/** * Will return the script required by GraphViz (dot) to render the graph * * @param StateMachine $sm * @return string */ public function render(StateMachine $sm) { $graph = new Digraph('G'); $graph->set('truecolor', true); foreach ($sm->getStates() as $state) { $graph->node($state->getValue(), $this->renderState($state, $this->profile['states'])); } foreach ($sm->getStates() as $state) { /** @var Event[] $connectors */ $connectors = array_merge($state->getEvents(), $state->getTimeOuts()); foreach ($connectors as $event) { $p = $this->profile['events']['default']; foreach ($this->profile['events']['exclusiveRoles'] as $exclusiveRole => $roleProfile) { if ($event->isExclusiveTo($exclusiveRole)) { $p = array_merge($p, $roleProfile); break; } } if ($event instanceof Timeout) { $p = array_merge($p, $this->profile['events']['timeout']); } elseif ($event->isRefresh()) { $p = array_merge($p, $this->profile['events']['refresh']); } $fontcolor = $p['fontcolor']; $fillcolor = $p['fillcolor']; $color = $p['color']; $style = $p['style']; $graph->edge([$state->getValue(), $event->getTarget()], ['label' => chr(1) . '<<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr><td>' . $event->getLabel() . '</td></tr></table>>', 'margin' => 10, 'arrowsize' => 0.6, 'fontsize' => 9, 'fontname' => 'Helvetica Neue', 'fontcolor' => $fontcolor, 'fillcolor' => $fillcolor, 'color' => $color, 'style' => $style]); } } return $graph->render(); }
/** * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @throws CannotGuessEventException * @throws EventNotFoundException * @throws InvalidSchemaException * @throws TransitionException * @throws \yii\base\UnknownPropertyException * @throws exceptions\StateNotFoundException * @throws null */ public function __set($name, $value) { if ($name === $this->virtAttr) { $m = $this->owner; // Value did not change - ignore if ($m->{$this->attr} === $value) { return; } // First time? Initialize SM for $value state if ($m->{$this->attr} === null && $m->getIsNewRecord()) { if ($value !== $this->sm->getInitialStateValue()) { throw new InvalidValueException("This attribute is just entering the State Machine and must be set to {$this->sm->getInitialStateValue()}"); } $context = $this->initStateMachine(); } else { // Not first time, try to trigger for $value $state = $this->sm->getState($m->{$this->attr}); if (!$state) { throw new InvalidSchemaException("Cannot load current state {$m->{$this->attr}}"); } $event = $state->guessEvent($value, $this->internalGetUserRole(Yii::$app->user->identity)); $context = $this->trigger($event); } // Migrate the context errors to the virtual attribute foreach ($context->errors as $attr => $error) { $m->addError($this->virtAttr, $error); } } else { parent::__set($name, $value); } }
/** * @return State * @throws exceptions\InvalidSchemaException * @throws exceptions\StateNotFoundException */ public function getTargetState() { return $this->sm->getState($this->target); }
/** * @return interfaces\StateMachineEvent[] */ public function getPossibleEvents() { return $this->sm->getState($this->model->{$this->attr})->getEvents($this->role, $this); }