public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { // to be used when proxifying all the relative links $this->base_url = $event['request']->getUri(); $response = $event['response']; $str = $response->getContent(); // let's remove all frames?? $str = preg_replace('@<iframe[^>]+>.*?<\\/iframe>@is', '', $str); // let's replace page titles with something custom if (Config::get('replace_title')) { $str = preg_replace('/<title[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/title>/ims', '<title>' . Config::get('replace_title') . '</title>', $str); } // css $str = preg_replace_callback('@:\\s*url\\s*\\((?:\'|"|)(.*?)(?:\'|"|)\\)@im', array($this, 'css_url'), $str); // // TODO: what about @import directives that are outside <style>? $str = preg_replace_callback('/@import (\'|")(.*?)\\1/i', array($this, 'css_import'), $str); // html $str = preg_replace_callback('@href\\s*=\\s*(["\'])(.+?)\\1@im', array($this, 'html_href'), $str); //$str = preg_replace_callback('@src=["|\']([^"\']+)["|\']@i', array($this, 'html_src'), $str); $str = preg_replace_callback('@src\\s*=\\s*(["|\'])(.+?)\\1@i', array($this, 'html_src'), $str); // sometimes form action is empty - which means a postback to the current page $str = preg_replace_callback('@<form[^>]*action=(["\'])(.*?)\\1[^>]*>@i', array($this, 'form_action'), $str); //$str = str_replace('document.forms[0]', 'document.forms[1]', $str); $response->setContent($str); }
public function forward(Request $request, $url) { // change request URL $request->setUrl($url); // prepare request and response objects $this->request = $request; $this->response = new Response(); $options = array(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => false, CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => false); // this is probably a good place to add custom curl options that way other critical options below would overwrite that $config_options = Config::get('curl', array()); $options = array_merge_custom($options, $config_options); $options[CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION] = array($this, 'header_callback'); $options[CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION] = array($this, 'write_callback'); // Notify any listeners that the request is ready to be sent, and this is your last chance to make any modifications. $this->dispatcher->dispatch('request.before_send', new ProxyEvent(array('request' => $this->request, 'response' => $this->response))); // We may not even need to send this request if response is already available somewhere (CachePlugin) if ($this->request->params->has('request.complete')) { // do nothing? } else { // any plugin might have changed our URL by this point $options[CURLOPT_URL] = $this->request->getUri(); // fill in the rest of cURL options $options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = explode("\r\n", $this->request->getRawHeaders()); $options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = $this->request->getMethod(); $options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $this->request->getRawBody(); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); // fetch the status - if exception if throw any at callbacks, then the error will be supressed $result = @curl_exec($ch); // there must have been an error if at this point if (!$result) { $error = sprintf('(%d) %s', curl_errno($ch), curl_error($ch)); throw new \Exception($error); } // we have output waiting in the buffer? $this->response->setContent($this->output_buffer); // saves memory I would assume? $this->output_buffer = null; } $this->dispatcher->dispatch('request.complete', new ProxyEvent(array('request' => $this->request, 'response' => $this->response))); return $this->response; }
// use user plugin from /plugins/ require_once './plugins/' . $plugin_class . '.php'; } else { if (class_exists('\\Proxy\\Plugin\\' . $plugin_class)) { // does the native plugin from php-proxy package with such name exist? $plugin_class = '\\Proxy\\Plugin\\' . $plugin_class; } } // otherwise plugin_class better be loaded already through composer.json and match namespace exactly \\Vendor\\Plugin\\SuperPlugin $proxy->getEventDispatcher()->addSubscriber(new $plugin_class()); } try { // request sent to index.php $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); // remove all GET parameters such as ?q= $request->get->clear(); // forward it to some other URL $response = $proxy->forward($request, $url); // if that was a streaming response, then everything was already sent and script will be killed before it even reaches this line $response->send(); } catch (Exception $ex) { // if the site is on then you may wish to redirect it back to if (Config::get("error_redirect")) { $url = render_string(Config::get("error_redirect"), array('error_msg' => rawurlencode($ex->getMessage()))); // Cannot modify header information - headers already sent header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found"); header("Location: {$url}"); } else { echo render_template("./templates/main.php", array('url' => $url, 'error_msg' => $ex->getMessage(), 'version' => Proxy::VERSION)); } }
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { // to be used when proxifying all the relative links $this->base_url = $event['request']->getUri(); $response = $event['response']; $str = $response->getContent(); $content_type = $response->headers->get('content-type'); // DO NOT do any proxification on .js files if ($content_type == 'text/javascript' || $content_type == 'application/javascript' || $content_type == 'application/x-javascript') { return; } // let's remove all frames?? does not protect against the frames created dynamically via javascript $str = preg_replace('@<iframe[^>]*>[^<]*<\\/iframe>@is', '', $str); // let's replace page titles with something custom if (Config::get('replace_title')) { $str = preg_replace('/<title[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/title>/ims', '<title>' . Config::get('replace_title') . '</title>', $str); } /* css if {1} is not there then youtube breaks for some reason */ $str = preg_replace_callback('@[^a-z]{1}url\\s*\\((?:\'|"|)(.*?)(?:\'|"|)\\)@im', array($this, 'css_url'), $str); // // TODO: what about @import directives that are outside <style>? $str = preg_replace_callback('/@import (\'|")(.*?)\\1/i', array($this, 'css_import'), $str); // html .*? just in case href is empty... $str = preg_replace_callback('@href\\s*=\\s*(["\'])(.*?)\\1@im', array($this, 'html_href'), $str); /* src= can be empty - then what? */ $str = preg_replace_callback('@src\\s*=\\s*(["|\'])(.*?)\\1@i', array($this, 'html_src'), $str); // sometimes form action is empty - which means a postback to the current page $str = preg_replace_callback('@<form[^>]*action=(["\'])(.*?)\\1[^>]*>@i', array($this, 'form_action'), $str); //$str = str_replace('document.forms[0]', 'document.forms[1]', $str); $response->setContent($str); }
function url_decrypt($url, $key = false) { $url = Config::get('url_mode') ? base64_url_decode($url) : rawurldecode($url); if ($key) { $url = str_rot_pass($url, $key, true); } else { if (Config::get('encryption_key')) { $url = str_rot_pass($url, Config::get('encryption_key'), true); } } return $url; }
function base64_decrypt($data, $key = false) { $data = base64_url_decode($data); if ($key) { $data = str_rot_pass($data, $key, true); } else { if (Config::get('encryption_key')) { $data = str_rot_pass($data, Config::get('encryption_key'), true); } } return $data; }