protected function addShiftLevel(&$script)
     $objectClassName = $this->objectClassName;
     $useScope = $this->behavior->useScope();
     $tableMapClassName = $this->builder->getTableMapClass();
     $script .= "\n/**\n * Adds \$delta to level for nodes having left value >= \$first and right value <= \$last.\n * '\$delta' can also be negative.\n *\n * @param      int \$delta        Value to be shifted by, can be negative\n * @param      int \$first        First node to be shifted\n * @param      int \$last            Last node to be shifted";
     if ($useScope) {
         $script .= "\n * @param      int \$scope        Scope to use for the shift";
     $script .= "\n * @param      ConnectionInterface \$con        Connection to use.\n */\nstatic public function shiftLevel(\$delta, \$first, \$last" . ($useScope ? ", \$scope = null" : "") . ", ConnectionInterface \$con = null)\n{\n    if (\$con === null) {\n        \$con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getWriteConnection({$tableMapClassName}::DATABASE_NAME);\n    }\n\n    \$whereCriteria = new Criteria({$tableMapClassName}::DATABASE_NAME);\n    \$whereCriteria->add({$objectClassName}::LEFT_COL, \$first, Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL);\n    \$whereCriteria->add({$objectClassName}::RIGHT_COL, \$last, Criteria::LESS_EQUAL);";
     if ($useScope) {
         $script .= "\n    \$whereCriteria->add({$objectClassName}::SCOPE_COL, \$scope, Criteria::EQUAL);";
     $script .= "\n\n    \$valuesCriteria = new Criteria({$tableMapClassName}::DATABASE_NAME);\n    \$valuesCriteria->add({$objectClassName}::LEVEL_COL, array('raw' => {$objectClassName}::LEVEL_COL . ' + ?', 'value' => \$delta), Criteria::CUSTOM_EQUAL);\n\n    \$whereCriteria->doUpdate(\$valuesCriteria, \$con);\n}\n";