コード例 #1
  * Get the wraps for getter/setter, if the scope column has not the default name
  * @return string
 protected function addScopeAccessors(&$script)
     $script .= "\n/**\n * Wrap the getter for scope value\n *\n * @param boolean \$returnNulls If true and all scope values are null, this will return null instead of a array full with nulls\n *\n * @return    mixed A array or a native type\n */\npublic function getScopeValue(\$returnNulls = true)\n{\n";
     if ($this->behavior->hasMultipleScopes()) {
         $script .= "\n    \$result = array();\n    \$onlyNulls = true;\n";
         foreach ($this->behavior->getScopes() as $scopeField) {
             $script .= "\n    \$onlyNulls &= null === (\$result[] = \$this->{$this->behavior->getColumnGetter($scopeField)}());\n";
         $script .= "\n\n    return \$onlyNulls && \$returnNulls ? null : \$result;\n";
     } else {
         if ($this->behavior->getColumnForParameter('scope_column')->isEnumType()) {
             $columnConstant = strtoupper(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]/', '_', $this->getColumnAttribute('scope_column')));
             $script .= "\n    return array_search(\$this->{$this->getColumnGetter('scope_column')}(), {$this->tableMapClassName}::getValueSet({$this->tableMapClassName}::COL_{$columnConstant}));\n            ";
         } else {
             if ($this->behavior->getColumnForParameter('scope_column')->isSetType()) {
                 $columnConstant = strtoupper(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]/', '_', $this->getColumnAttribute('scope_column')));
                 $script .= "\n    try {\n        return SetColumnConverter::convertToInt(\$this->{$this->getColumnGetter('scope_column')}(), {$this->tableMapClassName}::getValueSet({$this->tableMapClassName}::COL_{$columnConstant}));\n    } catch (SetColumnConverterException \$e) {\n        throw new PropelException(sprintf('Value \"%s\" is not accepted in this set column', \$e->getValue()), \$e->getCode(), \$e);\n    }\n            ";
             } else {
                 $script .= "\n\n    return \$this->{$this->getColumnGetter('scope_column')}();\n";
     $script .= "\n}\n\n/**\n * Wrap the setter for scope value\n *\n * @param     mixed A array or a native type\n * @return    \$this|{$this->objectClassName}\n */\npublic function setScopeValue(\$v)\n{\n";
     if ($this->behavior->hasMultipleScopes()) {
         foreach ($this->behavior->getScopes() as $idx => $scopeField) {
             $script .= "\n    \$this->{$this->behavior->getColumnSetter($scopeField)}(\$v === null ? null : \$v[{$idx}]);\n";
     } else {
         $script .= "\n\n    return \$this->{$this->getColumnSetter('scope_column')}(\$v);\n";
     $script .= "\n}\n";
  * Get the setter of the column of the behavior
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string The related setter, e.g. 'setRank'
 protected function getColumnSetter($columnName = 'rank_column')
     return 'set' . $this->behavior->getColumnForParameter($columnName)->getPhpName();