コード例 #1
 public function handle(WriteLine $aCommand)
     if (!@file_put_contents($this->file, $aCommand->getLine() . "\n", FILE_APPEND)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Can not write new line to file %s. Access denied. Please check the permissions', $this->file));
コード例 #2
 if (isset($_GET['write'])) {
     //We are on the write side, so the resque-sample-bus needs information of how to send a message
     $commandBus = new CommandBus();
     $messageDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher(['track_job_status' => true, 'queue' => 'resque-sample']);
     $commandBus->utilize(new RegexRouter([RegexRouter::ALL => $messageDispatcher]));
     $commandBus->utilize(new ForwardToRemoteMessageDispatcherStrategy(new ProophDomainMessageToRemoteMessageTranslator()));
     //The PhpResqueMessageDispatcher uses a Redis-Server to manage background jobs
     //We want to track the status of the job and therefor we use the event system of MessageDispatcher to capture the JobId
     //of a new created Job
     $jobId = null;
     //After the MessageDispatcher has done it's work, we capture the JobId with an EventListener
     $messageDispatcher->events()->attach('dispatch.post', function (EventInterface $e) use(&$jobId) {
         $jobId = $e->getParam('jobId');
     //Prepare the Command
     $writeLine = WriteLine::fromPayload($_GET['write']);
     //...and send it to the message dispatcher via CommandBus
     echo 'Message is sent with JobId: ' . $jobId . '. You can check the status with ' . strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?') . '<b>?status=' . $jobId . '</b>';
 } elseif (isset($_GET['status'])) {
     $status = new \Resque_Job_Status($_GET['status']);
     switch ($status->get()) {
         case \Resque_Job_Status::STATUS_WAITING:
             echo 'Status: waiting. If you did not start a worker yet, than open a console, and run: <b>php ' . __DIR__ . '/start-worker.php</b>';
         case \Resque_Job_Status::STATUS_RUNNING:
             echo 'Status: running. Wait a moment, the job should finish soon.';
         case \Resque_Job_Status::STATUS_COMPLETE:
             echo 'Status: complete. You should see a new line with your text, when you open: <b>' . strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?') . '</b>';