public function testParameters() { $table11 = Table11Peer::getTableMap(); $this->assertEquals(count($table11->getColumns()), 3, 'Sortable adds one columns by default'); $this->assertTrue(method_exists('\\Propel\\Tests\\Bookstore\\Behavior\\Table11', 'getRank'), 'Sortable adds a rank column by default'); $table12 = Table12Peer::getTableMap(); $this->assertEquals(count($table12->getColumns()), 4, 'Sortable does not add a column when it already exists'); $this->assertTrue(method_exists('\\Propel\\Tests\\Bookstore\\Behavior\\Table12', 'getPosition'), 'Sortable allows customization of rank_column name'); }
public function testRemoveFromList() { $t2 = Table12Peer::retrieveByRank(2, 1); $res = $t2->removeFromList(); $this->assertTrue($res instanceof Table12, 'removeFromList() returns the current object'); $this->assertNull($res->getRank(), 'removeFromList() resets the object\'s rank'); Table12Peer::clearInstancePool(); $expected = array(1 => 'row1', 2 => 'row2', 3 => 'row3', 4 => 'row4'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->getFixturesArrayWithScope(1), 'removeFromList() does not change the list until the object is saved'); $t2->save(); Table12Peer::clearInstancePool(); $expected = array(1 => 'row1', 2 => 'row3', 3 => 'row4'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->getFixturesArrayWithScope(1), 'removeFromList() changes the list once the object is saved'); $expected = array(1 => 'row5', 2 => 'row6'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->getFixturesArrayWithScope(2), 'removeFromList() leaves other suites unchanged'); }
protected function getFixturesArrayWithScope($scope = null) { $c = new Criteria(); if ($scope !== null) { $c->add(Table12Peer::SCOPE_COL, $scope); } $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(Table12Peer::RANK_COL); $ts = Table12Peer::doSelect($c); $ret = array(); foreach ($ts as $t) { $ret[$t->getRank()] = $t->getTitle(); } return $ret; }
public function testDeleteList() { $this->assertEquals(4, Table12Peer::deleteList(1), 'deleteList() returns the list of objects in the scope'); $this->assertEquals(2, Table12Peer::doCount(new Criteria()), 'deleteList() deletes the objects in the scope'); $this->assertEquals(2, Table12Peer::deleteList(2), 'deleteList() returns the list of objects in the scope'); $this->assertEquals(0, Table12Peer::doCount(new Criteria()), 'deleteList() deletes the objects in the scope'); }