/** * List all Node Allocations * * Returns a listing of all allocations for every node. * * @Get("/nodes/allocations") * @Versions({"v1"}) * @Response(200) */ public function allocations(Request $request) { $allocations = Models\Allocation::paginate(100); if ($allocations->count() < 1) { throw new NotFoundHttpException('No allocations have been created.'); } return $this->response->paginator($allocations, new AllocationTransformer()); }
public function addAllocations($id, array $allocations) { $node = Models\Node::findOrFail($id); DB::beginTransaction(); try { foreach ($allocations as $rawIP => $ports) { $parsedIP = Network::parse($rawIP); foreach ($parsedIP as $ip) { foreach ($ports as $port) { if (!is_int($port) && !preg_match('/^(\\d{1,5})-(\\d{1,5})$/', $port)) { throw new DisplayException('The mapping for ' . $port . ' is invalid and cannot be processed.'); } if (preg_match('/^(\\d{1,5})-(\\d{1,5})$/', $port, $matches)) { foreach (range($matches[1], $matches[2]) as $assignPort) { $alloc = Models\Allocation::firstOrNew(['node' => $node->id, 'ip' => $ip, 'port' => $assignPort]); if (!$alloc->exists) { $alloc->fill(['node' => $node->id, 'ip' => $ip, 'port' => $assignPort, 'assigned_to' => null]); $alloc->save(); } } } else { $alloc = Models\Allocation::firstOrNew(['node' => $node->id, 'ip' => $ip, 'port' => $port]); if (!$alloc->exists) { $alloc->fill(['node' => $node->id, 'ip' => $ip, 'port' => $port, 'assigned_to' => null]); $alloc->save(); } } } } } DB::commit(); return true; } catch (\Exception $ex) { DB::rollBack(); throw $ex; } }
/** * Renders server settings page. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View */ public function getSettings(Request $request, $uuid) { $server = Models\Server::getByUUID($uuid); $allocation = Models\Allocation::findOrFail($server->allocation); $variables = Models\ServiceVariables::select('service_variables.*', DB::raw('COALESCE(server_variables.variable_value, service_variables.default_value) as a_serverValue'))->leftJoin('server_variables', 'server_variables.variable_id', '=', 'service_variables.id')->where('service_variables.option_id', $server->option)->where('server_variables.server_id', $server->id)->get(); $service = Models\Service::select(DB::raw('IFNULL(service_options.executable, services.executable) as executable'))->leftJoin('service_options', 'service_options.parent_service', '=', 'services.id')->where('service_options.id', $server->option)->where('services.id', $server->service)->first(); $serverVariables = ['{{SERVER_MEMORY}}' => $server->memory, '{{SERVER_IP}}' => $allocation->ip, '{{SERVER_PORT}}' => $allocation->port]; $processed = str_replace(array_keys($serverVariables), array_values($serverVariables), $server->startup); foreach ($variables as &$variable) { $replace = $variable->user_viewable === 1 ? $variable->a_serverValue : '**'; $processed = str_replace('{{' . $variable->env_variable . '}}', $replace, $processed); } return view('server.settings', ['server' => $server, 'databases' => Models\Database::select('databases.*', 'database_servers.host as a_host', 'database_servers.port as a_port')->where('server_id', $server->id)->join('database_servers', 'database_servers.id', '=', 'databases.db_server')->get(), 'node' => Models\Node::find($server->node), 'variables' => $variables->where('user_viewable', 1), 'service' => $service, 'processedStartup' => $processed]); }
/** * [postSetConnection description] * @param Request $request * @param string $uuid * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function postSetConnection(Request $request, $uuid) { $server = Models\Server::getByUUID($uuid); $allocation = Models\Allocation::findOrFail($server->allocation); $this->authorize('set-connection', $server); if ($request->input('connection') === $allocation->ip . ':' . $allocation->port) { return response()->json(['error' => 'You are already using this as your default connection.'], 409); } try { $repo = new Repositories\ServerRepository(); $repo->changeBuild($server->id, ['default' => $request->input('connection')]); return response('The default connection for this server has been updated. Please be aware that you will need to restart your server for this change to go into effect.'); } catch (DisplayValidationException $ex) { return response()->json(['error' => json_decode($ex->getMessage(), true)], 503); } catch (DisplayException $ex) { return response()->json(['error' => $ex->getMessage()], 503); } catch (\Exception $ex) { Log::error($ex); return response()->json(['error' => 'An unhandled exception occured while attemping to modify the default connection for this server.'], 503); } }
public function deleteServer($id, $force) { $server = Models\Server::findOrFail($id); $node = Models\Node::findOrFail($server->node); DB::beginTransaction(); try { // Delete Allocations Models\Allocation::where('assigned_to', $server->id)->update(['assigned_to' => null]); // Remove Variables Models\ServerVariables::where('server_id', $server->id)->delete(); // Remove SubUsers Models\Subuser::where('server_id', $server->id)->delete(); // Remove Permissions Models\Permission::where('server_id', $server->id)->delete(); // Remove Downloads Models\Download::where('server', $server->uuid)->delete(); $client = Models\Node::guzzleRequest($server->node); $client->request('DELETE', '/servers', ['headers' => ['X-Access-Token' => $node->daemonSecret, 'X-Access-Server' => $server->uuid]]); $server->delete(); DB::commit(); return true; } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\TransferException $ex) { if ($force === 'force') { $server->delete(); DB::commit(); return true; } else { DB::rollBack(); throw new DisplayException('An error occured while attempting to delete the server on the daemon.', $ex); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { DB::rollBack(); throw $ex; } }
/** * Returns a JSON tree of all avaliable IPs and Ports on a given node. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View */ public function postNewServerGetIps(Request $request) { if (!$request->input('node')) { return response()->json(['error' => 'Missing node in request.'], 500); } $ips = Models\Allocation::where('node', $request->input('node'))->whereNull('assigned_to')->get(); $listing = []; foreach ($ips as &$ip) { if (array_key_exists($ip->ip, $listing)) { $listing[$ip->ip] = array_merge($listing[$ip->ip], [$ip->port]); } else { $listing[$ip->ip] = [$ip->port]; } } return response()->json($listing); }
public function getAllocationsJson(Request $request, $id) { $allocations = Models\Allocation::select('ip')->where('node', $id)->groupBy('ip')->get(); return response()->json($allocations); }