protected function _initData() { $conf = \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->config; $emptyPost = array('pid' => null, 'poster' => null, 'posted' => null, 'code' => '', 'parent_pid' => null, 'format' => $conf->default_highlighter, 'codefmt' => '', 'expiry_flag' => 'f', 'codecss' => null, 'expires' => null, 'password' => null); if (!$this->request->hasParam('show')) { $post = $emptyPost; } else { $pid = $this->request->getParam('show'); $paste = new \Pste\Model\Paste($pid); $post = $paste->getContent(); if (!$post) { return $this->forward(new StaticPage(array('template' => 'components/paste_invalid.php'))); } $postPass = $this->request->hasParam('thePassword') ? $this->request->getParam('thePassword') : null; $pass = $post['password']; $restrictedPost = null !== $pass && $pass !== sha1("EMPTY") ? true : false; $accessAllowed = !$restrictedPost || sha1($postPass) == $pass ? true : false; $passwordFail = $restrictedPost && null !== $postPass && $postPass !== $pass ? true : false; if (!$accessAllowed) { require_once 'components/StaticPage.php'; return $this->forward(new StaticPage(array('template' => 'components/paste_password.php', 'fail' => $passwordFail))); } $post['password'] = $this->request->getParam('thePassword', ''); } $this->post = $post; $this->geshiformats = $conf->get('geshiformats'); $this->popular_syntax = $conf->get('popular_syntax'); $this->highlight_prefix = $conf->get('highlight_prefix'); }
public function getRecentItems() { $config = \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->config; $db = new \DB(); // Get raw db info. $posts = $db->getRecentPostSummary($config->list); // Augment with some formatting foreach ($posts as $idx => $post) { $age = $post['age']; $days = floor($age / (3600 * 24)); $hours = floor($age / 3600); $minutes = floor($age / 60); $seconds = $age; if ($days > 1) { $age = "{$days} days ago"; } elseif ($hours > 0) { $age = "{$hours} hour" . ($hours > 1 ? "s" : "") . " ago"; } elseif ($minutes > 0) { $age = "{$minutes} minute" . ($minutes > 1 ? "s" : "") . " ago"; } else { $age = "< 1 min ago"; } $posts[$idx]['agefmt'] = $age; $posts[$idx]['url'] = $config->url . $post['pid']; } $this->recent = $posts; }
/** * wrapper for config instance creation so the instance does not live in global * scope */ function bootstrap($configuration_array) { $config = new \Pste\Config($configuration_array); \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->config = $config; $route = new \Pste\Route(); $route->setTemplatePath($config->template); \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->route = $route; }
protected function getUserdata() { $user = \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->user; $this->authenticated = false; if (\Pste\Registry::getInstance()->authenticated) { $this->authenticated = true; $this->user = $user; } }
/** * * @return \Pste\Route */ public function route() { $route = \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->route; if (!$route instanceof \Pste\Route) { $route = new \Pste\Route(); $route->setTemplatePath(\Pste\Registry::getInstance()->config->template); \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->route = $route; } return $route; }
protected function getPosts() { $db = new \DB(); $config = \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->config; $pastes = $db->getAllPastes($this->request->getParam('page', 1), $config->itemsPerPage); $this->count = $db->getPasteCount(); $this->page = $this->request->getParam('page', 1); $this->itemsPerPage = $config->itemsPerPage; $this->pastes = $pastes; $this->url = $config->url; }
/** * get the data for the paste-poste * * @return type */ public function getPaste() { $conf = \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->config; $pid = $this->pid; $paste = new \Pste\Model\Paste($pid); $post = $paste->getContent(); if (!$post) { return $this->forward(new StaticPage(array('template' => 'components/paste_invalid.php'))); } $this->followUp(new PasteForm(array('request' => $this->request))); $postPass = $this->request->hasParam('thePassword') ? $this->request->getParam('thePassword') : null; $pass = $post['password']; $restrictedPost = null !== $pass && $pass !== sha1("EMPTY") ? true : false; $accessAllowed = !$restrictedPost || sha1($postPass) == $pass ? true : false; $passwordFail = $restrictedPost && null !== $postPass && $postPass !== $pass ? true : false; if (!$accessAllowed) { require_once 'components/StaticPage.php'; return $this->forward(new StaticPage(array('template' => 'components/paste_password.php', 'fail' => $passwordFail))); } $paste = $post; // Show a quick reference url, poster and parents . $expires = is_null($post['expires']) ? "Never Expires" : "Expires on " . date("F D jS g:i A", strtotime($post['expires'])); $paste['posttitle'] = "Posted as {$post['poster']} on {$post['postdate']} - {$expires}"; $paste['editcode'] = $paste['code']; // Preprocess $highlight = array(); $prefix_size = strlen($this->conf['highlight_prefix']); if ($prefix_size) { $lines = explode("\n", $post['code']); $paste['editcode'] = ""; foreach ($lines as $idx => $line) { if (substr($line, 0, $prefix_size) == $conf['highlight_prefix']) { $highlight[] = $idx + 1; $line = substr($line, $prefix_size); } $paste['editcode'] .= $line . "\n"; } $paste['editcode'] = rtrim($post['editcode']); } $requestedFormat = $this->request->getParam('udf'); $format = $requestedFormat ? $requestedFormat : $post['format']; // Get formatted version of code if (0 && strlen($post['codefmt']) > 0 && $format == $post['format']) { $paste['codefmt'] = $post['codefmt']; } else { $geshi = new \GeSHi($paste['editcode'], $format); $geshi->enable_classes(); $geshi->set_header_type(GESHI_HEADER_DIV); $geshi->set_line_style('background: #ffffff;', 'background: #f4f4f4;'); if (count($highlight)) { $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS); $geshi->highlight_lines_extra($highlight); $geshi->set_highlight_lines_extra_style('color:black;background:#FFFF88;'); } else { $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS, 2); } $paste['codefmt'] = $geshi->parse_code(); $paste['codecss'] = $geshi->get_stylesheet(); } $paste['pid'] = $pid; $paste['downloadurl'] = $conf->url . $post['pid']; $this->url = $conf->url; $this->post = $paste; $this->geshiformats = $conf->get('geshiformats'); $this->popular_syntax = $conf->get('popular_syntax'); $this->format = $format; }
if ($id) { $pastebin->redirectToPost($id); exit; } } if ($request->hasParam('show') && ($config->restrict_show && \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->authenticated || !$config->restrict_show)) { $content = \Pste\Component::add(new \Pste\Component\SinglePaste(array('pid' => $request->getParam('show'), 'request' => $request))); } else { if ($request->hasParam('archive')) { require_once 'components/PasteArchive.php'; $content = \Pste\Component::add(new \Pste\Component\PasteArchive(array('page' => $request->getParam('page'), 'request' => $request))); } else { if ($request->hasParam('submit', 'GET')) { $content = \Pste\Component::add(new \Pste\Component\PasteForm(array('request' => $request))); } else { if ($request->hasParam('info', 'GET') && \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->authenticated) { phpinfo(); die; } else { $content = \Pste\Component::add(new \Pste\Component\StaticPage(array('template' => 'components/frontpage.php', 'request' => $request))); } } } } $layout = new \Pste\Layout(array('request' => $request)); $layout->setContent($content); $layout->setTemplate('theme.php'); ob_start(); echo $layout->render(); ob_end_flush(); } catch (Exception $ex) {
</div> <div id="menu"> <?php echo \Pste\Component::add(new \Pste\Component\RecentItems()); ?> </div> <div id="content"><br /> <h1>Welcome! Here you can paste sources and general debugging text, You can even set yourself a password if you want to keep it just for yourself.</h1> <?php echo $this->content; ?> <br /> <h1>© <?php echo date("Y"); ?> - Powered by <a href="">Indechse Pste</a> 0.1 - rendered in <?php echo round(microtime(true) - \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->starttime, 4); ?> </h1> <?php echo \Pste\Component::add(new \Pste\Component\StaticPage(array('template' => 'components/credits.php'))); ?> </div> </body> </html>
public function __construct($params = array()) { $this->_initParams($params); $this->_config = \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->config; $this->_init(); }
function getPaste($pid) { $post = $this->db->getPaste($pid); if ($post) { // Show a quick reference url, poster and parents . $expires = is_null($post['expires']) ? "Never Expires" : "Expires on " . date("F D jS g:i A", strtotime($post['expires'])); $post['posttitle'] = "Posted by {$post['poster']} on {$post['postdate']} - {$expires}"; if ($post['parent_pid'] > 0) { $parent_pid = $post['parent_pid']; $parent = $this->db->getPaste($parent_pid); if ($parent) { $route = \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->route; $post['parent_poster'] = $parent['poster']; $post['parent_url'] = $this->getPasteUrl($parent_pid); $post['parent_postdate'] = $parent['postdate']; $post['parent_diffurl'] = $route->url($pid); } } // Amendments $post['followups'] = $this->db->getFollowupPosts($pid); foreach ($post['followups'] as $idx => $followup) { $post['followups'][$idx]['followup_url'] = $this->getPasteUrl($followup['pid']); } if ($post['password'] != 'EMPTY') { $post['downloadurl'] = $this->conf['url'] . "?dl={$pid}&pass="******"?dl={$pid}"; } // Store the code for later editing $post['editcode'] = $post['code']; // Preprocess $highlight = array(); $prefix_size = strlen($this->conf['highlight_prefix']); if ($prefix_size) { $lines = explode("\n", $post['editcode']); $post['editcode'] = ""; foreach ($lines as $idx => $line) { if (substr($line, 0, $prefix_size) == $this->conf['highlight_prefix']) { $highlight[] = $idx + 1; $line = substr($line, $prefix_size); } $post['editcode'] .= $line . "\n"; } $post['editcode'] = rtrim($post['editcode']); } // Get formatted version of code if (strlen($post['codefmt']) == 0) { $geshi = new GeSHi($post['editcode'], $post['format']); $geshi->enable_classes(); $geshi->set_header_type(GESHI_HEADER_DIV); $geshi->set_line_style('background: #ffffff;', 'background: #f4f4f4;'); if (count($highlight)) { $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS); $geshi->highlight_lines_extra($highlight); $geshi->set_highlight_lines_extra_style('color:black;background:#FFFF88;'); } else { $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS, 2); } $post['codefmt'] = $geshi->parse_code(); $post['codecss'] = $geshi->get_stylesheet(); // Save it! $this->db->saveFormatting($pid, $post['codefmt'], $post['codecss']); } $post['pid'] = $pid; } else { $post['codefmt'] = "<b>Unknown post ID, it probably expired.</b><br />"; } return $post; }