static function getDepartmentRows() { $table = self::_table("org_department"); $table_position = self::_table("org_position"); $sql = "select dep_id as `key`,dep_name,dep_pid as pid,dep_name as label,concat('d_',dep_id) as value from {$table}"; $rows = self::_db()->select_rows($sql); if (empty($rows)) { $row = array("dep_name" => "部门", "dep_pid" => 0); self::_db()->insert($table, $row); $rows = self::_db()->select_rows($sql); } $departments_rows = array(); $departments_pid_rows = array(); $positions = self::_db()->rows("select p.* from {$table_position} as p left join {$table} as d on d.dep_id = p.dep_id"); $_positions = array(); foreach ($positions as $position) { $_positions[$position['dep_id']][] = $position; } foreach ($rows as &$row) { $departments_rows[$row['key']] = $row['dep_name']; $departments_pid_rows[$row['key']] = $row['pid']; if (!empty($_positions[$row['key']])) { $row['positions'] = $_positions[$row['key']]; } } $res = array("rows" => Utils::list_to_tree($rows, "key", "pid", "children"), "departments_rows" => $departments_rows, "departments_pid_rows" => $departments_pid_rows, "positions" => $_positions); return $res; }
function action_do_verify($mission_id, $task_key, $pics, $note) { $task_key = intval($task_key); if (!$task_key) { _throw("task_key 不能为空"); } $user_id = Auth::get_user_id(); if (!$user_id) { _throw("您还没有登陆", 9001); } $table = self::_table("user_mission"); $row = self::_db()->row("select * from {$table} where user_id = ? and mission_id = ?", $user_id, $mission_id); if (!$row) { _throw("您还没有参与过此任务"); } if ($row['task_key'] != $task_key) { _throw("请按数序提交任务审核"); } $table_verify = self::_table("user_mission_verify"); $_pics = array(); if (1) { $pics = explode("|", $pics); foreach ($pics as $pic) { $_pics[] = \Controller\Mission\Tool::upload_content($pic); } } $_pics = implode("|", $_pics); self::_debug($_pics); $verify_id = self::_db()->insert($table_verify, array("user_id" => $user_id, "mission_id" => $mission_id, "task_key" => $task_key, "pics" => $_pics, "note" => $note, "add_time" => Utils::date_time_now())); self::_db()->update($table, array("verify_id" => $verify_id), array("id" => $row['id'])); return array("msg" => "提交审核成功"); }
function action_update() { $id = Utils::I("id"); $row = self::getSaveRow(); self::_db()->update("small", $row, array("id" => $id)); return array("id" => $id); }
static function add($_row) { $row = self::getSaveRow($_row); $row['add_time'] = Utils::date_time_now(); $row['op_uid'] = Model_Admin_Auth::get_user_id(); return self::_db()->insert(self::TABLE_REVISIT, $row); }
static function remove($id) { $row['del_time'] = Utils::date_time_now(); $row['is_del'] = 1; self::_db()->update(self::TABLE, $row, array("id" => $id)); self::_redis()->del(self::KEY . $id); }
static function add($_row) { $row = self::getPorderSaveRow($_row); $row['orderno'] = self::get_orderno(self::TABLE_PORDER); $row['add_time'] = Utils::date_time_now(); $row['op_uid'] = Model_Admin_Auth::get_user_id(); return self::_db()->insert(self::TABLE_PORDER, $row); }
static function bind_user($openid, $user_id) { $table = self::table("user_wx_rel"); $row = self::_db()->row("select * from {$table} where user_id = ? and openid = ?", $user_id, $openid); if (empty($row)) { self::_db()->insert($table, array("user_id" => $user_id, "openid" => $openid, "bind_time" => Utils::date_time_now())); } }
static function session_start() { if (Utils::is_cli()) { return; } static $started = false; if (!$started) { session_start(); $started = true; } }
static function get_auth_code_url() { if (!Utils::is_wechat_browser()) { $wechat_login_url = self::_get_auth_code_url_from_web(); self::_debug(array("code url from open", $wechat_login_url)); } else { $wechat_login_url = self::_get_auth_code_url_from_wechat(); self::_debug(array("code url from wechat", $wechat_login_url)); } return $wechat_login_url; }
static function add($msg, $method) { $ip = Utils::ip(); $date = Utils::date_time_now(); // $row = array( // "ip" => $ip, // "add_time" => $date, // "msg" => $msg, // "method" => $method, // "user_id" => Model_Admin_Auth::get_user_id(), // ); $row = array("action_ip" => Utils::ip(true), "create_time" => time(), "remark" => $msg, "model" => $method, "user_id" => Model_Admin_Auth::get_user_id()); self::_db()->insert(self::TABLE, $row); }
function action_upload() { if (empty($_FILES)) { _throw("请选择上传文件"); } $file_path = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $file_name = "upload/img/" . date("YmdHis") . "/" . rand(10000, 99999) . "/" . $_FILES['file']['name']; $res = Model_Tools_Qiniu::upload_file($file_path, $file_name); $url = Model_Tools_Qiniu::get_res_url($res); self::_debug($url); if (Utils::I("simditor")) { echo json_encode(array("success" => true, "msg" => "ok", "file_path" => $url)); exit; } else { return array("url" => $url); } //self::_debug($_FILES); //self::_debug($_REQUEST); }
static function update_permission($role_id, $permissions) { if (empty($role_id)) { _throw("role_id 不能为空"); } if (is_array($permissions)) { $permissions = json_encode($permissions); } $permissions = Utils::unicodeString($permissions); $table = self::_table("role_perm"); $row = self::_db()->select_row("select * from {$table} where role_id = ?", $role_id); if ($row) { $role_id = $row['role_id']; self::_db()->update($table, array("perm" => $permissions), array("role_id" => $role_id)); } else { $id = self::_db()->insert($table, array("perm" => $permissions, "role_id" => $role_id)); } return $role_id; }
static function getRows() { $pk = self::pk(); $table = self::table(); $sql = "select {$pk} as `key`,cat_name,cat_pid as pid,cat_name as label,concat('d_',{$pk}) as value from {$table}"; $rows = self::_db()->select_rows($sql); if (empty($rows)) { $row = array("cat_name" => "商品分类", "cat_pid" => 0); self::_db()->insert($table, $row); $rows = self::_db()->select_rows($sql); } $rows_key_name = array(); $rows_key_pid = array(); foreach ($rows as &$row) { $rows_key_name[$row['key']] = $row['cat_name']; $rows_key_pid[$row['key']] = $row['pid']; } $res = array("rows" => Utils::list_to_tree($rows, "key", "pid", "children"), "rows_key_name" => $rows_key_name, "rows_key_pid" => $rows_key_pid); return $res; }
static function getPayUrl($orderno, $total, $subject, $http_host = '') { $payType = Utils::is_wechat_browser() ? 19 : 18; $host = empty($http_host) ? HTTP_HOST : $http_host; $host = rtrim($host, "/"); $data = array(); $data['merchantNo'] = "990290048160001"; $data['terminalNo'] = "77700032"; $data['payMoney'] = $total; $data['productName'] = $subject; $data['inTradeOrderNo'] = $orderno; $data['payType'] = $payType; $data['merchant_url'] = "{$host}/api/pay/zf/pam_callback.php"; $data['call_back_url'] = "{$host}/api/pay/zf/callback.php"; $data['notify_url'] = "{$host}/api/pay/zf/notifySanWing.php"; $key = "12345678"; $data['signMsg'] = strtoupper(md5($data['merchantNo'] . $data['terminalNo'] . $data['payMoney'] . $data['inTradeOrderNo'] . $data['productName'] . $data['payType'] . $key)); $url = ""; $url .= $payType == 18 ? "/html/alipayapi.jsp" : "/wechat/wechatPay.jsp"; $url .= "?" . http_build_query($data); return $url; }
static function check_login($username, $password) { $res = false; if (Utils::is_mobile($username)) { $stf_id = Model_Admin_Staff::get_staff_id_by_mobile($username); if (!$stf_id) { _throw("员工不存在"); } self::_debug(array(__METHOD__, $stf_id)); $user = Model_Admin_Staff::get_auth_user_by_stf_id($stf_id); self::_debug(array("auth user", $stf_id, $user)); if (!$user) { _throw("员工未授权"); } $_password = $user['password']; $salt = $user['salt']; if ($_password !== self::gen_password($password, $salt)) { _throw("密码不正确"); } $res = true; } return $res; }
static function add($_row) { $row = self::getOrderSaveRow($_row); if ($row['orderno']) { $table = self::TABLE_ORDER; $order = self::_db()->select_row("select * from {$table} where orderno = ?", $row['orderno']); if ($order) { _throw("订单号:" . $row['orderno'] . " 已存在"); } } $row['add_time'] = Utils::date_time_now(); $row['op_uid'] = Model_Admin_Auth::get_user_id(); $staff_info = Model_Admin_Staff::detail_by_uid($row['op_uid']); $row['op_name'] = $staff_info['name']; $items = self::getOrderItemsSaveRows($_row); $id = self::_db()->insert(self::TABLE_ORDER, $row); foreach ($items as &$item) { $item['order_id'] = $id; } if ($items) { self::_db()->insert("crm_client_order_item", $items); } return $id; }
static function note_add($id, $note, $op_uid) { $table = self::TABLE_TRACE; $row = array("note" => $note, "ip" => Utils::ip(), "store_id" => $id, "op_uid" => $op_uid, "add_time" => Utils::date_time_now()); return self::_db()->insert($table, $row); }
static function note_add($id, $note, $op_uid) { $row = array("note" => $note, "ip" => Utils::ip(), "agent_id" => $id, "op_uid" => $op_uid, "add_time" => Utils::date_time_now()); return self::_db()->insert("crm_agent_trace", $row); }
foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $arg) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$arg->name])) { $fire_args[$arg->name] = $_REQUEST[$arg->name]; } else { $fire_args[$arg->name] = null; } } $controller_obj = new $controller(); $return = call_user_func_array(array($controller_obj, $action), $fire_args); } else { $controller_obj = new $controller(); if (!method_exists($controller_obj, $action)) { _throw($controller . "::{$action} is no exsits", 9004); } //$return = $controller_obj->$action(); $return = call_user_func_array(array($controller_obj, $action), array()); } if ($return !== null) { $result = $return; } } catch (AppException $e) { //print_r($exception_point); $error_code = $e->getCode() ? $e->getCode() : 1; $result = $e->getMessage(); Logger::warn(array($error_code, $result), Utils::get_exception_file_line($e->getTrace())); } catch (Exception $e) { $error_code = $e->getCode() ? $e->getCode() : 1; $result = $e->getMessage(); Logger::error(array($error_code, $result, $e->getTrace())); } api_json_response($result, $error_code);
function action_add($row) { $res = self::getSaveRow($row); $table = self::table(); $pk = self::pk(); $res['row']['add_time'] = Utils::date_time_now(); $id = self::_db()->insert($table, $res['row']); return array($pk => $id); }
function action_add($row) { $res = self::getSaveRow($row); $res['row']['add_time'] = Utils::date_time_now(); $id = self::_db()->insert("ldt_mission", $res['row']); if (!empty($res['tasks'])) { $tasks = $res['tasks']; foreach ($tasks as &$task) { unset($task['id']); $task['mission_id'] = $id; } //print_r($tasks); self::_db()->insert("ldt_mission_task", $tasks); } return array("id" => $id); }
function action_add($bill_type, $bill_amount, $bill_kind, $bill_note, $user_id) { $table = self::table(); self::_db()->insert($table, array("bill_type" => $bill_type, "bill_amount" => $bill_amount, "bill_kind" => $bill_kind, "bill_note" => $bill_note, "user_id" => $user_id, "add_time" => Utils::date_time_now())); }
/** * 使用密码登陆 * @param $username * @param $password * @return array|bool|mixed * @throws Exception */ static function login_by_password($username, $password) { self::_debug($username, $password); try { if ($user_id = self::check_user_exsits($username)) { //绿电通验证 self::_debug("user_id" . $user_id); $user_info = self::get_user_info($user_id); self::check_login_user_info($user_info, $password); } else { //passport 验证 $passport_user = Model_Passport::login($username, $password); if (Utils::is_mobile($passport_user['username'])) { $mobile = $passport_user['username']; } else { $mobile = ""; try { $passport_user = Model_Passport::get_user($passport_user['user_id']); $mobile = $passport_user['mobile']; } catch (Exception $e) { self::_warn("passport get user error " . $e->getMessage()); } } $user_info = self::create_new_user($passport_user['username'], $password, $mobile, $passport_user['locked'], $passport_user['userid']); self::check_login_user_info($user_info, $password); } } catch (AppException $e) { _throw($e->getMessage()); } self::_debug("登陆成功"); return $user_info; }
static function add($content, $method, $user_id, $ip = null) { self::_db()->insert(self::table(), array("content" => $content, "method" => $method, "ip" => $ip, "user_id" => $user_id, "add_time" => Utils::date_time_now())); }
/** * 微信绑定手机号 * @return string */ function action_wechat_bind_mobile() { Model_Session::session_start(true); $mobile = Utils::I("mobile"); $nick_name = Utils::I("nick_name"); $captcha = Utils::I("captcha"); $oauth_id = Utils::I("oauth_id"); self::_debug(array($oauth_id)); $safe_token = Utils::I(Model_Auth::ENCRYPT_FIELD_NAME); if (!$safe_token) { _throw("safe_token is null"); } //Model_Auth::login_safe($username,$password,$safe_token); $encrypt_data = self::_redis()->get(Model_Auth::ENCRYPT_CACEH_KEY . $safe_token); if (empty($encrypt_data)) { _throw("加密信息已过期"); } $encrypt_data = json_decode($encrypt_data); $private_key = $encrypt_data->private_key; $reqData = array('mobile' => $mobile, 'captcha' => $captcha, 'nick_name' => $nick_name); $reqData = Safe::decrypt($reqData, $private_key); self::_debug($reqData); if (!$reqData) { _throw("解密失败"); } $mobile = $reqData['mobile']; $nick_name = $reqData['nick_name']; $captcha = $reqData['captcha']; if (!Utils::is_mobile($mobile)) { _throw("手机号不合法"); } $key = Controller_Captcha::get_captcha_session_key($mobile, "wechat_bind_mobile"); self::_debug($key); if (empty($_SESSION[$key])) { _throw("验证码已过期"); } $_captcha_session = $_SESSION[$key]; self::_debug($_captcha_session); list($_captcha, $time) = explode("|", $_captcha_session); if (time() - $time > 60 * 60 * 5) { unset($_SESSION[$key]); _throw("验证码已过期"); } self::_debug($_captcha_session); if ($captcha != $_captcha) { _throw("验证码不正确"); } if (!($user_id = Model_User::check_user_exsits($mobile))) { $user = array("password" => null, "mobile" => $mobile, "nick_name" => $nick_name, "add_time" => Utils::date_time_now(), "email" => null); self::_debug("create user"); self::_debug($user); $user_id = self::_db()->insert(Model_User::TABLE, $user); } self::_debug(array("update", Model_Wechat_User::TABLE, $user_id, $oauth_id)); self::_db()->update(Model_Wechat_User::TABLE, array("uid" => $user_id), array("id" => $oauth_id)); $wx_auth_info = $_SESSION['wx_auth_info']; $wx_auth_info['uid'] = $user_id; $_SESSION['wx_auth_info'] = $wx_auth_info; self::_debug($user_id); Model_Admin_Auth::set_login_session($user_id); //set login unset($_SESSION[$key]); Controller_Captcha::clear_status_key("wechat_bind_mobile"); $redirect = self::get_redirect_url(); return array("message" => "绑定成功", "redirect" => $redirect); }
static function add($row) { $_row = array("add_time" => Utils::date_time_now()); return self::_db()->insert(self::TABLE, $_row); }
function action_add($row) { $res = self::getSaveRow($row); $table = self::table(); $pk = self::pk(); $res['row']['add_time'] = Utils::date_time_now(); if (!Utils::is_mobile($res['row']['mobile'])) { _throw("手机号不合法"); } $mobile = $res['row']['mobile']; $user_mobile = self::_db()->row("select mobile from {$table} where mobile = ?", $mobile); if ($user_mobile) { _throw("手机号已存在"); } if (!empty($res['row']['password'])) { $password = $res['row']['password']; $salt = \Model_Admin_Auth::gen_salt(); $res['row']['password'] = \Model_Admin_Auth::gen_password($password, $salt); $res['row']['salt'] = $salt; } else { _throw("密码不能为空"); } $user_id = self::_db()->insert($table, $res['row']); $stf_id = Model_Admin_Staff::get_staff_id_by_mobile($mobile); if ($stf_id) { Model_Admin_Staff::bind_staff_user($stf_id, $user_id); } $res = $this->action_row($user_id); $res['row'][$pk] = $user_id; return $res; }
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml; use PtPHP\Utils; /** * 配置类代码 * */ class PtConfig { public static $env = "development"; public static $qiniu = array("access_key" => "zlbOjuyGIUaq73PhpZVetqvcPIPk6EgugFHY3N-y", "secret_key" => "7uiio8iIRfqOtlYqGpZpp7G3IpyUVOO5-QPkWkja", "bucket" => "lvdiantong", "domain" => ""); public static $userRsaAuth = true; public static $safeLogin = array("username" => "", "password" => ""); public static $siteAdminTitle = "PtPHP"; } $env = Utils::get_pt_env("APPLICATION_ENV"); if ($env) { PtConfig::$env = $env; } else { if (is_file(__DIR__ . "/.env.php")) { PtConfig::$env = (require_once __DIR__ . "/.env.php"); } } $phinx_config = null; if (is_file(PATH_PRO . "/phinx.yml")) { $phinx_config = Yaml::parse(@file_get_contents(PATH_PRO . "/phinx.yml")); } elseif (is_file(PATH_APP . "/config/phinx.yml")) { $phinx_config = Yaml::parse(@file_get_contents(PATH_APP . "/config/phinx.yml")); } if ($phinx_config) { $db_config = $phinx_config['environments'][PtConfig::$env];
function action_add($row) { $table = self::table(); $res = self::getSaveRow($row); $res['row']['add_time'] = Utils::date_time_now(); if (!empty($res['row']['mobile'])) { $mobile = $res['row']['mobile']; $staff = self::_db()->row("select mobile from {$table} where mobile = ?", $mobile); if ($staff) { _throw("手机号已存在"); } } $password = null; if (!empty($res['row']['password'])) { $password = $res['row']['password']; unset($res['row']['password']); } unset($res['row']['password']); $id = self::_db()->insert($table, $res['row']); if ($password) { $table_user = self::_table("user"); $user_mobile = self::_db()->row("select user_id from {$table_user} where mobile = ?", $res['row']['mobile']); if (!$user_mobile) { $salt = \Model_Admin_Auth::gen_salt(); $password = \Model_Admin_Auth::gen_password($password, $salt); $user_row = array("password" => $password, "mobile" => $res['row']['mobile'], "salt" => $salt, "add_time" => Utils::date_time_now()); $user_id = self::_db()->insert($table_user, $user_row); } else { $user_id = $table_user['user_id']; } self::_db()->insert(self::_table("staff_user"), array("stf_id" => $id, "user_id" => $user_id)); } return array("stf_id" => $id, "row" => self::get_detail($id)); }