public function addBooleanMutatorComment(&$script, Column $col) { $clo = $col->getLowercasedName(); $script .= "\n /**\n * Sets the value of the [{$clo}] column.\n * Non-boolean arguments are converted using the following rules:\n * * 1, '1', 'true', 'on', and 'yes' are converted to boolean true\n * * 0, '0', 'false', 'off', and 'no' are converted to boolean false\n * Check on string values is case insensitive (so 'FaLsE' is seen as 'false').\n * " . $col->getDescription() . "\n * @param boolean|integer|string \$v The new value\n * @return \$this|" . $this->getObjectClassName(true) . " The current object (for fluent API support)\n */"; }
/** * Appends the generated <column> XML node to its parent node. * * @param Column $column The Column model instance * @param \DOMNode $parentNode The parent DOMNode object */ private function appendColumnNode(Column $column, \DOMNode $parentNode) { $columnNode = $parentNode->appendChild($this->document->createElement('column')); $columnNode->setAttribute('name', $column->getName()); if ($phpName = $column->getPhpName()) { $columnNode->setAttribute('phpName', $phpName); } $columnNode->setAttribute('type', $column->getType()); $domain = $column->getDomain(); if ($size = $domain->getSize()) { $columnNode->setAttribute('size', $size); } if (null !== ($scale = $domain->getScale())) { $columnNode->setAttribute('scale', $scale); } $platform = $column->getPlatform(); if ($platform && !$column->isDefaultSqlType($platform)) { $columnNode->setAttribute('sqlType', $domain->getSqlType()); } if ($description = $column->getDescription()) { $columnNode->setAttribute('description', $description); } if ($column->isPrimaryKey()) { $columnNode->setAttribute('primaryKey', 'true'); } if ($column->isAutoIncrement()) { $columnNode->setAttribute('autoIncrement', 'true'); } if ($column->isNotNull()) { $columnNode->setAttribute('required', 'true'); } $defaultValue = $domain->getDefaultValue(); if ($defaultValue) { $type = $defaultValue->isExpression() ? 'defaultExpr' : 'defaultValue'; $columnNode->setAttribute($type, $defaultValue->getValue()); } if ($column->isInheritance()) { $columnNode->setAttribute('inheritance', $column->getInheritanceType()); foreach ($column->getInheritanceList() as $inheritance) { $this->appendInheritanceNode($inheritance, $columnNode); } } if ($column->isNodeKey()) { $columnNode->setAttribute('nodeKey', 'true'); if ($nodeKeySeparator = $column->getNodeKeySep()) { $columnNode->setAttribute('nodeKeySep', $nodeKeySeparator); } } foreach ($column->getVendorInformation() as $vendorInformation) { $this->appendVendorInformationNode($vendorInformation, $columnNode); } }
protected function getAddColumnComment(Column $column) { $pattern = "\nCOMMENT ON COLUMN %s.%s IS %s;\n"; if ($description = $column->getDescription()) { return sprintf($pattern, $this->quoteIdentifier($column->getTable()->getName()), $this->quoteIdentifier($column->getName()), $this->quote($description)); } }
public function testSetDescription() { $column = new Column(); $column->setDescription('Some description'); $this->assertSame('Some description', $column->getDescription()); }