' ) : array
$locale string The locale to use. If empty we'll use the default locale set in \Punic\Data
return array
コード例 #1
ファイル: TimeZone.php プロジェクト: ming-hai/XoopsCore
  * Get a list of localized timezone names
  * @return array
 public static function getList()
     $xoops = \Xoops::getInstance();
     $locale = \Xoops\Locale::getCurrent();
     $key = ['system', 'lists', 'timezone', $locale];
     $timeZones = $xoops->cache()->cacheRead($key, function () {
         $timeZones = array();
         $territories = Territory::getContinentsAndCountries();
         $maxLen = 0;
         $utcDtz = new \DateTimeZone('UTC');
         foreach ($territories as $byContinent) {
             $continent = $byContinent['name'];
             foreach ($byContinent['children'] as $cCode => $cName) {
                 $allZones = $utcDtz->listIdentifiers(\DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, $cCode);
                 foreach ($allZones as $zone) {
                     $maxLen = max(strlen($zone), $maxLen);
                     $name = Calendar::getTimezoneExemplarCity($zone);
                     if (!isset($timeZones[$zone]) && !empty($name)) {
                         $timeZones[$zone] = $continent . '/' . $name;
         $default = array('UTC' => Calendar::getTimezoneNameNoLocationSpecific(new \DateTimeZone('GMT')));
         $timeZones = array_merge($default, $timeZones);
         return $timeZones;
     return $timeZones;