コード例 #1
 public function findAllByParameters(AccountSearchParameters $parameters)
     $em = $this->getEntityManager();
     $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
     $ex = $qb->expr();
     $qb->select('tsAccount')->from('PublicUHCTeamspeakAuthBundle:TeamspeakAccount', 'tsAccount')->leftJoin('tsAccount.authentications', 'authentication')->leftJoin('authentication.minecraftAccount', 'mcAccount');
     if (count($parameters->getUuids()) > 0) {
         $qb->where($ex->in('tsAccount.uuid', explode(',', $parameters->getUuids())));
     } else {
     if ($parameters->isVerified()) {
         $qb->groupBy('tsAccount')->having($ex->gt($ex->count('authentication'), 0));
     return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
コード例 #2
  * @Get("/v1/minecraft_account", name="api_v1_minecraft_account_list")
  * @Method({"GET"})
  * @QueryParam(
  *  name="type",
  *  description="Search type. If 'online' will only return accounts with online teamspeak accounts. If 'verified' will only return accounts with verified accounts (with at least 1 authentication). If 'any' or missing will return all accounts",
  *  requirements="(online|verified|any)",
  *  default="any"
  * )
  * @QueryParam(name="uuids", description="Comma separated list of user UUIDs (without dashes)", nullable=true)
  * @QueryParam(name="limit", description="Limit amount returned, ignored if searching by UUIDs, max 50", requirements="\d+", default="10")
  * @QueryParam(name="offset", description="Offset, ignored if searching by UUIDs", requirements="\d+", default="0")
  * @ApiDoc(
  * section="Minecraft Accounts",
  * description="View minecraft accounts",
  * tags={"API"},
  * output="PublicUHC\Bundle\TeamspeakAuthBundle\Entity\MinecraftAccount",
  * statusCodes={
  *      200="On success",
  *      400="On invalid parameters",
  *      503="On unable to reach Teamspeak server (online checks only)"
  * }
  * )
 public function apiV1CheckMinecraftAccountAction($uuids, $type, $limit, $offset)
     if ($limit > 50) {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException('Only 50 accounts may be fetched per request');
     $params = new AccountSearchParameters();
     if (null != $uuids) {
     if ($type != 'any') {
     /** @var MinecraftAccountRepository $repo */
     $repo = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('PublicUHCTeamspeakAuthBundle:MinecraftAccount');
     $results = $repo->findAllByParameters($params);
     if ($type == 'online') {
         $results = $this->filterOnlineOnly($results);
     return $this->view($results);